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Knowl Paine

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Posts posted by Knowl Paine

  1. Here is a link with some tips on getting started. You could browse over some of the information.  




    I enjoy building and creating objects in Second Life. A friend has been working on her photography and another friend creates 3d artwork.

    How you decide to spend your time in Second Life is entirely up to you. Have fun, explore.

  2. E 'una vergogna. Sono d'accordo con te. Si prega di fare parlare di PowerPC (acronimo di Enhanced Performance Optimization Con RISC - Performance Computing, talvolta abbreviata in PPC) è un'architettura RISC creato dall'alleanza 1991 Apple-IBM-Motorola, noto come AIM. Si può essere leader nel dibattito, ma sono sicuro che gli altri sarebbero interessati. Suona come un imponente sistema. Non si sarebbe alienato. Forse c'è un gruppo Inworld PowerPC, se non si avvia uno.

  3. Improving the Search is going to take time. Aspects of Search which do not produce quailty or matching results are easy fixes. Balancing PG/Mature listing and preventing Gaming of Search are not easy fixes.

    People do leave for the reasons you stated in your second question. We may be able to retain Residents who experience crashing, lagging, blurring or other reductions in performance by finding Preference settings ideal for their machine's hardware and software configuration. Problems with Search takes us back to question one.

    Yes, they (LL,LR) have a responsibility to ensure and maintain a stable solid platform or foundation from which Residents can build.

    As Residents we could be doing more to help ourselves. Just the other day, a Resident in the Q&A section was asking how and where to buy land, at the same time another Resident was informing residents in the Forum's that they Rent Land. If those two could only get together somehow.

    Building trust in SL is not easy. If your browse the Classifieds Inworld and focus on other Residents who are doing what you do, you may find that very few individuals are as enterprising as you.

    In our current mindsets, asking a Region owner or store owner for opportunity in advance in the form of free space or use or resources is not a readily available option.

    People in Sales who know Market Place inside and out do not visit the Sandboxes and offer their Services to Residents who are kept busy creating the latest and greatest products. Building takes time and so does Listing and Selling.

    I once listed a job offer sorting a re-naming textures; nobody wants that job. I don't blame them, it's a ton of work.

    I met a Resident who makes clothing, he made some shirts for a Group I founded. I wanted to give thanks to the Officers in the Group for their help and seeing as they refuse to take anything, I bought them shirts.

    If I made shirts and wanted to create Business, I would send out some IM's to Group Founder's / Owners. 

    The fact that you have posted here, expressing your concerns, offers clear indication that you are motivated. I would work with you. The focus would be on staying focused. I don't mean to use double speak but in this case it is fitting.

    A Community Business group is needed. An Inworld meeting location with scheduled Open Forums... now I'm getting ahead of myself. :smileyhappy: 


  4. Yes you can build and sell.

    You can build in one of the many Public sandboxes. Inworld open Search / Places / Sandbox, you can also search places and refine the search to Linden Locations.

    Starting with few resources is a challenge but possible. You will store the items in your Inventory, you can list the items in your profile until you can afford to rent a sales shop, booth or rent your own store. You will need a few L$ to upload images of your completed work to list in the Pick's in your avatar profile page. Send me an Instant Message Inworld for help with the pics if you need.

    Sandbox Cordova
    Sandbox Goguen
    Sandbox Newcomb
    Sandbox Wanderton
    Sandbox Island

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  5. There is some helpful information at this link


    Or do you want to edit your forum profile here? If yes, get click on your name wkwok

    For Inworld Avatar you can select body shapes and clothes from your Inventory in Library Folder

    To Edit your avatar appearance place your cursor on your Avatar and right click, choose Edit Appearance


    Sign up page   https://join.secondlife.com/

  6. Do you get a message after trying to purchase L$

    Is your Credit Card info up to date, check if the card expired or if the CC flagged the purchase.

    Could be problems in the Region where your located if Inworld.

    You can try to Purchase L$ at your account page at Secondlife.com

  7. I tried to find what I could about Clock Skew. There was a lot of complicated data about servers talking to one another, campus or university networking and other server side data. It all seemed rather complicated to be something a Resident can fix themselves, so I'm considering that maybe I'm on the wrong path.

    I would consider filing a ticket with support if other Residents don't offer any solutions

  8. At your Account page. Click on the Second Life logo in the upper left corner to access the Second Life mainpage. Login to your account to find the proper selection.  


    Second Life is a big place. The hours and locations you visit can effect your experience. It's your SL.




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