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Gianni Lupindo

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  1. Thinking about it better there is actually a privacy concern for #1 since someone could create a malicious script which I own to subtly reveal my own friendlist to others.
  2. If so I ask some admin to move my post in the main LSL forum. I will add further list items in replies to myself. Thank you.
  3. In the #1 there is no privacy concern since friendlist is mine. In the #2 I mean to get the last user login by a script, not manually, all the more so if I have to use a contrivance. In the #3 I told "another SIM", not the current one. In the #4 I told "another parcel", not the current one. llGetParcelDetails cannot be used to get the parcel details of parcels in neighboring regions, therefore even more so in distant regions.
  4. This is a list of LSL functions I'd love to find in the library for: getting my friendlist getting last user log in getting avatar number into another SIM knowing if another parcel of any SIM is script enabled opening mini-map I will add further list items in replies to myself once 24 hours have elapsed.
  5. I'm a male, so my italian name is Gianni 🙂 Gianna is an italian female name. You don't need to make a copy because your attachment was synchronized since you detached it into your inventory.
  6. It's indeed 🙂 When you detach an object or simply logout every attachment is synchronized with the user's inventory on Linden servers. That clearly couldn't happen if you suddenly crash.
  7. I thought to have been pretty clear even though english is not my native language: I saved one script and one notecard into an attached object; when the viewer is crashed I still wore the attachment (I was testing it) so the contents into it weren't updated in my inventory (not the attachment's inventory) as I realized when I logged in SL back. It's clear for me now.
  8. It wouldn't be exactly a "roll-back". Now it's clear to me: attachment's contents are locally saved and if you don't detach the attachment or log out the items are not actually updated in the inventory.
  9. I didn't log out! Be careful: I crashed as I told so content in the attached object wasn't updated in the inventory. It's an acceptable answer. You cannot test it until you don't crash!
  10. Sometimes I behave like that but more often I prefer to not add too many things in my inventory. But by now I'll detach occasionally the object and attach it back to restart my work. Thanks. 🙂
  11. It happened that I crashed and, after I logged in back, scripts or notecards opened and saved on the previous session into an attached object (HUD) didn't keep the new content. Is that normal? If so how could I avoid to lose the last saved content in case of a crash? Should I detach the object to save the new content in the inventory? Thanks in advance.
  12. No, you didn't get it: it's not the buyer to add a TP for and Adult location but my teleporter for random! The last version allows to choose the SIM rate though.
  13. That's OK. I thank you for your help, Dakota; but... even though my item doesn't show nudity or contain sexual animations I wrongly thought however it could take someone within an adult SIM, even more so for the previous versions which didn't ask users for the SIM rate. At this point I'm going to set these versions as General too. Thanks again.
  14. Since nobody answers I'm going to set the maturity level of GL Offhand Teleporter 1.2, the last version that lets users choose the maximum SIM rate, as "General". I really hope to do the right thing.
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