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Sprout Evergarden

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Posts posted by Sprout Evergarden

  1. if you have an AMD cpu or graphics card stay away from win 11 for now https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/13/22723998/windows-11-update-amd-ryzen-cpu-performance-worse

    I just moved back to 10 because 3 fps is not a good time


    as far as os wars I use all three. Mac OS as my desktop and laptop OS, Windows PC with steam local streaming  so I can play my favorite games at my Mac (this lets me keep the hot game PC that is doing the heavy lifting for the games in the basement where heat management is easier and also keeps my office comfortable) low TDP M1 Macs are great for the cooling bill and they run nice and quiet so I can concentrate on my work

    I also keep a small business class like the one pictured Running linux with a security hardened kernel minimal software and a hardened web browser that tosses it's cookies when closed. I use for things like shopping online banking online or any other online business where secruity or cross website tracking is a concern. I should also mention this machine is also ran headless and I use a Remote Desktop protocall to access it as well (that way I only have to use one monitor for everything)  

    I also use BSD server for network attached storage. this also runs a linux vm that serves as my downloads sandbox (all files and programs are downloaded to this VM first be scanned for viruses and worms before it sees my real computers. this too is also in the basement



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  2. Being honest if you are not looking for a Skin that is of the tones that are common amongst the peoples of far northern or more equatorial Latitudes your rather SOL

    and even regionally it can be extremely difficult if you wanted to nail down what you would see in a more specific area of a continent 

  3. not a fan of AP that do random things like make me bend over and stick my arse in the air finding ao's that are not overly sexulised is close to impossible 

  4. I enjoy fun in SL Sailing flying aircraft driving cars. Going to clubs watching the owners squirm because your dress in there dress code just a little thinner than they expected. general hanging out and going shopping and joking about how hard it is to find a good dressmaker 

  5. I am of two minds on this, while it was sucks for creators, it is a huge win for customers. The amount of times I have seen a dress I absolutely adored but had to say no because it involved gambling to get a part of it I reached the point that I was refusing to do business with stores that sold clothing as a gacha but since these things are dead they can get my business back

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