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Alisha Matova

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Posts posted by Alisha Matova

  1. 1. Camera usage at banks is irrelevant to this thread. My point was about the leap from private cctv(usually deleted hourly) to full blown privatized copyright law enforcement. And copyright enforcment for only the elite copyright owners at that. Just try to use this as an artist...


    2. How will they find the bomber, if they don't check my bags?


    3. Where I live, fortunately, there are no cameras on the streets. So I don't rely on a false sense of security and make my safety my own responsibility.


    As far as some of us sounding like we have this right to privacy, well, it's because we Do. It's the fourth amendment.


  2. I should keep quiet, as I've said my piece...

    In America, if the police think I'm doing something wrong, there are strict procudures they must follow. Ianal, but it goes A little something like this.

    The police get some info that I'm being naughty. > then go to a Judge with that info and request a warrant. > That Well educated, well versed, Judge makes the tough decision to break my privacy rights. Only then can officers even(legaly) collect evidence against me. Due process.

    I suppose this process has been diluted by craziness like the Patriot Act and Homeland security, but with any luck we will ween ourself off those fear driven programs soon.

    Anyway, I see this kind of monitoring as an ugly way around due process and an obvious invasion of Everyone's privacy.


    Phil, I don't buy that because the are cameras at my ATM(which are there to protect Me from real criminals), that suddenly justifies tracking my web use. America has privacy laws that protect us from the police and other agencies. Hopefully a judge somewhere will clue into this subject and regulate RIAA and the IPSs Big Brother plans.


    Orwell wrote warnings, not handbooks.

  3. Hmm, well that didn't work. I still think it has something to do with the exporter. Maybe fiddle with the exporter options, or worst case, open the .dae in a text editor and see if something looks obviously wrong.


    Is this a group of mesh objects(linkset in world)? Or one mesh with multiple materials?

  4. That is odd. My only guess is you are close to 8 materials and could have uploaded with quads and triangles. My exporter will create a new material for any quad/triangle group. Easily pushing over the 8 material limit and producing very strange results, like this. Again, I am guessing(with a low caffeine level), but it might be worth converting the whole thing to triangles and upload again.

  5. @Rodvik


    I am ancient and barely remember my first steps. But I do remember why I initially stayed. I met a very fun avatar and we had a blast learning and teaching each other all things SL. I doubt I would have 'stuck' without her help/friendship.


    So my idea to save SL and fill the world with millions of noobs?


    The Noob Buddy System. Drop noobs in world in groups. Force them to interact, even, (perhaps)force friendship. Anything that raises the possibility of meeting like noob minds. Learning the world together is a big part of the magic.


    If there are any stats on the "First Land" program, I think you'll see the same sticky friendship pattern.

    ((I would actually interested in helping with such a plan. Call me!))

  6. Ooo that is good advice!


    I do a ton of sketching outside SL too. I also comb google images and architectural sites for the style of build I'm after(art deco, craftsmen, etc.), looking for designs that will translate into prims easily. I save a few images for reference, sometimes I'll even upload a sketch or two so I can see it in world while I'm building.

    I use the same flow in Blender. Setting up refference images as backgrounds or simply on planes.

  7. Oh! That is an interesting trick. Thanks!


    OT: (I figure this is related to the lack of center data. I do wish we could assign new centers or pivot points, like we were in the beta. I have a few rotatie things that i would love to meshify. These will remain sculpted until I can assign their pivot points.)

  8. Soo many ways to skin a cat nowadays!


    But if I'm building something for a particular location/size, I always start with a floor prim adjusted to fit the parcel neatly. Then, and I think the most important part, I use another prim to set the height of the ceiling, or second floor, then do the same for the doorway area. Getting the scale right, and the camera happy inside, now will save you large headaches later, and help you decide what to build.

    • Like 2
  9. ^ This.


    And what a pain This can be with anything complex, like a house.


    Does anyone have any blender specific tricks? cuz my workflow is full of sadness and involves multiple upload failures before I get things lined up neatly.


  10. I'm not so sure. Yes I agree that pirating is bad. But, RIAA's power play is disgusting. It shows just how powerful these corporations have become. They go to congress and get denied, so they pass some cash around and do it behind closed doors, instead.

    I think it is that, and the perceived loss of more freedoms that are causing discontent here. At least for me.


    Are you in the UK Phil? I ask because the UK is far ahead of the US with surveillance and other Big Brother feeling practices. Is it possible you have become numb to privacy invasion and over powered government(or business) tactics? I certainly dont mean that in a bad way. I'm just wondering if it's a mater of perspective. In the US we are just starting to deal with new cameras and techie privacy issues now, and have our guard up. Maybe in a few years we will have no choice but to put up with it as well.

  11. That's the part that gets under my skin the most. I don't understand why groups of corporations get to make up their own 'laws'. This agreement actually reads pretty good, as Phil pointed out. But it's shocking to me that corporations can collectively wield so much power.

    What if all the car manufacturers got together and came up with an anti speeding agreement? If their gps data shows you speeding your car stops working or you're stuck driving at 20mph. We would be screaming bloody murder, mostly about how car manufacturers have Way too much power. Why should ISP/RIAA be aloud to do something similar?


    If all the ISPs got together on pricing they would all have their day in court, why is this any different? Where do consumer rights come in?


    Questions! I haz them!


  12. I think there is room for both SL and CP. Especially if CP stays locked to FB. Each world will raise awareness of VR in general.


    As far as old SL content goes, it is SL's history. If you remove all that content, you get an empty world like CP. And all that CP has over SL right now(from a creators pov) are materials and object rigging(so far). Old SL content isn't holding us back either. Sure backwards compatibility challenges the Devs, but it's how web development has always worked. Ie: newest browsers can still view ancient web pages.


    What CP doesn't have yet: governance, staff, safe harbor, permissions, economy, etc. etc. I figure they are working on stuff, but as we all know all too well, how these basic concepts are developed and applied will make all the difference.


    Certainly interesting to watch, though.


    (I think I could have used some more initials in this post. =P)

  13. Yay!

    I tend to use remove doubles a lot. Instead of weld. It is pretty handy, as it has a radius adjustment.

    Which made me think This:  The brick area of could be lower poly.  Please don't take that the wrong way!  But this is exactly what I use 'remove doubles' for.  I would grab all the verts from one corner of the outer brick edge and scale them to zero (S,0).  Then repeat that on all 4 corners and remove doubles.  Zoom, -32 verts. =D


    lots o faces.jpgThis one has some extra faces and verts along the flat edges.









    This one I removed all the extra poly. It is almost half the faces. I think the center circle could be simpler as well, but the pool connection makes that a bit more complicated to illustrate.

    lesser faces.jpg

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  14. I would guess that those faces are not assigned to a texture. Try selecting them and opening a new texture or pinning them to an extisting one.

  15. Ha! That's great! Congrats on wrestling the navmesh into shape.


    The video spurred a fun idea. How about wearable tiger training whip that messages the kitteh. Pushing it into Flee state? Gosh, with some alpha toggling of posed models, the same whip make the tiger to tricks too.


    Pathfinding is gunna be do much fun.

  16. I'm not a Mac so I doubt I'll be much help. My first idea is file paths. Make sure they are located somewhere your OS is happy writing to. My other idea is mouse related. A 3 button scroller wheelie mouse makes Blender much easier to use.


    Wish I could help more. Maybe try searching Blender specific sites for Mac info.

  17. I found the quickest way to establish a list of *useful* points was to use another new function.


    This avoids using waypoints that could be unnavigable.

    Also, when creating or updating a character, you can define the "capsule" radius and length(along with a lot of other behaviors). If you define the character as very tall, you can make it appear to float.  This can get laggy in a complex environment, as you're pathing a tall pole around. But it does seem to work efficiently if the area its pathing on is very simple.

  18. What we have now is 2d pathfinding. Volumetric 3d pathfinding may be on the map, but I'm not in the loop and from what I hear, it's not an easy thing to add to SL.  We can still pathfind up in the sky and underwater.  For now we'll just have to fake it by baking platforms into the navmesh.

  19. I have no idea if this is in the live servers, or if I have already said too much =P lol.

    llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_CHARACTER_TIME]);

    100 to 150 ms threshold seemed to catch any stuck or misbehaving critters. iirc

  20. Ok,where to start!


    The unicycle is using pathfinding(just like the goat). In fact the only KFM script in those sims is in the boat tour.

    I'm not certain about pathing critters costing 15LI, I'll have to look into that. I think the odd counts you're seeing in the wilderness are due to it being built as LL developed the code. So not the best place for consistency, especially related to prim count.


    Yes, pathfinding is great for tour vehicles. The goat and unicycle use a list of points and one llNavigateTo call to do the entire route. Yes one call, rolls thru the whole list, can cross boarders(script still runs in first sim, so no need for grid coords). I may trim the code and paste an example here, if there is any interest.


    As far as maximum critters per sim goes, each wilderness sim has over 200 critters at any time. And that's being conservative. (the rezzers and critters there have some smartness built in. The critters watch their CPU usage and self delete if over a certain amount, and the rezzers throttle if the sims td drops too much.)


    That said, ultimately the sims geometry will determine max critter numbers. Too many movable objects, or many physically unoptomized builds will limit things. If we can clean up that über complex jungle to an efficient level then rest of SL should be pretty easy.


    A couple of us are putting together more info for the wiki. Big subject though, and crosses into physics optimization.

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  21. I see that issue coming too, and so did the path team. The tools will accommodate everyone.

    Most users will not need all these tools, only the Freeze and Unfreeze buttons.


    For example, you want to sell a pathfindable house, maze, etc. Simple set all the pathfinding parameters and box it up. Once purchased, the end user only has to Unfreeze, rez and position, and Freeze again. This will regenerate the navmesh, including the new house, maze, etc.


    I see this opening up two markets at once, pathfinding critters, and pathfinding builds. And maybe even a 'pathfinding optimization' service type business.


    All in all, these tools have been well thought out, and will be very useful for every level of user. (especially the linkset tool! Gosh it's handy!)


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