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Dakota Noelle

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Everything posted by Dakota Noelle

  1. This has been an issue for some in the past as I recall but this has become a recent issue for me over the last few months, it seems when rolling restarts are done or i have a new neighbour move onto the land and they start editing the landscape, I log in and all my grass, flowers, trees need to have their alpha masking reset. Today it was really bad after a neighbour moved in during the day and started building and editing the land. I had to reset practically all my landscaping alphas. It is not a particular creators landscaping either it is all different creators plants. I am presuming it is to do with land changes and restarts or maybe I am wrong, can anyone enlighten me on this and why it is suddenly becoming a huge issue? Thanks in advance.
  2. I am so happy to have found this old thread. All of my almost 16 years in SL, this is the first time I have ever had this issue. I was in panic mode as this is a new laptop and I was worried that all of a sudden something was very wrong with my graphics card. After spending over a hour checking everything on my system and checking for updates, I logged back in to find still the same problem. Then I found this thread, I clicked everything with the issue to blending, then back to Alpha masking and noticed the mask cutoff was zero, set it all back to 100 and all fixed. Also this happened after the rolling restarts. I know it is old, but seriously thanks for this thread guys.
  3. Quiet Mainland parcel 1024 sqm 351 prims Price L$1800. Buy now L$1100 (offer only for the next 24 hours) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Graystripe/165/138/33
  4. Quiet Mainland parcel 656 sqm 225 prims L$900 buy today and only pay L$400. (this opportunity is only for the next 24 hours) BUY NOW! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Graystripe/145/136/33
  5. Quiet Mainland parcel 1232 sqm 422 prims L$2100 - buy today now reduced to L$1400 (offer is for 24 hours only) Grab this deal today. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Graystripe/144/144/33
  6. Mainland parcel 1232 sqm L$2100 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Graystripe/144/144/33
  7. Mainland parcel 656 sqm 225 prims L$900 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Graystripe/145/136/33
  8. Mainland parcel 1024 sqm Price L$1800 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Graystripe/165/138/33
  9. Mainland parcel 1232 sqm L$2100 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Graystripe/144/144/33
  10. Mainland parcel 656 sqm 225 prims L$900 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Graystripe/145/136/33
  11. Mainland parcel 1024 sqm Price L$1800 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Graystripe/165/138/33
  12. Quiet area, Mainland parcel for sale. 2912m 999 prims L$3500 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Graystripe/147/162/35
  13. Quiet area, Mainland parcel for sale. 2912m 999 prims L$3500 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Graystripe/147/162/35
  14. Mainland parcel for sale. 2912m 999 prims L$3500 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Graystripe/147/162/35
  15. Additional comment after reading through. 1. No it would not be cheaper to start over, it is not as simple as re joining a group. Your rod is changed to new name when lindens do the change, but you rod is attached to an external database, that holds your earnings and ranks. To take lindens you have earnt, you have to click the in world ATM, that is also connected to the external database. If it was as simple as joining a group, I think I would have figured it cheaper to have done so. 2. As regards to the fact that, yes I would charge someone if I had to change their name in my database, that is down to you, I was only enquiring as to whether it was allowed. Also you state you would only do it for free if you did not have to do it immediately and in your own good time (however long that may be). Well, I did actually wait for over a month for my name to finally be changed in the database and was not even told that there was a fee for doing so, I was basically billed for it after it was done, which comes off of any earnings I make until paid in full. I am still waiting for my name to be changed in another part of the database, which relays to their website rankings and stats (which by the way I lost some ranks during the time I could not participate), I am hoping that once they finally get around to updating the other part I am not going to be charged again. But i am happy for you if you consider this ok to do. 3. Bad customer service - I think so. But considering that they have a database of well over 5000 players, I presume they think charging a fee to maybe a handful of players that decide to change their name as not really making any real money from it and also feel they can do so, as if you only lose a handful of players from that bad customer service, it is really not affecting their business as a whole, as your other 95 percent of customers are still there, unaffected about they way they choose to run and charge for their venture. Again thanks for all the comments and feedback, much appreciated.
  16. Thanks for the info, ladies, I was curious because I had not heard of it before.
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