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Josephine Carissa

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Everything posted by Josephine Carissa

  1. ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ Stallion Jazz Club ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁ █ ◇▣◇ DJ Hugh Correia █ ◇▣◇ 7-9pm █ ◇▣◇ Real Jazz Sessions, Sun. Night Edition █ ◇▣◇ Hostess: Ms. Jaguar ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ Dress: Casual to Formal, (what you prefer). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 ◇▣◇ 24/7 Radio Stream ◇▣◇ http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  2.  ...:*☆*:….. Stallion Jazz Club .....:*☆*:… .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ❤ Zavitar Perian1, singing live ┊ ┊ ┊ ☆ 5-6pm SLT ┊ ┊ ❤ Sunday ┊ ☆ Dress: casual to formal, (what you prefer). .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 .:*☆*:. 24/7 Radio Stream .:*☆*:. http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  3.  ...:*☆*:….. Stallion Jazz Club .....:*☆*:… .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ❤ Khiron Ametza ┊ ┊ ┊ ☆ 2-3pm SLT ┊ ┊ ❤ Saturday ┊ ☆ Dress: casual to formal, (what you prefer). .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 .:*☆*:. 24/7 Radio Stream .:*☆*:. http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  4. ~*~ Happy ~*~ New ~*~ Years ~*~ 2016 ~*~ Sending you all the very best wishing for a safe, happy and healthy new year : ) Kindest Regards, Josephine
  5.  ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ Stallion Jazz Club ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁ █ ◇▣◇ DJ Hugh Correia █ ◇▣◇ 7-9pm █ ◇▣◇ Jazz Sessions: Wed. Night Edition ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ Dress: Formal to Casual, (what you prefer). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 ◇▣◇ 24/7 Radio Stream ◇▣◇ http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  6.  ♫♥♫Stallion ♥ Jazz ♥ Club♫♥♫ ╔═════════ .♥. ═══════════╗ ♥ ♫ DJ STARCHILD ♫ ♥♫ ♥ ♫ IT’S A JAZZ THING ♫ ♥♫ ♥ ♫ TUESDAY 7-9pm ♫ ♥♫ ╚═════════ .♥. ═══════════╝ Dress: casual to formal, (what you prefer). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 ♫ ♥ 24/7 Radio Stream ♥ ♫ http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  7.  ♫…♥ Stallion Jazz Club ♥…♫ ╔════. ♥ .═══. ♫ .════. ♥ .═══╗ ♫ Kitty Zeddmore ♫ ♥ ♫ sings and plays the trumpet ♫ ♥ ♫ 9-10pm SLT ♫ ♥ ♫ Monday Dec. 28th ♫ ♥ ╚════. ♥ .═══ . ♫ .════. ♥ .═══╝ Dress: Casual to Formal, (what you prefer). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 ♥ 24/7 Radio Stream ♥ ♫ http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  8. THIS WEEK@ STALLION JAZZ CLUB *Mon. Dec. 28th 9-10pm Kitty Zeddmore, sings *Tue. Dec. 29th 7-9pm DJ StarChild *Wed. Dec. 30th 7-9pm DJ Hugh *Fri. Jan. 1st 8-10pm DJ Smooth *Sat. Jan. 2nd 2-3pm Khiron Ametza, sings *Sun. Jan. 3rd 5-6pm Zavitar Perian, sings *Sun. Jan. 3rd 7-9pm, DJ Hugh You are cordially invited to attend these events…..dress: casual to formal, (what you prefer). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 ♫ ♥ 24/7 Radio Stream ♥ ♫ http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  9.  ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ Stallion Jazz Club ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁ █ ◇▣◇ DJ Hugh Correia █ ◇▣◇ 7-9pm █ ◇▣◇ Jazz Journey, Sunday Night Edition ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ Dress: Casual to Formal, (what you prefer). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 ◇▣◇ 24/7 Radio Stream ◇▣◇ http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  10.  ...:*☆*:….. Stallion Jazz Club .....:*☆*:… .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ❤ Zavitar Perian1, singing live ┊ ┊ ┊ ☆ 5-6pm SLT ┊ ┊ ❤ Sunday ┊ ☆ Dress: casual to formal, (what you prefer). .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 .:*☆*:. 24/7 Radio Stream .:*☆*:. http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  11.  ...:*☆*:….. Stallion Jazz Club .....:*☆*:… .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ❤ Khiron Ametza ┊ ┊ ┊ ☆ 5-6pm SLT ┊ ┊ ❤ Saturday ┊ ☆ Dress: casual to formal, (what you prefer). .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 .:*☆*:. 24/7 Radio Stream .:*☆*:. http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  12. ~*~ Merry Christmas ~*~ Hippie, very nice writing and good pictures too. Give my regards to Mrs. Hippie : ) Sincerely, Josephine
  13. ~*~ Merry Christmas ~*~ Hoping everyone has a good and peaceful day : ) Kindest Reguards, Josephine
  14.  . ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ Stallion Jazz Club ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁ █ ◇▣◇ DJ Hugh Correia █ ◇▣◇ 7:30-9:30pm █ ◇▣◇ Jazz Journey, Wed. Night Edition ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ Dress: Formal to Casual, (what you prefer). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 ◇▣◇ 24/7 Radio Stream ◇▣◇ http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  15. Hi again DamselNikky, here is blue with snow flakes : ) still not the one but you might like it anyway : ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Soulglitter-Winter-Outfit-Tunic-Dress-Hat-Overknee-Boots/4296497 Have a great day ! Merry Christmas, Josephine
  16. Good Morning Everyone : ) Looks like you are all up to shenanigans : ) Have a great day !!!!! Kindest Regards, Josephine PS. for those of you out doing holiday traveling take care and be safe.
  17. THIS WEEK@ STALLION JAZZ CLUB *Mon. Dec. 21st *Cancelled*9-10pm Kitty Zeddmore, sings&plays trumpet *Tue. Dec. 22nd *Cancelled*7-9pm DJ StarChild *Wed. Dec. 23rd 7:30-9:30pm DJ Hugh *Fri. Dec. 25th 8-10pm DJ Smooth *Sat. Dec. 26th 5-6pm Khiron Ametza, sings *Sun. Dec. 27th 5-6pm Zavitar Perian, sings *Sun. Dec. 27th 7-9pm, DJ Hugh Please welcome our new hostess Ms. Jaguar : ) You are cordially invited to attend these events…..dress: casual to formal, (what you prefer). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 ♫ ♥ 24/7 Radio Stream ♥ ♫ http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  18.  . ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ Stallion Jazz Club ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁ █ ◇▣◇ DJ Hugh Correia █ ◇▣◇ 6-8pm █ ◇▣◇ Jazz Journey, Sunday Night Edition ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ Dress: Casual to Formal, (what you prefer). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 ◇▣◇ 24/7 Radio Stream ◇▣◇ http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  19.  -★-✫- STALLION JAZZ CLUB -✫-★- ╔═════════✩ ✩ ♫ ♪ ✩ ✩═════▫ ╫◈ ահօ : DJ SMOOTH ╫◈ ահɑէ : KEEPIN IT SMOOTH ╫◈ ահҽղ : 8-10PM FRIDAY NIGHT ╫◈ hostess : DIAMONS ╫◈ stream: http://fsshoutcast.com:8676 ╚══════════════════════ ✩ ♫ ♪ ✩ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 -★-✫- 24/7 Radio Stream -★-✫- http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  20. Greetings DamselNikky, this isn't the stars you requested but this might work:::: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ninette-creations-skater-princess/7030992? Kindest Regards, Josephine
  21. ~*~ Good Morning ~*~ Happy Friday to you all : ) how is everyone doing with their holiday preperations ? the dog and kitty pictures are so cute : ) Hope you all have a great weekend. Kind Regards, Josephine
  22.  ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ Stallion Jazz Club ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁ █ ◇▣◇ DJ Hugh Correia █ ◇▣◇ 7:30-9:30pm █ ◇▣◇ Jazz Journey, Wed. Night Edition ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ◇▣◇ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ Dress: Formal to Casual, (what you prefer). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 ◇▣◇ 24/7 Radio Stream ◇▣◇ http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
  23. TUESDAY NIGHT@STALLION JAZZ CLUB *7-9pm DJ Starchild *9-10pm Kitty Zeddmore, sings& plays trumpet Dress: Casual to Formal, (what you prefer). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gauguin/22/98/23 ♥ 24/7 Radio Stream ♥ ♫ http://stallionjazzclub.tumblr.com/
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