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Larisa String

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Everything posted by Larisa String

  1. Did you try the demo of what you bought before? If the answer is no, then you aren't entitled to a refund. Did the item have a demo? If the answer is no, and you still went through with the transaction, you aren't entitled to a refund. Did you buy something two times, by mistake? If the answer is yes, you should polity settle this with the seller as most stores offer a refund if the items come with copy permission. The only reason I would see for a refund is being scammed, but since you're not buying from LL itself, it isn't their responsibility to give you a refund. I admit, I was scammed, in the past, having bought something that perhaps was marketed to seem what it's not or just not having the right permissions. At first I was pissed off, but now I'm not because now I know what to look for when shopping on the market. If in doubt, just don't buy it is the best policy for shoping in SL. PS: this isn't RL and people should stop comparing the two.
  2. The thing is you're just reiterating what's been said before and I guess we've already established the current system is nothing to write home about and probably should have enforceable rules both for merchants and customers. It just would be nice if instead of trying to figure things out on our own and arguing on forums we would spent more time in second life. The reason it feels like victim blaming is that you "explained how to avoid the problem", just like how in real life men 'explain' to women how they should dress to avoid being harassed by other men. Do you see the point at all? If you really don't, just don't even answer cause it's frustrating to talk in circles.
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