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Stephanie Calavera

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Posts posted by Stephanie Calavera

  1. 20 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    headache... obviously you aren't drinking enough alcohol fast enough... neat image.

    It's actually a flask full of the tears of my enemies. At least, I think it is--or maybe what I want to believe. Who knows. Thank you!

    • Like 3
  2. 8 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    you can ónly put your hud etc.. at the other screen if there is at least some space ( thats needed for the huds) overlapping on the second screen. It's impossible to put huds and windows out of the viewer.
    Perhaps you took the old april 1st vid from Firestorm i pasted in a post tuesday a bit to serious.

    I was thinking they were meaning something more akin to this. But the performance hit doesn't really make it worth it. I do a similar thing with Star Trek Online--having my skill bar one the right monitor, other things on the left, leaving the centre, clear. 

    Screenshot (3).png

  3. You'd have to set it up through your graphics card's display/control panel software. If you're in WIndows, right click on the desktop

    nVidia: https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3148/~/how-to-set-up-multiple-monitors

    AMD: https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/dh-014

    After that, your monitors will be treated as a single one. I've had a GTX 1080 for a couple of years now, before that I had an AMD R9 290. One of the things I miss about AMD, is that I think they multi-monitor setup is just, in my opinion, better. If I knew that their OpenGL drivers had gotten better, and performance was okay, I'd move back over to AMD. 

  4. I'm an Oldbie--from the days when we had XStreetSL and OnRez (I used the OnRez viewer for awhile). Which, both were purchased by LL, and consolidated into the Marketplace. I also decided to delete 90% of my system/pre-mesh stuff (between 2008 and 2013) just before BoM was announced. So unfortunately, I can't say for certain what the first thing I purchased was. 

    But back in 2008-2012, I was more into the clubbing side of SL and entered/won a lot of contests. So a majority of my SL income was from that, rarely ever put RL money into SL. I was walking away at the end of the day with around L$10K for very little effort--I usually split it with my RL/SL partner at the time, or some of it went to rent. So back then, it could've been alternative/goth from a few stores that have been nonexistent for a decade or more--such as "WRONG" (I know there is a store with that same name now, but it's not the original store) or "Rockers Wear". Maybe hair from "Magika", "Truth", or "ETD". If none of those, probably some Latex from Kaliwulf Kingdom. Who knows, maybe it could've been a skin from Redgrave Skins. 

    The farthest back I can go in the MP order history is to October 10, 2010, but I know for certain there were probably things I bought on OnRez or XStreetSL as well as in-world before that. I bought 27 items, split between five orders. The first order had five items. 

    • [RevengE] Ruth Latex Catsuit = L$150
    • Red Striped Stockings & Gloves Set (neko, goth, vampire, witch) = L$25
    • {Demon cake} Like a Star Outfit ~New SLX Price~ = L149
    • [A&k] Easter Surprise = L$1
    • ::: Newwwwww!!! Leti's Tattoo MM902 :::  = L$200
    • Like 2
  5. This is amazing, and an upgrade that I think the viewer actually needs. Although, probably not technically possible. It's somewhat torturous. I like just randomly exploring, and looking over this map has allowed me to see random little things way at the top of the map, that are inaccessible to us peasants, but fascinate me. 

    I can't seem to pull any names when I log in-world, just stuck on "Loading...". I'm pretty sure these are remnants of Horizons?


    Just north, here we have "Magic Valeria Build" (I don't recognise this), and "BCR Build" (Bay City?). I often wonder what the purposes are, or if they still have purposes. 



  6. There's nothing amazing about it. I liked the sound of the surname Szaberwick when I first signed up in 2008, and I'm a fan of the Metal Gear Solid game series/franchise. In the first game for the original Playstation, one of the characters who you could keep in contact with for all matters weapons related, is/was Nastasha Romanenko; a Ukrainian-Russian weapons analyst.

    I didn't foresee, however, how many people would call me Natasha instead--well, bollocks. 

    • Like 3
  7. I'm perfectly happy with this avi's name. Although I would like to change the name of my alt, or reasons. The snag is that my alt is basic, and I can't justify paying for a month at minimum, plus the fee to change the name, and another $8 in VAT. So, I haven't, and won't, unless or until the requirements for eligibility are changed. 

  8. There is a Homeowners Association group for Bellisseria at least. I don't know about the old homes; 

    Bellisseria Homeowners Association: 
    "A voluntary cooperative association for the betterment of the Bellisseria region. Let's work together to increase land values and improve the region's aesthetics. The HOA does not participate in enforcement roleplay, nor is the HOA an officially sanctioned LL group."

    I'd just ask them to politely leave, and/or boot them next time. Blacklist and/or mute if necessary. They don't have any authority. 

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