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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE...... And to you Karen! Peace!
  2. Madelaine McMasters wrote: valerie Inshan wrote: Now I'll have to figure how to take off the lights strings till the next Xmas! Val, if you look at my forum badge (before it changes), you'll see I've an efficient way of taking care of that. All you need is a blowtorch. Happy New Year's Day, Kids!!! LOL! Happy New year Maddy! Peace!
  3. valerie Inshan wrote: Now I'll have to figure how to take off the lights strings till the next Xmas! Happy New Year Maddy, Par and Hippie! May 2015 treat you gently and keep you and loved ones safe an happy! Awwww! Good morning Val and all! Hey Val! you make the 9000'th post in this old thread! Thank you staying with me all the way! Love ya! Peace!
  4. Parhelion Palou wrote: I suspect Hippie is already partying too hard to post something, so happy hump day (and final day of 2014)! Oh my! I am a Slacker! Happy happy New Year to you Par! Peace!
  5. Good morning all! Happy Sunday! The Breakfast club pulls up to Kasi and Ben's place today! Breakfast starts at 8 AM and all are welcome! Watch my feed for a location post @ https://my.secondlife.com/hippie.bowman Peace!
  6. Happy Day after Christmas! It is Friday! I will be off for 11 more days! Woot! Peace!
  7. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: Thank you so much, Hippie!! Hope your holiday was fantastic! It was indeed Aislin! Happy Holidays to you and yours! Peace!
  8. valerie Inshan wrote: Merry Christmas Hippie, Maddy, Par and all! May you all spend happy moments with your loved ones! I'll be at my parents' place myself for a few days for warm moments in family (not to mention our dog and cat Gordon and Poppy!). Be blessed my friends! Bless you Val! Have a wonderful Holiday! Peace!
  9. LlazarusLlong wrote: I ate two packets of liqueur chocolates for breafast, washed down with rum and cherry coffee (don't ask - my daughter has some funny ideas about "fusion") and at the moment I am snacking on mint truffles while laughing at people who have nothing else to do over Christmas except post to forums. In an hour or so I shall eat all the non-vegetable elements of whatever is put in front of me, unless it's burnt, again, then pig out on a whole four-portion christmas pudding washed down with a pint of armagnac sauce and drink most of a bottle of port to accompany a selection of English, French, Dutch and Spanish cheeses before snoring through the Queen's Speech only to awake for a TV programme featuring a time-travelling doctor, mention of which apparently "is not permitted in this community", during which I will annoy my fangirl daughter by criticising the showrunner's choice of actors for the Doctor and Companion before retiring early to bed while my wife entertains the neighbours and apologises for my absence, so I can read the December edition of Wired guest-edited by Christopher Nolan and finish The Rise of Endymion by Dan SImmons while scoffing Twiglets. Pretty much the same as last year. Fantastic Laz! You are holding up tradition indeed! Have a great holiday! Peace!
  10. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Traditionally, I rely only upon alcohol with which to impair my functionality throughout the duration of this most festive of holidays. This year, I have the option of also using an extremely potent herbal anti-depressant, a recently filled prescription of Vicodin and, if all else fails, half a bottle of NyQuil... and that doesn't even take into consideration the half-priced Boston Cream Pie I bought yesterday. I'm more than certain that this time around, I'll find the right combination of these ingrediments to ensure my ability to attain at least the illusion of this so-called Peace on Earth about which I've been hearing so damned much. Happy Holiday, Hippie... may you and your lovely Lady have the best Christmas ever. ...Dres *may brake tradition next month as well and not actually get naked for Hippiestock* P.S. Hahaha... yeah, right. Merry Christmas Dres. And you not naked at Hippiestock would seem weird indeed! HAHAH! Have a good holiday my friend! Peace!
  11. Josephine Carissa wrote: Hippy, What a wonderful christmas, you and your lady sound like my kind of folks : ) it was a joy to read your post. Best wishes, josephine Awwww! Thank you Josephine! Merry Christmas to you and yours! Peace!
  12. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: This year I had to spend what I had saved for Christmas on car repairs:smileymad:So, we decided not to even do gifts this year. It's all good though, because I got such an incredible gift today. A couple weeks ago, I re herniated 3 discs in my back, when I had the CT scan they found a mass on my left adrenal gland. I had a follow up CT on Monday, and got the results today; NOTHING THERE!!! It, apparently, was an anomaly!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!!!! OH that is a fantastic gift Aislin! May it continue to me an anomaly! Merry Christmas Aislin! Peace!
  13. Tari Landar wrote: Christmas eve tradition is...A Christmas Story, of course(and yes we run it the entire 24 hours it plays, because it's awesome ). After that we put out the reindeer food, which in our neck of the woods is actually food for the deer and other random wildlife, and cookies + Oj for the big red guy(he really doesn't like milk as much as people think). Then we read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, put on new pjs, and the kids go to bed. In fact, it's the only night of the year my kids have an actual bedtime. Christmas morning...stockings first, until everyone is awake, then the kids open their gifts, clean up the mess and enjoy whatever they got. Next it's Christmas at grandma's and lunch/dinner there as well. No clue what's on the menu this year, but it'll be yummy no matter what. Then it's back home to enjoy their new things, and likely an early bedtime, because they're tired as all get out by then, and it's usually kinda l ate. As for gifts...I don't get gifts, I only give. However this year one of the companies I work with, in lieu of a holiday bonus, sent in a donation to an amazing organization that helps homeless children in the US. The best holiday bonus ever, imo. That is wonderful! And after all it is the giving that counts! Merry Christmas Tari! Peace!
  14. Wonderful Nox! Have a fantastic Christmas! Peace!
  15. Aww Tarina. That is a hard pill to swallow. I hope you can be happy soon. Peace!
  16. Lia Abbot wrote: Merry Christmas everyone! Lia! /me hugs you up! Merry Christmas! Peace!
  17. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: Hhmmmm. I will be at work like I have been for the past several years. This year the aquarium is closed though, so the kids are going to join me and help get everything fed and taken care of. There are birds to play with, reptiles to cuddle, sharks to feed, my octopus to spoil (I got him a new puzzle) and crustaceans and cnidarians to squirt food at. I guess my Christmas is no different than anyone else's. That's what everyone does... right? Cinnamon OMG Cinn! Sounds like sooo much fun! Merry Christmas to you! Peace!
  18. Dillon Levenque wrote: Sounds like fun, Hippie. We'll be home for Christmas, too. We usually are. Dinner will be roast sirloin (the rest of the year roast beef is from a lesser cut but on Christmas I have them cut me a big chunk of top sirloin). I'm thinking of taking a shot at Yorkshire Pudding this year. I've never had it but the Brits seem to think it's absolutely delightful with roast beef and gravy. Have a great Christmas! Sounds scrumptious Dil! I have a friend that goes to a steakhouse on Christmas and gets a large steak for Christmas! Maybe next year we will break tradition again! Happy Holidays! Peace!
  19. Do any of you have a tradition, broken or otherwise? Peace!
  20. HI everyone. It is Christmas eve, and I am thinking about tradition. This year Lady and I are breaking tradition. Tradition for us goes somthing like this: I will get home from work on Christmas eve day, and most likely, not leave the house for 2 days. We open our presents on Christmas eve, as all of our children have grown up, and we do not have to go through the charade of Santa Claus coming and leaving the presents under the tree, to be opened on Christmas morning. We will have a very simple dinner on Christmas eve. A Polish ham, and it don't even have to be heated, and a simple potatoe salad, that is made from potatoes, celery, mayonnaise, and that's it! Then I will settle down, next to the woman I love so much, and bask in the warmth, of hearth, and home, and our togetherness! On Christmas day, off we go to one of the sons home for gastronomic delight! Then back home stuffed and happy, knowing that I have some days off ahead to recharge. Now the break in Tradition: This year Lady and I want shopping together, and got each other what they wanted. Most of this was online this year. We are already enjoying our presents to each other. nice break. Christmas eve is we are having a Party at the Bowmans. No Polish Ham. No potatoe salad. <sigh> Instead, shrimp, cheese, chicken wings, beer and other adult beverages. Close friends and reletives, enjoying each other in the festive mood. Christmas day! We are staying home! I have wanted to stay home for Christmas for years! Lady will cook a turkey breast this year. I will peel potatoes. Maybe I will open the can of Polish ham on Christmas day evening. Then I will settle down in the evening, next to the woman I love so much, and bask in the warmth, of hearth, and home, and our togetherness! So all in all it think this break in tradition was a good one! Have a Merry Christmas everyone! Peace!
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