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Paula001 Goldschein

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Posts posted by Paula001 Goldschein

  1. Hallo Christiane :)

    Ich glaub es wird ziemlich schwer werden jemanden zu finden der dir die Sculpts, und Texturen für nichts anfertigt und dir diese full perm überlässt.

    Für solche Talente sind das primgebilde das du bisher gemacht hast .. eine leichte Übung, vielleicht ne gute stunde Arbeit. Da würde es sich anbieten das ganze selbst zu verkaufen.

    Möchte dir nicht die Illusionen rauben, dich aber vielleicht auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurückholen.

    Aber wer weiß, vielleicht gibt es wirklich jemand da draußen der einfach nur für ein Projekt oder eine Zusammenarbeit ein wenig Zeit investieren möchte.

    Ich wünsche es dir natürlich!



  2. Hallo Florenti :)

    Ich kann mich dunkel erinnern...

    in der email die du als Bestätigung für den Eingang für deinen abuse report bekommst steht direkt drin dass sie dich NICHT informieren werden wie sie das ganze ausgeht.


    (kannst uns ja mal schreiben ob das noch drinsteht falls du sie noch nicht gelöscht hast)

  3. OH fusspots are charming!

    Bare in mind we don't know if the creator has not responded to the review or a personal note yet.

    I don't know ... I have made mistakes in my listings before c/p the description from a similar item and JUST forgot to take out or replace that dang line! A few days later you go oh maaan, shoooot, not again!


    I do understand your 'info for other buyers' point, but ..

    well I don't agree .. IMO a negative review may be left after a week and after trying to reach the merchant at least in 2 different ways (IM, nc).

    At least that is how I would handle it as a customer, but as you know from the other thread ;p .. hardly have problems as a buyer lol

  4. I think they just worked a big wave or so. Heard the same from others and had about 20 myself.

    Mine were with reason tho, had still some older adult items listed as moderate.

    So far I haven't had any unlisted for no reason, sometimes it was harder to find out why and I had to look over them 3 times but..

    What did it say was the reason they deactivated it?

    Maybe we can help your friend find out why


  5. Are you game?


    Game equipment:
    Marketplace listing
    One single sale

    Idea and aim of the game:
    Keep listing up and item selling

    Good, functional item, honest description

    Minimum number of players:
    Player 1: You as merchant
    Player 2: Customer having a personal problem with you or the world in general
    Player 3: Linden Lab

    How to play:
    Round 1:
    Player 2 leaves review
    Player 1 flags review
    Player 3 deletes review
    Round 2:
    Player 2 leaves review
    Player 1 flags review
    Player 3 deletes review
    Round 3:
    Player 2 leaves review
    Player 1 flags review
    Player 3 deletes review

    There is no winner, Player 1 definitely and Player 2 probably feels like crap.
    Player 3 has unneccessary costs because they did not block Player 2 after deleting the review the first time.

  6. Oh fun, fun ..

    The old xstreet stats would totally do, like sales per week, per item (would be much needed), etc.

    I don't really care about the feature stats anymore since I haven't featured anything on the new marketplace.

    IMO you don't get much for your 2,8k linden/month (like some search help - which was totally neat).



  7. Hi Forum!

    I have about 2 pages of failed deliveries with the status 'user exception'. Last one was end of january.

    I couldn't find any help on on wiki.. maybe someone knows what that status means?

    To me it seems somehow bad, is that my own ban list for the Marketplace? Or do i get the 'exception' meaning totally wrong?

    I have looked at some profiles and most seems like nice and active users, some were from 2007.

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