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Nikole Messmer

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Everything posted by Nikole Messmer

  1. my own calling card... when i add it to a notecard it looks fine, has just my name. then when i save it, it changes to some broken version of a very old display name of mine and looks horrible how can i fix this?
  2. Muppet avatars are near non-existant on MP, what is there is so shoddy and prim is just so out-dated. WHY has no one made a set of MESH avatars?? I would gladly pay for a well-made Pepe The King Prawn and maybe an alien (you know... yip-yip-yip-yip, uhhuh uhhuh uhuh). And then I would it for WEEKS at a time! For the love of Kermit, someone please make this happen!!
  3. Wasabi Pills has one similar but it's not it. Thanks though.
  4. Looking for the hair in this photo, can anyone help please??
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