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Sy Beck

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Posts posted by Sy Beck

  1. A spoof website known as getafirstlifecom (now gone), which replicated the then SL website and that the lab was going to issue a cease and desist order to till somebody in the lab told the legal department to get a sense of humour - circa 2006-07?  

    Sorry for the poor quality




    Have just found a tiny extract of the email that LL's legal department eventually sent.  It opens with commentary from the author of the website.


    Today I awoke from my nap to a letter (via the comments on the announcement) from Linden Labs, the creators of Second Life. 'Ah, well', I though, 'here come the lawyers'. But no. To their enormous credit, they sent me what I can only describe as a 'proceed and permitted' (instead of 'cease and desist') letter. Here's an excerpt:

    "We do not believe that reasonable people would argue as to whether the website located at http://www.getafirstlife.com/ constitutes parody – it clearly is. Linden Lab is well known among its customers and in the general business community as a company with enlightened and well-informed views regarding intellectual property rights, including the fair use doctrine, open source licensing, and other principles that support creativity and self-expression.

    We know parody when we see it."*


    *See?  They used to have a sense of humour

  2. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    Phil Deakins wrote:

    A tiny universe within our own universe must be subject to the constraints of our universe. One of those is what is believed to be the shortest length possible. I think that's the Planck length. So, since or own planet is subject to those constraints, and yet is hardly even a speck in the universe, a tiny universe wouldn't be possible. A tiny something might become possible, but not a tiny universe with stars, planets, things on the planets, atoms and molecules making up the things, etc.

    Creating a universe has to mean that it is not within our own.

    ETA: If we ever came to the point of creating a universe that is not within our own, we wouldn't even know that we'd done it. We may be unintentionally doing it quite often. We don't know whether or not the collisions of particles in the colliders cause new universes to come into existance. There's infinite 'room' for them in Null.

    Your use of the term "within" doesn't fully comprehend the concept of dimensions. If we are able to create universes by somehow manipulating these unseen extra dimensions that string theory posits, they would not be "within" or "inside" ours, and we would not be within or inside theirs. All universes, including the ones we create, would perceive whatever dimensions they could within the N-dimensional space that comprises the super-universe that contains everything. So maybe it's helpful to consider a super-universe that encompasses all the dimensions ( from 10 to 26, depending on who you ask). This N-dimensional super-universe would contain countless sub-universes.

    I'm no expert on such things, to be sure, but I think "sub-universe" creation could depend on the ability of any other sub-universe to move "information" along one of its potentially (or currently or practically) invisible dimensions, perhaps from another sub-universe. If that can happen, then one sub-universe could create another, but potentially be unable to probe it, or perhaps even know it had been created.

    This tangentially hits upon what I mentioned eons back in this thread about how a single consciousness can create/observe a universe and therefore all things are possible within it, including any number of dimensions.


    "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

    Hamlet Act 1, scene 5, 159-167



  3. The organisation I worked for sent me and two colleagues in to investigate SL's potential for promotion, recruitment and marketing in the summer of 2006.  Second Life was becoming the FB of it's time and businesses and organisations thought that they had to have a presence here.  We assessed SL as having no potential for a RL business, apart from some vanity marketing, in our minds after about 2-3 weeks.  We were only supposed to be on a 3 month project, but we convinced our employer to extend it to 6 months because we were having a ball on company time and expenses.  Why we never bought a sim on the company money still puzzles us to this day.

    After the project ended I was so hooked I came back in Feb 2007 on this avi because I loved building.  I bought 3 sims to indulge myself and have been here on and off with varying levels of commitment ever since.  I have since ditched the 3 sims after the VAT introduction and now only use SL for socialising with my friends.  I spend more time in InWorldz now where I can afford the tier to indulge myself in building.  Both my other colleagues are still in SL too.  One is now a university lecturer in social and online media and actually teaches classes in SL.  Wisely, this time he did get his employers to pay for a sim.

  4. Anaiya Arnold wrote:

    Sy Beck wrote:

    And what if there is no universe, no space, matter or time and I am just a concious entity alone, but capable of imagining all those things and all that exists around me and able to imagine the physical and emotional sensations they might possess and/or express and all of you are just constructs of my conscience?

    I look forward to hearing back from myself shortly.

    Je pense, donc je suis

    Then I must shift the blame from Morgan to you.

    I blame you!

    I accept my blame and forgive me, me.

  5. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    Wouldn't it also be possible that this creator was, in a sense, incompetent? By that I mean able to concoct a set of rules by which everything could could evolve, but unable to comprehend the complexity of the result? If we're gonna make up theories, I like that one as I could at least identify with the poor thing.

    Pretty much a metaphor for parenthood there Maddy.  

  6. Porky Gorky wrote:

    Sy Beck wrote:

    And what if there is no universe, no space, matter or time and I am just a conscious entity alone, but capable of imagining all those things and all that exists around me and able to imagine the physical and emotional sensations they might possess and/or express and all of you are just constructs of my conscience?

    I look forward to hearing back from myself shortly.

    Je pense, donc je suis

    I think I heard this theory on the afore mentioned Morgan Freeman show. It is an interesting theory and a really neat and tidy one with no room for any unanswerable questions apart from one.

    If you are just a conscious entity and all existence is a manifestation of your consciousness, then all we need to know is how
     came into existence sy?


    Good reply myself and one I have been ruminating upon to be smartass back at myself again.  Before I'm able to answer myself I guess I'd have to answer what is conscious thought.  It's not matter, it exerts no force by itself, it occupies no particular space, but in its operation it can be anywhere at anytime and these are just a few of its peculiarities.  Once I've nailed that bit of fog to the wall I might have a better answer for myself me.

    Of course in this scenario I am God, so a touch more respect next time when you're addressing your deity otherwise I'll forget you, by which I mean me.  Things get confusing and paradoxical in this concept.

  7. And what if there is no universe, no space, matter or time and I am just a concious entity alone, but capable of imagining all those things and all that exists around me and able to imagine the physical and emotional sensations they might possess and/or express and all of you are just constructs of my conscience?

    I look forward to hearing back from myself shortly.

    Je pense, donc je suis

  8. Anaiya Arnold wrote:

    How would embedded advertising that also happens to be part of the "shared experience" work exactly?  Obviously it's not part of the log on screen or part of the UI since none of that is part of the shared experience. 

    Will a 3 D mesh logo object rezz in world every time we rezz a new prim proclaiming "this prim provided by Pepsi" and give out partial credit to anyone who instantly shouts back "the voice of a new generation?"

    Oh I don't know, but how about all TPs screens will last a minimum of 20 secs with elevator music and ads while you wait or popups on your screen when you login with ads from today's sponsor that you have to click to clear.  I could think of many more irritating ways, but I don't want to give them ideas they may not yet thought of.

  9. Pserendipity Daniels makes an interesting claim/point in the feeds over what may be another purpose of the TPV changes.



    Oh, by the way, the reason for the change in policy about Third Party Viewers is not because of anything the TPVs are doing at the moment, but because LL are about to insert advertising into the user experience - and they don't want TPVs to be able to do what the netintelligentsia do with AdBlock on Firefox to eliminate adverts. Pep (Go on Viale/Rod, tell me I am wrong, and make yourself public liars!) PS Again.

    So far no advertiser would seriously consider it because most users use TPVs, who would/could block any advertising, and any such introduction of embedded advertising into the LL viewer would force the number of TPV users even higher.

    So what would LL have to do to secure that advertising dollar? Firstly, remove any information showing what TPVs other users might be using apart from the LL viewer, don't want advertisers seeing that LL doesn't control the monopoly on viewers or even a sizeable majority of the market and then secondly, dictate that all TPVs must adhere to the same viewer experience that will be rammed down the throats of V2/V3 users, namely advertising.

    Slap me on the ass and call me Susan if this isn't on the cards.

  10. Sassy Romano wrote:

    Sy Beck wrote:

    Sorry if this has already been covered, but I'm scan reading and in a rush.  Does this mean that we will no longer be able to have free/temp previews of textures before deciding to upload that some of the TPVs provide?  That's one non-feature of the LL viewer I don't wish to share in thank you very much.

    That's my understanding yes although I fail to see how this is a feature that breaks the "shared experience" since if I upload a temp texture in my funky viewer, even mortals in their LL viewer can ALSO see the same texture on a prim.

    So from this you can take it that they really really want that L$10 although Oz Linden did say during the audio something about it being better if people didn't have to pay the L$10 to upload a texture (i'm hopelessly misquoting Oz there) but Smarmy Linden (I don't know which one he was but he came across that way) said that "people could just go to play Linden Realms and in a couple of hours earn a couple of dozen L$ instead".

    No, people don't see temp textures.  I've often asked friends their opinion on a sculpt or a texture and they look blankly at me either seeing an unformed sculpt or a plywood prim.

    [ETA and lol @ Smarmy Linden]

  11. Hi Friscolives.  

    Not asking questions is one way to stay dumb so ask away.  You may find the link below useful to you in the future when you are at work and need to find answers to anything.  It was compiled by Void Singer with additional help from many other knowledgeable residents.  It contains all the known resources that a newbie or veteran will need to get help or information.

    At the end of the there is a tip to keep to keep the post pinned to the top of the forum board so you can access it quickly when you need it.

    Enjoy your SL


  12. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    Eloise Baily wrote:

    I suggest you watch this

    And I'll add this for color. Not the same topic, but it's in the vicinity...

    Also on a tangent, Carl Sagan dismissed the possibility of visiting aliens by postulating that, and I paraphrase,

    "If they are here and trying to remain unseen they are not doing a very good job of it and if they are here to make contact they are doing an even worse job."

  13. 1. Describe yourself in two words?


    2. What surprised you last?

    That I didn't have an answer for this?

    3. What is your current favorite song or album - one you are obsessing over?

    4. What is your mood or feeling today? (Or for you NT types, if you prefer: What is most occupying your thoughts?)

    Deprived of sleep with a 20hr stretch of work to come tomorrow.

    5. What do you most hope for this year?

    That all those who believe in Mayan prophecies get a new Mayan calendar for Christmas.



  14. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    Seven Overdrive wrote:

    That build you showed in the link is gorgeous and is the type of quality we need to see more of in SL.  

    oh i agree it is nice to see quality on that level..

    i will say this though..i don't know if i would go walking in there with my settings on ultra and and everything on high..lol

    i had to drop down my settings a lot..mainly because i'm due for a new system..but the nice thing is..you don't need them that high to enjoy the quality..it's built into the house and not a system setting..so you can turn them way down and still enjoy that high quality feeling..=)

    that to me is all around quality built for more than just the high end system users..=)

    I am on ultra settings and like you I could stare at the pool for ages and that bathroom is just the most awesomely well done piece of interior texturing I think I've seen in SL.  I should point out that I'm in no way connected with the creators, don't even own the house, just wanted to say how breathtaking it is, especially at night.

  15. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    i don't know if it will be that extreme..prims have lasted through the whole sculptie phase..

    i don't think the majority of sl are builders..i think they are creative..but i think mesh may only hit part of the market..i don't see it overtaking..there will always be prim and sculpt builds and now mesh..

    mesh will only be an advantage on prim cost if the one making the mesh knows how to do that..

    otherwise mesh could end up costing more  allowance than the others..

    we have 64m prims now..and we can twist and shape them without them reverting..so these megas are different than the megas in the past..

    people that wanted to learn sculpties learned sculpties..it didn't send builders away..there were some great builds prim builds still going on..sculpts helped to add some nice things we couldn't get from a prim..once the rush to making everything sculpts died down..

    i think we will see the same thing with mesh..

    the biggest markets i see being hit with mesh is clothes and things surrounding the avatars where sculpts really made their biggest impact..i think in the end mesh will help to enhance the others..i don't think mesh is going to overtake them..because they are all options...

    what may happen is this..you may see people investing time in learning mesh rather than sculpts..but i don't see people  turning away from the prim tools and not learning how to twist up something when the creative feel hits them..

    there are a lot of people out there that just don't build...

    and then there are times when those that do just don't feel like it..


    like me for instance..i just bought this prefab yesterday and love it =)

    i wish i could just link the images  but these forums won't let us..so here is the link..

    it's a beautiful home and looks exactly the same in my sim as it does in those pictures as far as real looking..it just amazed me..


    this is at a time when sl was really becoming boring to me..i had seen this home and my eyes lit up ..then later found a nice barn for some riding horses that i decided to go out and get after getting the house..

    mainly because i felt really good having a home that really felt like a home in sl..

    i think builders want to build... merchants want to sell...and residents that just want to be residents want to live a nice second life with a nice piece of land..get settled and moved in to where they can feel right at home..

    i think if people can make a better home or wheel or fire or whatever..more power to them..i only see it as a closer step to making my home feel more like one that i would never want to leave =)

    i think there are a lot of people that feel that way..they just want their niche whatever that may be and get in it and escape for a little while..

    it's all about being able to be distracted from RL..something everyone needs at some point =)



    This is an amazing coincidence.  I saw this house the other day and was totally blown away and only this morning I was talking to someone about it and was about to PM them with a link.  Like you I just thought it was amazing.  The texturing inside and the detail are something to applaud and emulate.

  16. There was a guy at our school we nicknamed Wagon because he could slide a whole Wagon Wheel into his mouth, close it and then retrieve it without there being a bite mark upon it.  To top it off he would then flip it  90 degrees upright and enclose the rim of the Wagon Wheel within his lips without breaking it.  

    You don't get invention and entertainment like that anymore; I blame video games!

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