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Lynda Baran

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Posts posted by Lynda Baran

  1. Let's see I'm Bill Gates and you sue me for a butt load of money.  I can pay $2,500 an hour to a lawyer and fight you, or I can give some crack head $500 to kill you.  What would I do?   I'd say it's a pretty good thing for you I'm not Bill Gates.

  2. A much simpler solution if you are unsure of the person's gender is to refer to them by their name.   All this gender neutral stuff is just more political correctness in an attempt to promote sameness and less attention to individualism.

    I'm not a they, i'm a she or her.   And I'm not like everyone esle, I'm and individual.  I'm not a worker, I'm a citizen.  I refuse to play the game and give up to become just one more face in the mass of humanity to be ignored like everyone else.

  3. You can always tell by how screwed up things are afterwards!

    Sims crashing constantly, people being booted , not being able to log back on, etc, etc, etc.  It never seems to end.

    Hopefully these new improvements won't  disrupt everyone's SL for weeks or months this time.

    It's really a crying shame this has become the norm rather than an exception.

    Maybe if they'd hire some engineers and programmers who could find their own butts with both hands.

    Or here's a novel idea, concentrate more on making existing things work right before you inflict new untested junk on us.

    But that would make too much sense.

    That other, simpler grid starts to look better and better everytime you bring in more new garbage.

    Hey Lindens, this is really getting old and tired.  Ya' know?

  4. Sounds good if you exchange Absolut 100 (fresh out of the freezer, no ice to water it down) for the Bombay and a Lime twist for the Olive.   Foget the shaker full of ice (the vodka just came from the freezer) and pour just a little of the vermouth down the sink.

    Or an alternative (though not anywhere similar to a Martini) is to reach passed the Absolut 100 for the bottle of Red Breast  12 year old Single Pot Irish.  Pour it into a Highball glass (again not needing ice to water it down), let it breath for the count of 10 and sip slowly.

  5. It does say that she gets political in her blog posts.  So although I don think playing WoW should be an issue, the blog posts are certainly fair game.  Now a days, everything the oppo can dig up on anyone seems to be fair game, but that goes for all political parties.

    For me, the biggest disqualifier for anyone running for political office is if they intend to run for more than one term.   The biggest problem with politics is the professional politician.

  6. Oooh yeah, Ass-ange is a reeeeal hero.   That why the CIA is after him.   lol    Don't let the black helicopter distract you while the hitters from SEAL Team 6 sneak in to the Ecuadorian Embassy and takes him out.  Oh wait, is he on Uncle Barry's Kill List?

    Bradley Manning is a dolt.   He stole documents and passed them on and for what.  So Ass-ange can overstate his own importance and claim to be the hero of the oppressed.   I thought that was Stalin, Mao or maybe Castro.  

    Let's see if he thinks it was such a hot idea when he's found guilty of espionage under the UCMJ and they ship him off to Leavenworth to be hanged. 

    I don't much care about revealing State Department garbage, they are a bunch of clowns anyway.   But for revealing classified military information I hope they stretch his neck.  Just too bad they can't make it a double header with Ass-ange in the number two spot.

    BTW, I came across a list of members of Anonymous recently.   I have it list on E-Bay for sale to the highest bidder.   I'll make a deal if you also what my lists of ELFand ALF members.

  7. I too recently moved to a parcel near Blake Sea.   I both fly and sail and have occasional problems with border crossings.

    The first thing you need to look at is your script count.   Naturally, all vehicles have scripts inside them.  Some have additional HUDs to operate the vehicles.   There's not much you can do about those so it comes down to the scripted items you are wearing.  

    I try to keep the script count of worn items below 75 under everyday circumstances.  But for sailing or flying, I have specific outfits I wear that reduce that below 12.   It makes all the difference in the world when crossing sim borders.  

    I have a little a script scale to measure what the script count that I place right next to my pier to check before I get on the boat.   You can get one free at:


  8. Sl is many different things to many different people.   For some it's a complete escape into fantasy.   For others it become almost an extension of their RL. 

    It's whatever each individual wants it to be, and what makes them happy.   And it's no one else's business what that is.

    And THAT is the point which you obviously miss.

  9. For the second straight week, or is it a third, the Rolling Restarts have left more problems in their wake than they may have solved.   Does this week goody portend the death of the much vaunted MESH?

    During yesterdays Rolling Restarts, I decided to go do a little flying around the Blake Sea.   On a normal day this takes a little planning and diligence to avoid the blank spots around the edges.  On a Restart Day, you have to duck and dodge the Off Line sims, but it's still do-able.

    But, after yesterdays Restarts, I have been running into the SL equivalent of fly paper.  Sticking to the invisible wall of the sim borders and receiving the following message:

    [15:24:00] Second Life: Can't move object 'F-4B 'Sundowners' V1.0' to { 1.51748, 163.663, 161.563 } in region Blake Sea - China because the other region is running an older version which does not support receiving this object via region crossing.

    I waited and tried again later, only to find myself stuck to the wall again in mod roll-out.   Waited, same results, same message.     Then, the "older version"  hit me.   , I pulled out an old prim favorite and Viola', no problem.    Just for giggles I put on my mesh feet.   I tried to cross the border.   My feet wouldn't cross with me.

    So after the big push for Mesh, has it become too hard for the masterminds at LL to keep up with keeping the sims Mesh enabled when they do their restarts?   Are their little pet project sims taking too much time from their regular maintenance duties?   As they look for more and more little gimmicks and gadgets to push,  will this mean the end of MESH?

    Suggestion: You guys need to find some techno-weenies with an attention span longer than that of a 4 year old to keep the main bits and pieces running.   Quit diverting manpower to little projects that the majority of the community will never use and new features nobody wants.

    No more mesh stuff for me until you get heads out of your .....   and get this worked out.   I'll stick with my old, over-scripted prim toys.

  10. If you have all this proof, get your self a lawyer.   Then files a john doe lawsuit naming the stalkers av name and LL as a co-defendant.   That will get their attention.  

    Have them served with a  Subpoena duces tecum requiring them to produce all information the have on this person  and any alts.  

    With this new found information, call the cops.  All 50 states have some sort of cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment laws.   Call the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility, they investigate government corruption and misuse of authority.   Drag LL into it at every turn. 

    If this doesn't work, resort to the final option.   Buy a gun (preferably large caliber loaded with hollow point ammunition) and let the jerk find out where you live (accidentally).    Then reverse the harassment, egging her on until she shows up. Then defend yourself vigorously until the magazine is empty, reload and repeat.

  11. Your approach of passing along information through groups may be one of the most efficient ways to get the word out.   I belong to several groups that routinely do this, and I pass along that information to other group I belong to.  Unfortunately  some group owners and managers don't always take the time to pass it on to their groups when they receive this type of information.

    Posting specific information about phishing and scams here in the forums and filing ARs about these incidents also helps and you see them quite often.   But still, to many people seem unaware of what good internet security procedures are and think it won't happen to them.



  12. Jeez, people have asked you what help you need.   But all you want to do is whine.   Whine how SL should provide you something at thier expense.  Are you like,  part of some kind of half-assed  SL Occupy group or something.   Thinking that you are owed free services?   Well, free for you, but someone else has to pay for.  

    When people keep asking what help you need, why don't you quit whining and answer them?

  13. For the most part I will only buy Mod/Copy.    Things rarely fit just the way I like, so mod is a must.  At the same time if I mess something up I always have the original in a back-up folder.   If I dislike something after I buy it and can't make it look the way I want it to, then I stuff it in a folder and sometimes go back to it if it fits certain situation.   I have, over the years, found the merchants that both make things that consistently fit the way I like them, and are mod/copy.   I'm open to new places and different lines, but now I look for places with demos.   But if I buy the item, it must always come mod/copy.

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