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Nathan Hopkins

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Everything posted by Nathan Hopkins

  1. Does anyone know if its possible to take a sculpty object in 3ds max (possible with primcomposer plugin), and convert that into a regular mesh?
  2. I need a script that keeps track of the names of people who click on an object. Would be nice if it had a menu of some sort, maybe to retrieve the list of names, options to email when someone clicks on it, and a way to dump the names. Please IM me in world with a price, thanks!
  3. .................Hopkins Estates................. Lot № 105 →An optional house has been included for your convenience. →Purchase Price . . . 250L →Square Meters . . . 5,520 sq. m →Tier Price . . . L$2,500 per/wk →Prims . . . 1,263 →Skyhomes allowed above 1,000 m →Residential use ( *LIGHT* commercial use permitted only above 1,000m in the sky) → Hundreds of prims of landscaping are anchored and linked off of your parcel, so do not count against your prims. → Winter season is NOW through mid March. ::ABOUT:: If you have a love for nature and have been searching for an upscale and realistic place to call home, look no further. This distinctive property features a luxurious gated entrance and walled grounds that outline the perimeter of your home set within sim surrounding mountains creating panoramic views that leave a lasting impression. At the gated entry you will find your very own mailbox that makes taking care of tier payments a simple process. The private drive leads down to your home situated on lower ground enclosed by surrounding trees and hills that provide privacy while allowing views with great depth. The water is equipped for 7 Seas Fishing and you will find a number of extras, including your own campfire and places to cuddle. Our expertise in low-prim imaginative landscaping provides you with lush, naturally secluded land while leaving you with more than enough remaining prims for your home and personal touches. The four season climate reflects our passion for both realism and aesthetically beautiful details letting you experience the excitement in the changing scenery year round. We are happy to assist you in situating your home so that landscaping flows naturally right up to your front door. This service is included at no additional charge to make your move-in a breeze. Come see it in world! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hopkins%20Estates/46/210/2501
  4. .................Hopkins Estates................. Lot № 104 →An optional house has been included for your convenience. →Purchase Price . . . 250L →Square Meters . . . 5,440 sq. m →Tier Price . . . L$2,500 per/wk →Prims . . . 1,245 →Skyhomes allowed above 1,000 m →Residential use ( *LIGHT* commercial use permitted only above 1,000m in the sky) → Hundreds of prims of landscaping are anchored and linked off of your parcel, so do not count against your prims. → Winter season is NOW through mid March. ::ABOUT:: If you have a love for nature and have been searching for an upscale and realistic place to call home, look no further. This distinctive property features a luxurious gated entrance and walled grounds that outline the perimeter of your home set within sim surrounding mountains creating panoramic views that leave a lasting impression. At the gated entry you will find your very own mailbox that makes taking care of tier payments a simple process. The private drive leads down to your home situated on lower ground enclosed by surrounding trees and hills that provide privacy while allowing views with great depth. The water is equipped for 7 Seas Fishing and you will find a number of extras, including your own campfire and places to cuddle. Our expertise in low-prim imaginative landscaping provides you with lush, naturally secluded land while leaving you with more than enough remaining prims for your home and personal touches. The four season climate reflects our passion for both realism and aesthetically beautiful details letting you experience the excitement in the changing scenery year round. We are happy to assist you in situating your home so that landscaping flows naturally right up to your front door. This service is included at no additional charge to make your move-in a breeze. Come see it in world! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hopkins%20Estates/46/210/2501
  5. .................Hopkins Estates................. Lot № 103 →Purchase Price . . . 250L →Square Meters . . . 15,904 sq. m →Tier Price . . . L$7,250 per/wk →Prims . . . 3,620 →Skyhomes allowed above 1,000 m →Residential use ( *LIGHT* commercial use permitted only above 1,000m in the sky) → Hundreds of prims of landscaping are anchored and linked off of your parcel, so do not count against your prims. → Winter season is NOW through mid March ::ABOUT:: If you have a love for nature and have been searching for an upscale and realistic place to call home, look no further. This distinctive property features a luxurious gated entrance and walled grounds that outline the perimeter of your home set within sim surrounding mountains creating panoramic views that leave a lasting impression. The private winding drive leads the way up to your home situated upon cliffs that overlook trees and a wide view of water and mountains. At the gated entry you will find your very own mailbox that makes taking care of tier payments a simple process. The surrounding grounds are surrounded by trees and hills that provide privacy while allowing views with great depth. The water is equipped for 7 Seas Fishing and you will find a number of extras, including your own campfire and places to cuddle. Our expertise in low-prim imaginative landscaping provides you with lush, naturally secluded land while leaving you with more than enough remaining prims for your home and personal touches. The four season climate reflects our passion for both realism and aesthetically beautiful details letting you experience the excitement in the changing scenery year round. We are happy to assist you in situating your home so that landscaping flows naturally right up to your front door. This service is included at no additional charge to make your move-in a breeze. Come see it in world! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hopkins%20Estates/46/210/2501
  6. Someone may have already pointed this out, but... Its sort of in merchant's interests to have fewer participants in selling "low quality" content, for obvious (if relatively insignificant) reasons. But I don't really think of people in Second Life as being primarily potential consumers of the stuff other people make. Second Life is special because people can be creative for creativity's sake, regardless of the result. If given the choice between selling something to someone and their never learning to create on their own, or them passing on buying my thing and getting into building themselves, I think the latter is far better. Second Life "looking good" seems like a secondary concern to the openness and freedom of it. So if freebie clutter is a consequence of that freedom and openness, I don't really think the perceived inconvenience to merchants trumps it. And there are other factors behind why Second Life didn't take off like tech guru's predicted. Your stuff being buried under listings of things you perceive to be inferior just wouldn't make a top 10 list of those reasons. .
  7. I think if your old store is still full of your stuff, people will just shop there instead of taking the extra TP. At least that's what I would do.
  8. I guess I'll jump in again too =D "Society" isn't dictating how you spend money. I don't want to get too philosophical about this issue because the issue is far too light to bear the weight... so sticking to Second Life, there is more financial incentive for designers to make clothing primarily for women. No one is dictating anything. As Ziggy just mentioned, "thinking for yourself" also has nothing to do with it. I am personally relatively indifferent to clothing compared to female friends because it just doesn't interest me that much. I also don't see why I should become interested. Nothing that important seems to hang on it for me. And, I assume I am not abnormal in feeling that way. Which again should explain the clothing market being the way it is. I don't understand how someone dressing casually and unassumingly is "extremely far behind". That sounds like something someone would say if this were an important social justice issue, or a matter of being current on our understanding of the nature of the world, or whatever.... but it isn't. Saying there are ways to "stand out from the crowd" also doesn't sound that compelling. I remember caring about that when I was 16 or so but otherwise its a totally alien motivation to me. And I am probably not abnormal in feeling that way, which might explain the clothing market being the way it is. Anyway... not picking on you or looking to argue, but just clarify. But I don't think there are deep mysteries here... and I don't understand the urgency you seem to feel about it all. If I were you though I would get into making clothing for men on SL.
  9. I think Dogboat is expressing a legit concern. I have no idea if mesh will create performance issues, but if it does, LL cannot afford an "upgrade your machine" mentality. A lot of people are worried SL's slow decline in use won't turn around, and so LL ought to try to balance upgrades and accessability. I don't think pointing that out is unreasonable. The worry about needing to use V2 also seems legit to me. I've been in SL since the middle of '06, but actually switched to V2 when it came out. I found the experience of learning a (what seemed at first) slick new interface sort of fun, and liked some of the new features possible on V2 that were slow to be included on Phoenix. AND, my main viewer now is Firestorm. But despite that, I still literally el oh el while using V2 sometimes. It really seems like it was made by people who had never used SL but were given a thorough description of what it is. As much as I think the V2 bashing is excessive, what LL's customers think is all thats relevant, and in that sense V2 was a major disaster for LL (again, I don't mind it and its what I use now). So if V2 is required for mesh, and mesh objects start to fill SL, there will be some lost customers over that issue... a % won't use V2. Also it seems one of the few reasons LL doesn't have a real competitor is the access people have as participants in its economy. Mesh might end up being a bit of a barrier to that, which also may effect SL's appeal for many people. I don't think that is reason enough to not do it, but these down sides taken together ought to at least be thought about by people invested in the platform and who want to see it succeed. The idea that "LL knows that its doing" shouldn't put anyone at ease.
  10. Well I'm sure there are many who do place some sort of premium on it but it seems like most don't care that much. I don't mean looking put together/clean/nice, but being fashionable... carring about brand and fashion trends, etc. I would guess most women would assume a guy is gay if they look too overly concerned about it, and I think most straight men are also aware of that. I'm sure there are a lot of exceptions though.
  11. Why should men care more about fashion in general than they currently do? What is the force behind the "should" here? Your average guy doesn't have a lot of social pressure to be fashionable. His male friends will likely be unimpressed, and most women probably won't find him more appealing for it. How should they be "DEMAND"ing, and from whom? Its not like the content of SL is made by LL, and we can "demand" they provide more male options or we leave or something. The market for male clothing is simply far smaller, so few designers enter it. How does it make sense to "demand" anything from them? What would that even look like? And I think its simply not true that there are not good, high quality options for whatever style you are looking for. I think your issues are more related to search. Search sucks in SL, but any search engine requires some tricks and ingenuity to find the exact thing you are looking for. I totally agree its a challenge... I've been in SL since 06 and still can spend hours or a whole day trying to find something that fits what I'm looking for. I think you just need to be patient and dig more for the best stuff.
  12. I have had the same complaint for a while. I think designers have less incentive to create for men though for some reasons already mentioned in other comments. I also heard that there are not male clothing templates... designers have to use a female template and that creates an additional challenge. But I really think most guy SL users are content to wear the same outfit for months, and those who don't simply shop far less. My women friends in SL spend a large portion of their SL's dressing up their avis, whereas I might go look at stuff once every 6 months or so. My biggest complaint though is less about the amount of quality stuff (because really there is quite a bit out there) but more the metroness of it or excessive machoness of it. I really don't want to look like the cover of a romance novel, or an action hero, or a sexually ambiguous hipster teenager.
  13. This is more or less exactly what happened to me. I have a pretty modest inventory so far, and don't do a lot of what I could or maybe should be doing to get sales... but was doing fine anyway until it all froze a month ago, and I don't know why. I've been following the "Sales... Dead" thread too. Not sure if its just a natural dip or if I'm a victim of the marketplace search tinkering like a lot of other people apparently are. I'm working on new stuff, but if that doesn't help I'll be buying L to cover tier, when previously I was able to stop buying L altogether.
  14. What Persaphone said. Second Life is more like a chat room with graphics than a video game. You have to sort of stretch the meaning of "game" to the point of near meaninglessness for it to apply at all... so it might be partly having the wrong set of expectations. Also... SL is full of all kinds of people, but it has more than its share of social ineptness. Its just the nature of the thing.
  15. If I do a search for "barn" under relevance, without looking in subcategories, the first page is nothing but AOs from Vista. I don't remember that sort of thing happening prior... but maybe I'm being affected by reading this thread.
  16. Some of my few recent sales were to people from Japan (at least Japanese names and kanji in their profiles). I think SL-as-an-escape makes it hard to predict how RL will impact it.
  17. Yeah, that mentioned as a factor in this thread. But the OP posted about a decline for a week period the day prior to the tsunami hitting, so the phenomenon predates the tsunami by 8-10 days. But yes, it was considered.
  18. My experience may be of limited relevance since my business is only about 60 days old and I have a tiny inventory. But... I was noticing what seemed like a natural growth in traffic and sales, and every day had at least 1-2 sales, with what seemed like some momentum building gradually.. Then, I went 6 days without selling anything, and now I've started a new 2 day drought. So just one sale over the last 8 days. I have been reminding myself not to be discouraged, since I am so new to doing business on SL, these things take time, peaks and valleys, etc. But what some of you more established merchants are describing sounds like a version of what I am noticing... just an inexplicable and drastic drop starting about a week ago.
  19. I think it would make much more sense for you to start your own service business in SL based on your RL expertise. As I was reading your post I kept asking "who would want to do this?" and "why does he want to do this?" You could use your L$ 35,000 to set up something like an office and then charge a fee for help with marketing or business guidance or whatever. The trouble with the idea I think is that for one, if someone thinks they have any potential to earn real money on SL, they are not going to give that up for what is a pretty small amount of money (35K is only $140 usd). Meanwhile, as you said, you have little protection from being ripped off. Anyway, just occured to me that you seem like you have things to offer to people in SL in a service capacity and that might make more sense than investing in a content creation business where you have to trust a more or less anonymous person.
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