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Phil Deakins

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Posts posted by Phil Deakins

  1. For the last few days I've been having problems opening scripts and notecard from both an object I am working on and from my inventory. Sometimes they open and sometimes they don't. I even get a camera reset sometimes when I try to open one from my inventory, i.e. I'm scrolled back so I can see all of my av and more. Then I right click a script or notecard in my inventory, and click 'Open'. The item doesn't open but my camera resets to its default position.

    All the scripts and notecards that I'm trying to work on were created by me, so permissions doesn't come into it.

    With one notecard in an object I'm working on, and I'm frequently changing, I open it from the object (when I can open it, that is), and I can make one edit-save. Any further edit-saves fail to save, and I have to close it and open it again to do another edit-save. Sometime I even relog to get the thing open again, and that's stopped working now.

    For a short time I was going great guns by using an alt to edit that notecard. She was succeeding every time, but it didn't last long. She started getting save failures too.

    A few minutes ago, I wanted to examine an old script (in my inventory) that I wrote but I haven't yet succeeded in opening it. I passed it to the alt and she can open it, but not me.

    It's totally impossible to work like this.

    Is anyone else having similar problems?

  2. I don't think it's just About Land. I sometimes get problems loading people's profiles - sometimes only part of a profile will load, sometimes none of a profile will load, and most times all of a profile will load. I had another partial load just a few minutes ago.

    I also have problems saving stuff. Today I could save an edited notecard only once - any attempts attempts simply wouldn't save at all. To get round it, I had to close and reopen the card after each save. On the other hand edited scripts have been saving fine so far.

    It's probably to do with the asset server problems they had a few days ago. It's still not well and needs some more medicine.

  3. Great! After reading this thread yesterday, I removed my feather and tested it. All was fine without it. Then I deleted it from all the places in my inventory where I had it in outfit folders. Soon afterwards I was called into the next sim to deal with some object/particle griefing, but that sim hadn't been upgraded and I couldn't fly far enough up.

    It won't be long before it's grid-wide though.

  4. I still don't see it as anything but good business. If the estate owner allows it, it's an excellent way of making some money. If an estate owner can set things so that nobody can sell except him/herself, but hasn't done so, then the estate allows allows it, whether intentionally or not. That way of making some quick money has been done for many years - buying for tiny amount and selling it on very quickly for a greater amount without paying the estate owner anything.

    But my main purpose in posting was to ask the OP what he meant by "breaking the SL ToS". If he's only posting about quick reselling at a profit, without paying tier/rent, then it's not in breach of the SL ToS at all.

  5. Coby Foden wrote:

    I remember when time came near for the announced re-opening of the grid, I was ready at my keyboard, eagerly waiting and checking every five minutes, when, oh when will the grid open again?

    For me, the game was to get back in when as few people as possible had got in. My record was 12 logins before me :)

  6. PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

    Only a few techs at LL communicate with us - Oskar on server releases, Kelly on all things script.  For the rest, they've dropped SL as too difficult and run for the inanity hills.  Never fear, they'll tell us all about the new products they're interested in before they switch SL off.

    Lindens were told to stop communicating with the population some time ago. Those who do communicate have special dispensation to do so, and their communications are presumably cleared by someone above them, as used to happen, and probably still does.

  7. Diptheria Glas wrote:

    Dear Linden Labs, Your communications with your users has always been a bit on the weak side, but recently it seems t have gotten worse. Your various blogs, meant to keep us informed have grown horribly silent. Lets look at your blog posts: The latest Featured News is a month old The Tools and Technology blog was last posted to by you in October of 2011 Tips and Tricks newest post is almost a year old The Land Blog's latest post is touting the WIndlight Project Viewer from a year ago (please note I am referring to the blog posts and not the comments if you want to check on the dates I have posted above.) I know you have been busy,
    but a little bit of buzz and excitement from you about your own work would actually appreciated, and could possibly even be infectious
    . When you are silent like this, it is at best disappointing... The silent treatment isn't helpful.

    There's your answer - right in the middle of your own post. They haven't done anything for a very long time that's worth creating a buzz about, or even feeling pleased about. What they have been doing in all this time is creating screw-ups (check the Merchants sub-forum).

  8. Ethen Pow wrote:

    Well this is stated as its more common then I thought, it seems Scammers are targeting land thats sold to everyone for 1L for transfer reasons to scam. I talked to a few other Estate Owners and I was informed how common this is.

    It seems that Scammers or a group of Scammers are aiming to use 1L transfer(or very cheap) for parcels on estate land to use a way to break SL ToS
    , so it seems that some action needs to be done so residents that visit your sim are not scammed.

    1) Remove or increase the transfer fee(1L-50L is common), and make it so its a bad idea to use your land to scam

    2) Clearly State all your Estate Rental Agents and Staff on your Covenant.

    3) Let fellow Estate Owners about this, so they got get caught in problems.

    4) Make sure any visitor on your sim gets the info needed if they are looking for rent.

    You said it is being done to "break SL ToS" but your second post indicates that it's just putting the price up and selling it on. Can you be clear about it? Is it just selling it on for a profit, or does the land get used to break the SL ToS?

    Selling at a profit is good business, incidentally, and in no way breaks any SL ToS. If you don't want the buyers to sell at a profit, then isn't there a setting that will prevent people from selling the land?

  9. Charolotte Caxton wrote:

    The Last Name Jira was only able to get 2500 votes, at 50,000 concurrency, that is only like what, 5 percent of the entire Second Life population? 

    Not sure what to think of those numbers, but it doesn't matter, the last name issue has been decided, for now. Who knows, maybe in the next cycle they will be introduced as a new 'Feature'. 

    That doesn't mean that the other 95% of users don't agree with the jira. It only means that (probably) most of them haven't seen it. I think it's probable that a large majority of users aren't aware that the jira system exists, and I also think it's probable that many or most of those who are aware of it, such as me, don't bother with it unless someone prompts them to a specific jira, the subject of which interrests them. On the whole, I'd say that the jira system isn't used by the population so new jiras need promoting or *very* few people will ever know of their existance.


    On the side-topic of forumites thinking that we represent the views of the SL population:-

    I'd speculate that forum concensus almost certainly would represent the views of the SL population, if the population's view could be ascertained. But LL can't ascertain the population's view, so forums are the best guage there is.

    It would be interesting to randomly ask users with the "Resident" last name if they would prefer to have a proper last name, selected from a long list. My guess is that the majority would reflect the views expressed by the majority forum view, i.e. proper last names.


    Mere comment:-

    Having "Resident" as a last name is having no last name at all - literally.

  10. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    I work it out because they're cheapsaktes.

    Look at what Tiffy posted after me.

    The economics of it, in relation to the time put in. 

    Only a cheapskate is willing to sit there for hours to avoid having to pay for a few cents with RL-money. And only an abusive person is willing to take advantage of that.

     Newbies get a pass because they don't realize the economics - how cheap linden $s are, especially in that range. But it is pure exploitation to take advantage of their gullability. 

    But you said that both ends are cheapskates. Your post only explained your view of campers. That's just one end. Please explain why you say that the other end (those who are giving the money away) are cheapskates.

    I have camping chairs in my store so I give money away. I don't like being thought of as, and called, cheapskate and I would like to hear why you say I am.

  11. Hi Eileen.

    I wasn't asking Pussycat about the OP's problem. She made a general statement that "camping is a cheapskate practise on both sides" and I asked her how she works that out.

    I suspect that she bases her opinion on the old days of camping, when camping places were actually paying for traffic - back when that mattered a lot. If that's the reason for her general statement, then she's wrong, because those days ended a long time ago.

  12. Tiffy Vella wrote:

    Because the people camping are willing to spend all their time sitting looking at other afk campers for hours rather than fork out  roughly $5 for $L1000,
    and the people paying them are willing to do that as a shortcut, rather than provide something decent that will truly attract shoppers
    ...ie..like provide a decent product/spend time building a decent reputation. Camping is the antithesis of creativity/effort in both directions.

    But there's nothing "cheapskate" about doing that. Campers aren't shopping at the time, so attracting people to camp isn't attracting them to spend while they're there. But, if they do fancy buying something while they are there, they won't do it if there's nothing they like enough to buy. So your argument doesn't hold up.

    Nope. You haven't given an explanation ast to why paying campers is a "cheapskate" practise. If you have one, please post it.

  13. It just occured to me that, although I posted that I describe myslef as a dyslexic typist, I didn't post about what I think about the sort of writing that prompted this thread.

    It seems to me that those who write forum posts in english, in a way that makes it more difficult to read than it would have been had they written in normal english, don't care that they intentionally make their text more difficult to read and follow. So I have no time for such people or their posts. My guess is that they think they are being 'cool', but they are just being stupid, imo.

  14. Marcus Hancroft wrote:

    That's exactly what I heard too.  Another thing he said was that his team told him it was no longer possible because this, because that and because "we said so."  I lost a LOT of respect for Rodvik that day and so far...he's done nothing to gain it back.  Just have a look at World War 3 going on in the Merchant Forums!  And Rodvik just let's it continue....


    World War 3? Do you mean about the marketplace being borked?

  15. Camping is NOT a ToS violation, and never has been.

    Gaming traffic is a ToS violation. If your camping was on a parcel that showed in search (it sounds like it did from your post) then you were gaming traffic and that was the violation - not the camping.

    I have camping in my store right now and it's not a violation because it's on its own parcel that doesn't show in search, so it's not an attempt to game traffic. I.e. anyone camping is not counting for the store's traffic.

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