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Knowl Paine

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Posts posted by Knowl Paine

  1. It's the quickest way to find what you want. I like to search for items by price at Market Place.



    If you're not already there, Try not to overwhelm yourself with purchases. Get a couple items, confirm delivery by logging in to SL, rez the items.

  2. Did you look at the Market Place? At the top of the page is Shopping, you can follow that link to Market Place if you haven't visited yet.


  3. I think there is a market for offering a Market Place listing service.

    A place where a Content Creator can bring an item and either sell the object and it's right outright or have the item listed for a fee.

    The listing service would conduct a comparative product market analysis prior to any listing agreements. Items of identifiable value or worth could be sold on commision. Items with price schedules not yet discovered could be listed for a flat rate fee. The customer is always right and if the creator/customer wants it listed, List It.

    The service could include all the options currently available at Market Place plus a product imaging service for the Item Photo to be used in the listing.

    Residents without payment info on file might be the majority of clients but the service would be open to all, within the guidelines of SL policy.

    I don't mind sharing the idea because I doubt I'm the first to have it and it's a ton of work to make it happen plus that needing the float money part.


    There are plenty of excellent creators in the Sandboxes or off in some distant corner developing the latest buildings. Many of them are knowledgeable Residents and I believe that they will deal with a professional business manager who offers an organized competent listing service. 





  4. Computer Processor: 1.5 GHz minimum  or 2 GHz  or above
    Computer Memory: 512 MB minimum 1 GB or more

    for a detailed list you can look at that link.



    What you buy is a matter of preference and budget. I would check with the product manufacturer of your choice and find a machine that meets or exceeds the SL requirements.

    Check the speed of your internet connection. 

  5. In the about land for the Shop is the Show in Search and I know you can pick the Category. Then the Shop's group can be Shown in Search, or a sub-group for the Inworld shop only. A classified add or several can be placed listing the shop location. An Event Ad can be placed with the shop location set. You can Twitter the Shop's SLurl if that's allowed.

    I think all of these Factors effect your rankings an increase the probability of your Shop information being displayed first in Search.

    Using Shop names with as few characters or words as possible can also help.  

  6. There was a change to the graphics, not sure what or how much change but drivers don't just fail as mine did. Updating them was a easy fix.

    I did notice a minor drop in Frames per second but with an average in the 60's I can hardly complain.

    I have moved several times. In an empty sim I measure the displayed physics every 5 seconds for two minutes. I did this ten times. the average was 32.

    Same test in a sim with an owner who met me when I arrived and seemed proactive, 44

    Better agent limits need to be set or enforced.

  7. Can you see the question you just posted? Or this answer?

    Usually when you say it's broke it suddenly works to make people look foolish. The computer has a sick sense of humor.

    No major reason for lag has been announced.


    Maybe LL will give you a Private sim til things calm down.


    Never hurts to ask right?


    Have you tried clicking on your Name at the top of the page to see your forum profile?

  8. Working with regular prims,


    You will have to have to create the illusion of the top tapering to a perfect circle.

    One method can be to make the top circle ring from one prim and make it less hollow than the base.

    Then you lower the ring until it "appears" to meld with the base top. If you have flicker on the outside, taper the the top ring slightly.

    • Like 1
  9. Take a copy of the two part bottom ring.

    If you use the grid, set the object to your grid.

    From each prim remove any hollowness or paths cut. You will restore them later, Ignore any overlap. Having the prims properly rotated (as you do) to insure that the cut paths will align is important.

    Now you want to make a copy of the bottom ring. The copy should sit flush on top. Copy each ring half. You can copy in place or drag a copy, whatever method works for you.

    With the copies in places you want to stretch each prim, one side only, vertically to create the center section and keep it in alignment with the bottom ring. Stretch each prim to the height you want.

    Next you will copy the larger center sections and position them flush on top of the center sections.

    Note: Because of the taper the edges will not be aligned yet.

    Stretch the copied sections one side only and reduce the height vertically to the desired height or thickness.

    To align the top ring parts, you can stretch both sides using the stretch boxes, or in the build menu click in the Prim size in meters window and using your mouse wheel, slowly reduce the width and length of the top rings until the align.

    Restore all Paths cut and restore any hollowness

    apply a test texture


    Your final dimensions for the top rings might not be even numbers.

    Your graphics settings effect being able to see how well they really line up, just a fyi

    if you create a tiny overlap of 0.001 meters it can help to smooth the seams.


    I could show you a few things Inworld.

    • Like 1
  10. @Suspiria: Beautiful avatar ty for posting, very nice curves... those wings :smileywink:

    5' 10" is a very good height in my opinion. My avatar is a just over 2 meters in height. 





    @Cato, it's the immigrant thing. I don't want to get caught up in rl issues. There are plenty of Forums for that.

    It's cold outside and such is life in this region. Was just passing time waiting for the spammer to go away, and now I've become one.

  12. My days are numbered and I'm already feeling very sad about that.

    With all the gleaming raves and the general good speak of the New viewer, I can hardly wait to be forced to update.

    I can wait to be able to play any media on any surface. Why viruses are not media, I don't know.

    I'm sure it will grow on me like mold, fungus or a tumor but in the end it will all be for.... viewer 3.0?

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