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Nadia Chatterbox

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Everything posted by Nadia Chatterbox

  1. I also got sucked into this when I was new. Not the 5k, but I bought a couple of items hoping to be hired. Back then, the pics had to be from the same location. A back yard of sorts, with no directions to it. I spent an hour walking/camming around to find it. I was too new to know if it was resold freebies. If you're asking about being listed twice, probably because she has it in two different categories. ETA: Think they also had something about buying X number of tattoos and being reimbursed, getting one free, or something. Again, still new. Camming around, checking prices for the bare minimum requirements. Took about 15 or so mins (maybe more). I got logged out with my very first, "Your account is unable to log in until ______." I think that was my very first post here. I was freaked out that I had been labeled as a griefer and was on LL's naughty list. When I was finally able to log in, I was banned from the sim. Contacted the owner/person who placed the ad, and was told something about being immobile for X amount of minutes, possible signs of copybotting, and to try again in a few months when the ban list was clearaed. Never returned, never will.
  2. Not sure if this still works (there was a thread on the old forum), but if you try this, it might help. Clear your cache (inventory & other- I forget what its called, haven't logged in in a while) Log in & set your destination for Aqua or Pooley Log in, and KEEP LOGGING IN after you get the message to wait 5 minutes. Each time you do, the progress bar will move a little more. You should be in world within 15 minutes (usually less). Some of the older posters can tell you if that trick still works (or if I left out something).
  3. The majority of us aren't trying to make our avatars look our RL ages, but there are some mature skins available. Here's one Brazen Women. If you search the Marketplace for "Mature Skins" you'll find some others.
  4. Since I don't think I can post a link, you may want to check out Club One Island (google). While its weight-loss based, it did have physical fitness included. It's probably the closest from what I've seen. I don't know if its still around, but it started fairly recently.
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