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Verena Vuckovic

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Posts posted by Verena Vuckovic

  1. Sometimes it can be literally impossible to teleport out of a sim and into another one. You try and try again....but no, the system just wont do it. Removing worn items such as HUDs can occasionally make a difference, but even that doesn't always work.

    And yet...if you just log off and then back on again specifying that you want to log in at your required sim...that works !

    So, howcome logging out and in again works, yet the system can't just spare one that trouble and do the equivalent jiggery pokery in the background and get one from A to B ? Perhaps there could be some special function that kicks in on more than two TP attempts. I suspect this doesn't require hiring rocket scientists.

  2. One of the issues one reads about often is high graphic card temperatures when using SL. The usual advice is given about making sure GPU is dust free and so on...but often this doesn't make any difference. In fact, quite often advice about lowering graphics settings also doesn't make a whole lot of difference, because without the correct VSYNC setting your PC will simply generate more frames per second of lower graphics...which negates lowering the graphics setting.

    Often, SL can be trying to generate more frames per second ( FPS ) than your monitor can actually display...which of course is silly.

    And that is where ( for Nvidia users ) a little tool called Nvidia Inspector comes in very handy.

    That tool allows one to specify a 'global' FPS maximum for one's PC. The first thing I noticed was that reducing global FPS from 60fps ( the default for my monitor ) down to 30fps actually makes very little difference visually but a lot of difference temperature-wise. It's easy to reset back to normal if one wants to run HD videos or something. Personally I leave it at 30fps all the time as the display difference is so small and one really has to be playing games that require super-fast reactions to notice any appreciable difference.


    But....more importantly, having set a global FPS, I can then use the same parameter ( FPS frame rate ) for individual applications....and it has a max temperature setting !


    So...having set global FPS to 30, I can then also tell it to never allow Second Life to get above 80C...and the GPU temp will never get above 80C. It does this by further limiting FPS so that temperature is controlled. If you set an unreasonably low temperature ( say 75C ) then you will get a lot of graphic lag. But if you are worried about your GPU getting fried by temperatures above 90C ( which I have had in SL ) then you can set it to 90C and know that no matter what happens in SL your GPU temperature will never get above 90C.


    You may need to play around to get the ideal settings, and you may be fussy and not like even the slightest quality reduction, but for those who constantly worry about their GPU being fried....it's an invaluable tool.

  3. That is not entirely true. If you have a lot of cache and it is fragmented all over the hard drive, it can in fact take longer for your PC to find it than to just reload those textures etc.


    One thing that can often speed up SL is to defragment your hard drive, especially using a defragmenter that resorts individual applications contiguously on the disk.

  4. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to hear you thoughts on this incident."


    A sim owner can ban anyone they like, for any reason they like...or even for no reason at all.

    Do people get banned 'unfairly' ? I'm sure they do sometimes. But what is more unfair is the name remains on the ban list forever regardless of whether there is a new owner, until it is actually removed.

    A new owner would have no idea why people were banned. They would simply assume all those banned must have been troublemakers. I think this is the real injustice, and that Linden Lab should automatically clear down the ban list on parcels when the land changes hands.

  5. I suspect this may be a common issue.......so a solution would be useful.

    One of my old alts doesn't have a Favorites directory, and I don't think has ever had one. I can create a directory called Favorites, but then it does not perform that functionality and does not appear at the top of the list of directories as is normally the case.

    So the question is, can one recreate it....and how.

  6. I think in the end the whole issue boils down to this......

    One should not have an SL that is more absolutely 'private' than RL could ever be.

    Why so ? Well, because in RL, even though people have their privacy there are always ways round it.........which is precisely how we find out that people are up to no good. Imagine a real world where nations could not spy on each other, wives could never determine that husband was cheating, employers could never find out that an employee has a criminal record, and so on etc etc. A real world where everything was so private that one could NEVER know anyone was lying, cheating, stealing, etc.

    Well.....that world is increasingly what we have in SL. The problem is......while the real world always offers some means of finding things out even if doing so is not easy......in SL, there are no get-arounds.  In the name of so-called 'privacy'.....what one has is a world where people can lie and cheat with utter impunity !

    Is that really the sort of SL people want ? Or is it not more likely to be a factor putting a lot of people off ever joining in the first place.

  7. "I have never quite understood why in Second Life, immediately when we are logged in we are shown as online suggesting that we are ready to socialise. "


    But I totally agree with that.  The real solution to this issue is not completely blocking the online status, but being able to block the advertising of that status when you log in.

    Thus, anyone would be able to see you are online.....if they actively searched for the info.......but they would not be infomed otherwise......and the real thing you would be blocking is the display that tells everyone 'xxx is online'.

    That seems to me to make emminently more sense, and be more open and honest, than simply hiding one's status.


  8. "Its almost as bad as people insisting on knowing when someone else is logged in, or if they're hiding that."


    I can't mention any names here.....but this is a true story.....

    About 4 years ago I got involved in RP in SL with some guy....lets call him Mr X....who had similar RP interests. This guy had a partner...was 'married' in SL....and his profile said of his partner  " She is the love of my life. She is my soul mate. She is all I need ". Awww....how sweet and loving ....what a nice person ! How trustworthy and decent !

    And then one day, I was with Mr X......and he suddenly said  'dont tell anyone else this.......'  and proceeded to log in right next to us, a female alt of his.

    Fair enough, I thought, it takes all sorts to make SL. Even a 22 stone lumberjack is entitled to a bit of 'exploring their sexuality'. No....my problem was not the gender bending, but that this guy's partner had no idea what he was up to.

    Oh...and it was worse than that. It turned out.....as  I was friended to both Mr X and his female alt....that Mr X would be kissing his partner....his "soul mate....she is all I need"....goodnight, and then promptly logging in as Miss Y......a 'lesbian' whose profile read  "I am 100% lesbian and don't like guys ".

    Not only was Miss Y a 'lesbian'....she even ran a lesbian site, and a lesbian vampire group, and spent his...sorry, her.....entire time bonking anything with a dress on.  And all of this within minutes of dear sweet Mr X kissing his 'love of my life' goodnight.

    Still want to lecture me on the right of complete and utter RATS to privacy in SL ??

  9. "I think there is more to your issue with this than meets the eye. "


    Well of course....there has to be doesn't there. How else would one ever have any drama.

    I cannot help but notice, on these forums, how every time anyone makes any generic statement.........there's always a whole bunch of people appending their own little bit of drama to it and trying to add more than has actually been said.


  10. "Like another poster mentioned, most people who use the check boxes don't check all of them, only the people who are likely to message them when they don't want to talk. "


    This is nonsense. You seriously telling me that every time you log in you go through your entire friends list to check or uncheck the ones you do or don't want to talk to on that particular day ??

  11. "Have some respect for people's privacy, whether you think it is stupid or not."


    Lol.....so lying to people is respectful ? Let's call this status thing what it really is.....lying.......and quit all the 'privacy' red herring. If you are online and you are showing to a friend as offline, then you are lying to that friend. I can see why some might want to dress this up and make it look all nice under the guise of 'privacy'.

    So.....lying to one's friends is now the new socially respectable in SL ??


  12. "I like those who say they hide their groups."


    It's another of those brainless things like people who hide their online status and then imagine they have 'privacy' as they wander around sims in full public view of everyone.

    The fact that anyone in the same groups as these people can see they are in them is lost on these people. Likewise, they seem oblivious to the fact that 'I hide all my groups' is the surest possible way of causing others to show no no inclination whatever to be interested.




  13. "Your argument seems to be that because it is not absolute privacy, then there should be no privacy at all."


    No, my argument is that one's online status in public sims has nothing to do with privacy and it's a complete joke to pretend it is. If you are on a public sim then you are by definition viewable on radar to anyone on that sim.....which could include anyone in SL, and that includes anyone you are 'hiding' your status from.

    How can you then claim your online status is 'private'.....when you are yourself displaying publicly that you are very much online ?? You have no idea who might be on that sim before you go there, and you have no idea who might TP in while you are there. Because those others could be anyone in SL, the notion that your online status is 'private' is thus ridiculous and patently laughable.



  14. As for all this 'privacy' nonsense.......anyone who is wandering around public sims has already forfeited their online status 'privacy'.

    You seriously think you can wander down to the local shopping mall in RL and pretend you are not there ?

    The minute you enter onto public sims in SL, you are quite blatantly advertising to anyone on those sims, which could include anyone you are trying to ignore.......that you most certainly ARE online. Given that people and their friends almost by definition will have similar interests in sims......the chances of bumping into any such friend are actually quite high.

    So the notion that unchecking some flag somehow makes one literally invisible and provides 'privacy' is sheer nonsense in the first place. You gave up that absolute privacy the minute you logged into a public sim.




  15. "I've worked with DJs and hostesses who did that right while I was with them. While we were in the same club, I saw them go offline. Reason being was they were working and didn't want to be interrupted. They had enough to focus on dealing with the guests."


    Oh come off it. That's precisely what the 'busy' flag was invented for. Huh ?


    "Your belief that you have a right to know if I am invisible or not, and that it trumps my right to be invisible....."


    I've never said any such thing. I've simply pointed out how ABSURD it is for someone who is readily visible to any Tom. Dick and Harry on a public sim to pretend they are not frikin online at all. It makes utter nonsense of the online status.

    What is the point of having an online status flag, if it isn't the person's TRUE online status ? One might just as well scrap the flag altogether.....as it is otherwise utterly meaningless.




  16. I'm always amused by those profiles where the person types in big bold letters ' All my IMs are recorded '......' I don't do drama '....and threats to AR anyone for just about anything they can think up. SL is full of these sort of....I call them 'aggressive' profiles.

    More often than not, the biggest drama makers are the ones who 'dont do drama'. Nope, they only ever keep seeing it in the rear view mirror !

    Likewise with people and their 'All my IMs are monitored'.  And why, one wonders, would some quiet, peaceful, non drama maker need to thus warn everyone ?



  17. "It's MY SL. And that stupid tickmark caused all sorts of drama from people like you and that is why its gone. "


    Lol.....people like me ? The only 'drama' I see here is from people such as yourself  introducing utterly irrelevant personal drama stories. I think its quite hilarious the way people come along with their personal 'someone was bad to me' stories and then have the gall to accuse the OP of drama.



  18. "People have a right to privacy no matter where they are, RL or SL"


    I keep hearing this mythical nonsense that hiding one's online status has something to do with 'privacy'.  It's about the most ridiculous imaginable use of the word.

    If a person owns their own sim and never ever ventures outside it, then I can just about understand it's use......as that person has effectively divorced themselves from the rest of SL.

    But for anyone else, it is quite preposterous to suggest that they can be on a public sim........where any Tom, Dick, or Harry who happens to be there can see they are online.........whilst pretending to the world they are not even online. It is not 'privacy' at all.....because for all they know the person they are hiding their status from could well be on that sim !

    One then has the sheer absurdity of bumping into someone who is........er.......'offline'. LOL !

    Tell you what.......lets ALL hide our online status from absolutely everyone. Then we can have 60,000 people online......each one bumping into 59,999 people who are not freakin online !



  19. "There are some really nice guys who as soon as you log in want to talk to you, and that is really sweet. Sometimes though, a girl just needs to log in and try on some clothes for a while without having to chat. That is one way the hide online status works. "


    It is not necessary to completely HIDE online status to achieve that. All it requires is that one can switch off the automatic broadcasting of it to others.....but still allow it to  be shown to anyone who searches. That will tell you whether the guy really is nice and sweet and always has you in mind......or if he's just some opportunistic vulture who sees 'xxxx is online' and pounces.



  20. "Rodvick Linden has recently stated publicly that LL takes privacy very seriously and that it is the right of every user to have it and that this step was taken as something that could easily be adopted to assure this. If what he says is true, then I would expect that in the future more steps will be taken so that when you want to be shown as off line that none of the workarounds currently available will work either."


    The idea that this all has anything to do with 'privacy' is frankly quite comical. Real world laws relating to privacy, which Lindens must follow, all have to do with real world details.............such things as age, sex, location, etc......one's real life details. Those are private things that a person has every right to expect privacy for.

    What on Earth has that genuine RL privacy got to do with whether one is online in some glorified 3D chat room ??

    No...we are not simply talking about whether a person is busy or not. There is already a 'busy' flag. We are talking about someone being able to wander round a virtual world.....in public places where anyone can see they are there......whist at the same time pretending to the world that they are not even online !

    That is the RL equivalent of someone pretending they are not on planet Earth !  Frankly......whoever thought up this ludicrous and farcical ability probably isn't.


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