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Maelstrom Janus

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Posts posted by Maelstrom Janus

  1. Hello Mr Grumpy pants here again !!


    So basically penny what youre saying is that the resources allocated by lindens aren't high enough or the script system they put in place is prone to use in such a way that it causes lag...


    therefore the ones to blame are linden labs and really its up to them to tighten up on these issues and sort them out. So really people are on the basis of what youre saying right in blaming lindens because basically its their system which is prone to 'misuse'

  2. well it beats the hell outs of a mega prim sign with the words 'trespassers keep out.'....or a gothic castle on a sub tropical beach...transylvania does waikiki doesnt really work for me ...or best of all a 100 metre black mega prim wall maintained by a nutcase until he'd made all his neighbours leave ad then bought their land ... !!!!

  3. Of course he's working on BIG ways to promote sl growth - didnt you get your freebie yacht ( or is that feeble yacht) or your free Lindens home ( you know the one) stuck on a miniscule plot surrounded by a mass of clone houses ??? Well admittedly I couldn't get the yacht ( the freebie booth never seemed accessible) and I've got enough homes acquired over my four years in sl to fill a housing estate.. personally I think Rodvik has more strings jerking him than pinochio and doing anything which would really boost sl isn't even being considered by the pocket linings of the puppet masters whoever they may be....

  4. One of the true joys of sl is sailing, driving, riding a horse or flying a vehicle...unfortunately crashes at borders, ban lines, security orbs and full parcels negate the pleasure....


    SL have never done anything to tackle these issues or capitalise on people's pleasure in travelling around or exploring sl....

  5. SL is slowly going down the tubes..... try selling land ,....look at the amount of yellow on the map...and SL are after years of exploiting' a single product now talking about new developments....

    People keep suggesting ways to improve sl- its not rocket science... The Inworld building menu is stagnant, thanks to a group of techs who pushed for mesh software which does nothing to enhance in world building at all and hands new building features to those who dont want to build in sl and dont care if the advent of mesh tech totally removes the onus from Lindens to do anything new or add any new features at all to inworld building.

    Tiers remain hopelessly high. Its obvious lower tiers would be the best way of renewing existing customer faith and encouraging new comers. It would make peoples land something 'worth' having again because if its cheaper to own land logically people are going to want to buy more and are likely to pay more.

    Lags worse than ever... so are TP crashes... No single viewer shows sl the same way as their friends and neighbours...

    I get the feeling a group of people are screwng the inhabitants of sl for as much as they can get and when it stops working...


    WHAP !!!!!

  6. What a lot of smart arse know it alls there are in sl.....we never set up ban lines in Tefnut we let people build as they please until of course junk was dumped all over the region...and even then we didnt establish ban lines we set tefy so that only members of the group myself and cully could build....somehow these became ban lines the day we abandoned - despite all the smart ass know it all theories here ...


    as for the anti ban line group yes I can see from the comments here we should ban a lot of deserving names from our land...

  7. Of course we might take Tefnut back - when we first bought the region we loved it but it would take a major slashing of tier fees and possibly one or two other changes in lindens policy and we all know how ready lindens are to listen to their customers....


    course they may throw in a free car  or some similar piece of useless tat to long term customers with freebies pouring out of their inventories...oh hang on dont want to go mad...maybe they'll stretch to free roller blades....

  8. In order to recoup some of the 2900 dollars we've paid to LL over the past twelve months (Ive been paying a lot longer but got my first full region with cully last year) we may start charging for visits and starting up a guided  archaeological tour of the remains of abandoned SL........

  9. Yesterday we abandoned large chunks of our region...the tiers are too high and all the evidence to me suggests they'll be increased before reduced despite continuing demands from many long term sl land owners for their reduction. No one is buying full regions - apart from penny pinching land dealers offering less than peanuts per sq metre. Lindens continue to insult long term customers while trying everything to lure new customers. You can't even air your opinions about shabby customer treatment on the forum without getting your posts removed and lets face it conditions in world get worse rather than better, more crashes more lag.

    To put it in a nutshell land ownership certainly isnt worth the while anymore.

    We owned our region 12 months almost and put a lot of effort buying it up piece by piece. But Lindens final action has to cap it for sheer mean penny pinching. The minute we abandoned parts of our region Lindens immediately slapped up ban lines  - classic.

    If people keep abandoning land Im wondering soon if its lindens policy now to fence it off ...how anyone is going to get anywhere in sl......


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