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Burper Tilling

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Posts posted by Burper Tilling

  1. Zsigmond Alcott wrote:

    For the first time in my SL I am speechless other than to ask why? why? why?

    GOOD LORD! :matte-motes-agape:

    The same reason as why some people like to reply in very big letters:    . . . . . .

    BECAUSE  I  CAN !!!!!!!!

  2. When editing body physics on a male avatar, breast physics are disabled, so you can only have a wobbly belly or butt. However for those of us guys like myself who carry a lot of extra weight, a bit of bounce in the man-boob department might be no bad thing.  

    I have now discovered that this is possible and quite effective on my very short, very fat body.  

    Here's how to get breast (or chest) physics if you're male.  Make sure the physics you're 'wearing' is modifiable or make your own..  

    1)  Go into shape mode and temporarily change your gender from male to female.  You might look very odd but it's only temporary!

    2)  Now edit physics and you'll see that breast physics are enabled.  So you can adjust them to suit, then save.

    3)  Back into appearance mode and return your gender to male.  You'll notice your chest still wobbles even though you're male.  

    Maybe this is common knowledge but I've never seen it before and discovered it while playing around.   


    We find ourselves hurtling towards a scenario with alarming rapidity in which it would be desirable for the Linden Laboratory to create a forum especially for use by  trolls and flamethrowers and other individuals with nothing worthwhile to contribute.

  4. Velk Kerang wrote:

    How do you politely tell someone they are boring you? lol Serious question. I am a blunt person and trying to work this out without exactly being mean even though I should be given what I been threw with this person. I was asked to come back and play SL and basically the person who asked me back decided not to play anymore. That's fine and all, but really we don't play anything else together really. We tried and it didn't really work out for me. It just wasn't a fun experiance. So I am sitting with her on skype and I am expected to lead the conversatiion. She hardly says anything unless I ask direct questions. Yet if a friend calls male or female she's quick to hop on the phone and it's a gab feast from then on out, but when it goes back to talking to me I feel like I am pulling teeth. So I am left sitting there bored out of my mind. I have in the best way I know possible tried to relate the differance on how she is and even sugested contributing to the conversation would not hurt any. If I try to discuss anything serious or that I feel important to me it doesnt go well and yet I am expected to listen to all her bs though and be all understanding like. I even flat out asked why do you insist on having me on skype if your hardly talk? That conversation really went no where at all. So I am now trying to work out a nice way of saying hey I don't mind talking on skype spending time with ya and all, but if something don't give don't expect me to sit here bored out of my mind all day with your behind listening to you holding actual real conversations with everyone, but me. lol I mean it's funny, but it's not because I am already thinking of ways or reasons to not like be around at all. lmao So all that being said anyone have any sugestions by chance?

    This is quite boring in itself.  I can't be certain though because I couldn't be bothered to read it all.

  5. CheeseCakeAlchemist wrote:

    Edit: Because I'm not allowed to ask anyone for advice in general.

    Of course you're allowed to ask advice in general!  Don't be put off by other forum users who take it upon themselves to enforce rules that don't even exist.

  6. Sounds like Second Life obviously isn't for you. Second Life can be brilliant if you go to the right places and you have a good computer and internet connection but on a bad day lag can be terrible, you can end up in places that look almost as ugly as Minecraft full of ugly but vain avatars. The best thing about Second Life is also its worst thing. The ability to be what you want and create what you want creates just as much ugliness and nastiness as beauty and friendliness.

  7. It's the volatility of opinion in Britain that's frightening.  Just before the 2010 general election, the Liberal Democrats, who were traditionally the third party in Britain, were actually top in the opinion polls, briefly.  They ended up with 57 seats and went into the coalition government with the Conservatives, who then lacked an overall majority.  That was disastrous for the Lib Dems who have now lost most of their seats - only retaining 8.  And the pro-independence Scottish National Party has swept the board in Scotland despite losing the Scottish independence referendum last year.


  8. dfs234ddd wrote:

     ...as a long time computer gamer, SL is a F2P game (free to play) which is also P2W (pay to win)... this is a common gaming structure now... where the player base is the content, and game designers get as many free to play players into their games as possible, while encouraging everyone to pay them for mostly cosmetic items.

    The players who realise this are the ones who make lots of L$.  The ones who don't realise thist will tell you 'Second Life isn't a game' and spend lots of L$ on clothes they can wear to tacky dance clubs  wher they can spend all their time going 'HOOOOOO' and 'GI@@LES' and  'Hewwo'.

  9. There are very realistic virtual railway simulators about now, so probably most people who want a virtual railway experience use them rather than SL.   The only problem with those is you can't be an avatar, you have to be a train driver, which means, in effect, being the train itself.  So the train is your avatar!

  10. It has been long apparent to myself that Second Life is capable of providing a clandestine meeting place and efficient money laundry for persons who are up to no good.  This is not just terrorists and other political extremists but also organised criminals including those involved in drugs, fraud and the illegal side of the sex industry.  It is in Second LIfe possible to hide everything from the outside world.  One's inventory is safe from interlopers - one can imagine what might be stored as textures, pictures or notecards.  And although the large corporations failed to embrace the idea of using SL as a virtual rendezvous the very secrecy it allows would appear to be ideal for persons who need to act in secret.  What one might consider is whether any of the security investigators who infiltrated Second Life ended up 'going native' and having a good time.

    Second Life provides a clandestine meeting place not only for real world conspirators, but also for internal conspirators, in other words those who seek to defraud people of their Linden Dollars or their virtual property or to organise a co-ordinated and devastating griefer attack.  



  11. In the UK we have to pay VAT, it's the law.  It's not LL's fault that Americans don't have to pay VAT.

    I'm from UK, I don't see why Americans should have to pay more just because we have to pay VAT.  That would be a stupid idea.  If LL charged extra to Americans to bring their price into line with ours, that would just be more profit for LL.  Nobody would benefit except LL.  

    Most things seem to be cheaper in USA than in UK but there are probably some things that cost more there.  Does that mean we should pay more for them just because Americans do?

  12. A rich man is stranded on a desert island.  The only thing he has on him is a bag of diamonds.   In these circumstances the diamonds are worthless and useless.   The whole western economy is not what we thought it was - it was based on the perceived increasing values of property and shares.  We still don't really know the truth about the economy.  How many companies are still over-valuing their assets on their balance sheets?  Things are going to get a lot worse.

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