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Abigail Merlin

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Posts posted by Abigail Merlin

  1. As a estate owner I get regular requast to restart sims because people experiance lag, when i go to check out I see no server side lag but usualy a lot of network lag from huge textures and complicated mesh objects being loaded.

    Does anyone have an artikle that I can use to point out that in today's SL regulary restarting sims is not the surefire way to fix a laggy sim anymore?

    network lag is getting worse with the popularety of mesh buildings and more and more sims I visit show a high network lag

  2. Madeliefste Oh wrote:

    iCade wrote:


    The prices has only mildly fluctuated and the VAT charge is €0.30 constant. Lately prices have barely changed.

    Are you sure that that is VAT, iCade?

    I thought that was the price for the service that paypal charges. Would be more logical, since VAT is always in % over the complete sum, and not a fixed amount.

    Yes there is no zerro nill VAT on Lindex, you buy and sell L$ to other residents so VAt rules do not come in effect just like when you sell your used chair on ebay or marktplaats etc.

  3. one question for those complaining that I do not go above the TOS of SL, do you expect sim owners to police their renters in line with your personal ethics? I don't like bestualety or rape, should I check all my renters to make sure they do not have a scripted sex animal? or likewise if your neighbours are having a RL sexual ageplay party will you complain as wel?

    If I happen to see something that is against the TOS I will most likely inform the renter first if they are aware they are breaking the rules and only if they do not adjust so they comply with the rules will I report but I will not activly go looking what they are up to, that would be a serius breach of privatie.

    There are to many self apointed moral police officers already. report if you see it but don't go looking for it

  4. cerise, that is enough to believe nothing has changed.

    as for why I would rent out land to someone who enjoys that, if LL allows it then who am I to judge otherwise, it would be poor business to press my moral values on my renters, especialy in todays market. Imagine going into a RL shop and being refused because you are not christian, you would be sure to tell everyone who wants to listen not to shop there.

    offcourse now it is clear that LL does still enforce it morals do not come into play, it's not alowed so I don't have to worry about it.

  5. I was just told that TOS 8.2 (iv) aka sexual ageplay, is nolonger being enforced.

    Personaly I don't beliefe it on hearsay but as landlord of an adult sim it would be usefull to know what I can tell my renters what is or is not alowed.

    So can anyone confirm if enforcement is indeed dropped because the TOS is not updated in almost 2 years.

  6. I'm not sure if this is related to the messed up roll but I'll post it here anyway in case it is:

    I'm trying to buy things from market place as a gift, yesterday they got stuck waiting for delivery and ended up being refunded from sl communication timeout, one hour ago I tried again and again the items are left pending delivery, I checked the stores to make sure there is an active magicbox and in both stores there was.

    Any ideas?

  7. Iam, the marketing exsamples you refer to are cookie tracking tools, not IP gathering, you can easely show this by doing the same test on 2 different computers behind the same router using 2 different subjects, both have the same IP but still show different targeted ads. advertisers know IP#'s are useless for identety tracking as does LL, they nolonger do IP banning on permabans.

  8. I suspect in 2005 or before the avatar colision box was a set size but for years now the colision box scales with the avatar hight, it still does not match the avtar itself tho, the x and y size is fixed for all avatars and z reflect the avatar in standing position, if you crawl laydown or squat it can happen that you look like you can craw under something but still get stopped because the colision bounding box is to high, als your head can disapear into a wall because the avatar sticks out the bounding box in that direction.

    A litle trivia, animations and bounding box are linked to the pelvis.

  9. It's time to upgrade my video card (the internal intel HD just does not cut it) and in my budged it appears to come down to 2 options, a Radeon HD 6850 based card or a Gforce GTX550ti based card, both 1 GB.

    What would be the best preforming card for firestorm and phoenix viewers?

  10. Hippotech works good for me, bonus is that it is copy so you can have as many secured places as you need, for estate managers it has the bonus of working with their rental system but most people won't care about that.

    • Like 1
  11. one of my alts is a teenage avatar (roleplayed as 16 years) used for non sexual kidnap roleplay.

    I use RLV attachments to help with this but yesterday someone pretended to start a kidnapping so I granted access to the rlv item, once teleported I noticed a number of sexual poseballs so I asked in OOC text if he realised I was playing an 16 year old teen and he responded that he was and still proceded to force my avatar on a sexual poseball and start a sexual roleplay, luckely I could call in help to get me out of that situation, after that the abuser IMed me that he hoped I and every teenage avatar on my sim gets banned because according to him teen avatars are not alowed to use RLV in the first place and have to stay on PG sims.


    The WIKI about sexual ageplay mentions nothing about RLV but does word that placing a childavatar near sexual poses is not alowed: *For instance, the placement of avatars appearing to represent minors in proximity to "sex beds" or other sexualized graphics, objects, or scripts would violate our Community Standards, as would the placement of sexualized "pose balls" or other content in areas depicting playgrounds or children's spaces. *

    The question now is three fold,

    1)who was placing the avatar near the poseballs in this case, the abuser or myself?

    2)is RLV alowed for child avatars seeing the number of non sexual uses currently being in use including several aimed at child avatars specificaly? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Yuus-Nuuu-Parent-Kids-Greatest-Tool-SL-Child-Essentials/1759349

    3)am I correct that he is blowing smoke with his claim that teen avatars are limited to PG regions?

  12. Catwise Yoshikawa wrote:

    O_O So is possible to add mesh to a viwer 1? I won't ask why LL didn't do that...but why phoenix didn't do that also? I still don't like viwer 2 parts in firestorm

    Nice news ^^

    From what I can read in the release notes is that the cool vl viewer merged the v2.6 render engine into the v1.4 snowglobe viewer, henry goes trough extreme lengths to backport features and keep old desirable features (like the old style communications window where the friends list and groups list are seperate)

  13. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is having problems paying LL using their paypal account.

    After some struggeling and billing blaming paypal I have found 2 cases where paying does work.

    first of all your account needs to be verified and have a bank account linked to it for it to be accepted but that is not enough for payments to work, the paypall account must either have enough balance to cover what you want to pay or you must also have a credit card linked to the paypal account.

    In other words, you have to have a bank account linked but it is not even used.

    one detail, linking my credidcard directly to my payment info does not work either, you would almsot think LL does want my money with all the hoops I have to jump trough to pay them.


    edit: strange I posted this in general discusions forum, ah wel

    Edit 2: in response of nyll, one of the backup funding has to be a creditcard, bank account will NOT work conterary to what the wiki claims.

  14. Peewee Musytari wrote:

    Gia2Black wrote:

    My person can't Log In because they got rid of both names. So now I have to use a username, but I used the oringal name I gave my character, and nothings working! Her name was "Cutie Pie". Can you help?????

    If you are trying to login somewhere that asks for first name and last name you need to use:

    First name = Gia2Black

    Last name = Resident


    or if you have to log in with only a single username box just put them both in the single box either seperated by a space or a .

    Cutie Pie or cutie.pie


    good luck

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