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Domitan Redenblack

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Everything posted by Domitan Redenblack

  1. If I also do this in the default state, will it get triggered every day? ... (Something tells me I need a re-think of the Default state)... run_time_permissions(integer perm) { // Check for permission to debit owner if (perm & PERMISSION_DEBIT) { state ready_to_select; } else { state hold_for_permissions; } }
  2. Sorry, thoroughly confused now... 1. Does llResetScript( ) always cause state_entry to be run? 2. If so, do I need to read the Agent notecard anywhere but state_entry? 3. out of curiousity, does a "script reset" trigger on_rez? 4. In a no-mod object, can the new owner reset scripts? What should I do then? 5. the "Agent" notecard will always be there; this is a no-mod object. Do I still need to check and read after fixing items 1-3 above? Can the Agent notecard be deleted from a no-mod object? 6. do I really need anything other than state_entry? Is state_entry called each time the vendor is rezzed from inventory? 7. will changed be triggered if the new owner drags the vendor across a parcel boundary? Unlikely, but I think I need to handle that... thanks!
  3. Then , at least, put the Answers summary into the Forums section and vice versa so I don't have to scan two different places to see what is going on. This would mean a change in the code though, so it won't happen. Another planning triumph! 1. All those "Answers" now are in competition with the Forum. In looking at them, I see no credible substantial differences between the two areas, other than a different set of sections in Answers from the sections in Forums. *shakes head* 2. Who knows if your "Answer" is going to be short or long or have different solutions or non-solutions? 3. Splitting these up into NON-LINKED areas means I won't buy an upright vacuum cleaner and will miss out those features. 4. "Answers" is not a substitute for the now-missing "General Questions" section of the forums. "Off Topic" is not a good name for such a section in the new forums, and assigning No Points to "Off Topic" does not then drive people to the Answers" area outside of the forums; it merely irritates them. 5. The comments here show that even "seasoned" residents are conflicted about what Forums-versus-Answers really means, especially to those who may need help, which I am sure was not LL's wishes behind this. 6. What a mess, sure to cause headaches and confusion forever. 7. Proposed Solution: Keep all questions, discussions and answers in the forums. ONLY when a "solution" is accepted, do you post those in the "Answers Area" (with a link back to the forum posting) and which are not open for further comments in the Answers area. This would then collect together all Questions and Answers in one place, separate from the general too-and-fro discussions. This would be fantastic for Newbie and Seasoned residents alike... No more scanning a thread, wondering if there is a solution in it. WOW!
  4. Cato Badger wrote: @Domitan: See my post above. If if doesn't happen involuntarily, hit the big red button or pull the power cord out. Crashing on purpose often takes longer than quitting due to "reporting of crash" handlers being called in OS.
  5. Interesting. Here is another idea: Just lock the file to Read-Only after painting it black in Photoshop etc. What I really want to do is Quit faster, and taking a snapshot to write into that file is slow. Any ideas?
  6. Lexie Linden said: Update: I forgot to note that [ the off topic] forum, since it is "off topic", does not give points for posts. Jeez.
  7. Where is the "General Discussions" forum? I have like 20 comments and questions that don't fit into LL categories. For example: - Can you switch off the "you were here when you logged out" picture?
  8. I have vendor boards that I would like to have report in on a daily basis. The database code is clean now, but the question is how to trigger a report-in every 24 hours with the least script-lag etc Is there a best way to do this? Or just a timer that restarts itself?
  9. Hmm... thanks Darkie and Void... My default state has both a State_Entry, an On_Rez and a Changed handler... Do I need all in the default state? default { state_entry() { //); sAgentName = "error"; kQueryID = llGetNotecardLine("Agent", 0); // request first line of notecard "Agent" = agent name } // When notecard read, first line is name of Agent for infoBoard placement dataserver(key query_id, string data) { if (query_id == kQueryID) { if (data != EOF) { // not at the end of the notecard llOwnerSay("your Representative's Name is " + data); // output the line sAgentName = data; } } // // ownerName;Time, vendorName, rezzLocation sRegionParcel = llGetRegionName() + s_ + llList2String( llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(), [PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]), 0); SLDB_PutData( sRegionParcel + s_ + getSLdateAndTime(), ["REZZ"], ["REZZ" + s_ + objVersion + s_ + sAgentName + s_ + llKey2Name(llGetOwner()) + s_ + (string) llGetPos()], FALSE); // // } http_response(key id, integer status, list metadata, string body) { // First, make sure this request is one of the ones used in this script (as opposed to one being called // by another script in the same object). if((id != kSLDB_put_id) && (id != kSLDB_get_id) && (id != kSLDB_del_id)) return; if(status != 200) body = "ERROR: CANNOT CONNECT TO SERVER"; // And spit out the information we got. llOwnerSay("SLDB setup: " + body); // llOwnerSay("Ready for use. To resize the vendor...\n(if not in use) " + "type local chat '/237 size <number>' in meters (min 1.0, max 8.0)"); } on_rez(integer rez) { llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { if ( change & CHANGED_OWNER ) { llResetScript(); } } }
  10. Yes, looks like all the techniques are marginally acceptable for "services" but not really for functions, e.g. a string manipulation library used 50 times on a single string etc... I may look Eclipse, but cutting and pasting constantly from an Eclipse window into a script window doesn't really sound like fun, but might be worth it. Thanks to all for the very interesting discussion! -DR
  11. Hmmm..... Thanks. So passing complex sets of args, lists and keys and things is Slow and Clunky. Thanks, but this is not remotely what I had in mind... either #include or a way to call functions directly in another script. LSL is really the swiss cheese of programming languages, I think, truly typical of Linden :smileytongue:
  12. If I have a set of my own functions which I use a lot, do they have to be copied into Every script I write for an object, or is there a way for one script to call a function in another script, or some sort of cool hack (please please please please) (Otherwise, if I update or change a function, all the scripts need to be changed too, and this can FATTEN horribly etc etc) ty
  13. Thanks, Darkie. Hmmmm.... If I want to remember the original (first) rez date & time, but I have an on_rez with resetScript, how can I do that? Or should I not resetScript when on_rez ?
  14. I have a script that is recording Rezz time & date in a database. Is there anything other than dragging it from inventory into the world that can cause a Re-Rezz to happen? It is Copy+Trans+NoMod, and is not meant to be rezzed by another object in world. ty
  15. Thanks Void, used this: vStrMSg = (string)llParseString2List( vStrMsg, ["\\n"], [] );
  16. I have a listener. Someone types: /123 mucking about \n \n \n How do I strip these out of the message received by the listen handler?
  17. Two items completely gone. One was inconsequential. The Top of the river/waterfall is a biggie and STILL has not re-appeared at all, and does not appear in Area search.
  18. Thanks. I checked from 0m to 4096m with my objects hilighted from Parcel Info list; not found anywhere. I took about 30 mins do do a thorough search. The two objects simply vanished.
  19. Was editting stuff on my land, clicked top of waterfall and it disappeared. I did NOT select delete or hit backspace etc. the missing piece is not in Lost & Found nor in Trash. Help!
  20. I use SLDB. It's pretty simple in its features, but also simple to set up. You need a server with MySQL running (or similar), and some simple scripts in SL. http://aubretec.com/2009/05/11/sldb/ Read up on an intro to MySQL to set it up on your server and to understand the basics of how it works.
  21. I did this: Using local chat channel for owner only, e.g. /123 size 0.75 with lower and upper limits, which allows the shop owner to neatly fit it to a wall space etc.
  22. Rolig Loon wrote: Your resize script can be very simple. Use vector Size = llGetScale to get the current size of the vendor and then define preset sizes for which you change Size.x and Size.z . Let the user select among the presets with a dialog that s/he can activate with a chat command, if you need to avoid a touch option. I am thinking a local chat channel for owner only, e.g. /123 size 0.75 with lower and upper limits, which allows the shop owner to neatly fit it to a wall space etc.
  23. I have a one-prim vendor object which is 2m x 2m x 0.1m ... I want to allow it to be re-sized, but kept square. If you right-click Edit, you only really see the corner handles, so resizing equally is tricky? What do you recommend? ty
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