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Melita Magic

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Posts posted by Melita Magic

  1. Mesh did not run over my dog or insult my family; I'm not against it in principle. Just to make clear. :)

    It's absolutely a good way to use whatever works, paint, prim, sculpt, flexi, mesh.

    In my opinion it's only when a person says something to others like, "You luddite, in prims!" or "You trendoid, in mesh!" that there are problems. There are good and bad aspects to each.

    Some of us can't see or use mesh though (even for some with the new viewers, their computer can't  handle the latest graphics) so I wish stores would not be made of mesh. It just isn't really necessary, until it's so low draw that everyone can use it equally. 

    What people wear and use in their homes or on their land otherwise, I don't mind.

  2. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    Dora Gustafson wrote:

    Personally, I am
    more frequently
    approached by
    who are totally
    indifferent to
    Second Life

    It annoys me


    I'm similarly annoyed by people who are totally indifferent to Real Life's virtues. Far too people know how to use a sewing machine, a nail-gun, or a MIG welder. Creating is great fun, no matter where I do it.

    What the hell is wrong with people!!!!!


    I asked at my high school if I could take the car mechanic and shop courses. They laughed at my suggestion. Those were for boys! 

    Well today I realize why only boys were allowed to even enter those rooms. If they were operating the machinery with a body part I didn't have, they clearly needed their privacy.

  3. Reading Vania's post about good mesh (and the other posts about bad mesh) and how there is a difference, it strikes me that it might be a good idea if LL made a Mesh shopping or Mesh fashion sub forum. Not for creating mesh, but for people to post feedback about problems with using mesh, benefits of using mesh, how to find good mesh objects or fashions...things like that.

    A guide in what to look for, how to wear it, improvement suggestions from the customer end, etc.

    One complaint I hear often about mesh fashion is that the clothes are made for certain standard body shapes. I don't really know what those are, other than bodies very hippy or very busty don't seem to be included with standard mesh clothing packs.

    In a forum like that one, if enough creators read about a certain point or 'complaint' perhaps things would change. 

  4. seanabrady wrote:

    The old interface meaning the v1 style interface with the pie menu and such? Regardless, I don't think they will ever go back to that UI, and you now know someone that actually likes the new way. In my opinion the old v1 UI is an example of everything wrong with UI design.


    Being such a big fan though I am happy to help you sort out the new version. It does sound like a lot of the issues you are seeing relate to your computer or your connection. Reply here or shout in world I am happy to help.

    Thank you very much. I believe I will take you up on that one of these days. Possibly next week or when I am a bit more rested (haven't been sleeping much) and can follow along so as not to waste any of your time. Very generous offer, thank you.

  5. Theresa Tennyson wrote:

    That first post was my practical comment. This is my editoral comment:

    A few years ago broadcast television changed from analog to digital. A retired schoolteacher from New York put up a guest editorial in the New York Times basically whining, as she was one of the handful of people in the US who didn't have cable TV and she apparently couldn't be jazzed to do enough research to figure out how to get and install a converter box, which were widely available and even had their >$40 cost subsidized by government coupons. She was confused and wondering why she had to change even though this was a known situation for months - years, really.

    At the time, I was also not on cable, just got a converter box for my antenna TV, and was watching TV reception that was much better than it was before. I was thinking - this editorial writer also seemed like she'd be the sort of person who'd say "Young people are so lazy and have no initiative these days."

    Seemed like those traits weren't exactly confined to the young....

    I thank you for your practical suggestions, which are helpful. I did not know Caledon had a new viewer tutorial. That's actually a very good recommendation and I am grateful to you for it. I hadn't been to Caledon in some time, and they've always been excellent and a helpful SL resource.

    I also thank Perrie, Orca, and Czari for their suggestions and will take them all to heart. I also thank those of you who did not mock me for simply not preferring this new viewer. Even more so those who defended me against the mockery.

    I know it seems more logical to try a TPV, but I also feel more secure thinking LL will give support if I need it with something, which I am not sure if they will do at all if I am using another interface. Do abuse reports or land or tech issues still get the same treatment if the person is using a TPV as when they are using the official LL viewer?

    Theresa I'm a bit surprised that two helpful suggestions would be followed up with an insult like the following. (How else am I to take it?) So the implication in the bit below is that I am lazy, old, and have no initiative? I can't recall ever making an ageist remark like the woman in your story so that story would not fit in that sense. I'm unsure why it's been placed in my thread or what it is meant to illustrate.

    It's perfectly legitimate to address issues with any technology, to prefer some methods over others, and so forth. New isn't automatically better. That to me seems like a cop out which in itself would impede progress, rather than represent it at its best.

    (Excerpted from your "editorial comment.")

    "I was thinking - this editorial writer also seemed like she'd be the sort of person who'd say "Young people are so lazy and have no initiative these days."

    Seemed like those traits weren't exactly confined to the young.... "


    (ETA: I don't have any trouble with newfangled gadgets like digital cable, TiVo, or, I don't know, horse and buggy, either; if that was the characterization meant to apply to my topic or myself.)

  6. Perrie Juran wrote:

    valerie Inshan wrote:

    J'étais sûre que tu étais un Martien romantique.... :smileyhappy:

    Je suis
    sans défense
    et sans espoir
    dans les bras d'
    une Terre

    This was cute as heck. Especially if imagined in the warm tones of a female human replied to with a Marvin Martian voice. :D LOL

    So why would anyone want to grief Junkyard Blues? I think I went early in SL. It's so sad. Create - don't destroy.

    This poor guy, his club being harassed for three years.I would say it's someone ticked at him personally. Who else could carry that level of grudge but possibly an ex friend, lover or employee?

    Didn't the furry clubs also used to get targeted a lot for griefing?

  7. Paula001 Goldschein wrote:

    you forget that the typical merchant isn't walmart and just caught off guard when it comes to bad reviews or upset customers. most probably didn't go to business school and have little or no experience in how to deal with things like that. or they just don't care since it's just sl.

    i'm not talking about myself as a merchant, i grew up in retail, but just wanted to show you another point of view.

    i think i just meant to say don't expect service as from a million/billion dollar corporation that bends over backwards to make you happy.


    edited caus i always edit

    I wouldn't really use Wal Mart as a good example of customer service...Not sure I follow that analogy.

    I did not compare things to real life merchants, only in reply to the question "would you take back a sweater to warn the store it's the wrong color, for other customers' sakes" etc. SL isn't RL - I get that.

    But I was specificall replying to the idea that if someone reviews they are 'ranting' instead of being helpful. The idea that the customer has to go and find the merchant and help them do their job.

    Yes it's nice if that customer went the extra mile but that is as I siad a favor not the customer's duty. The second part was the customer does have a right to give their assessment of the whole experience.

    Even if a merchant is 'caught off guard' by a bad review (and the reviews discussed here sound tepid more so than bad) it is 'common sense' to use a phrase someone said before, for them not to alienate their customers with a rude IM or repeatedly insisting on a 'solution' the customer doesn't want.

    Usually in a maladaptive situation someone has begun the behavior due to a past bad experience, in this case, maybe a merchant stopped giving refunds and will only do exchange or credit because too many times someone asked for refunds and there was no known problem with the product. Or for some other unknown reason the merchant became suspicious of past customer behavior toward them. 

    I personally think it's best not to alienate the customer unless it's so obvious they are scamming - which is hard to discern in SL. If I had someone demand a refund daily I'd either suspect that's someone with alts or I'd remove my product because clearly something's off. But first I would eliminate all other possibilities including SL glitches and faulty production. I would not fault the customer for either of those. If they are new, that would make them nervous of shopping more in SL, and not only hurt one merchant but many. What does it really cost to refund them or float them a new one?

    I don't think someone has to go to business school or have managed a Wal Mart (to  use your example) in order to put themselves in tehcustomer's place and realize how a customer like to be treated. The customer shouldn't be rude either but, aside from that, like I said, their obligation ends with their payment. 

  8. Yes it's not confined to any one location or language; probably more from the popularity of texting and meshing words together? I don't know. Maybe people were the same in the past but now with the internet and more people communicating via text, it's more obvious than before.

    I hadn't meant to criticize him by the way - was just trying to explain why some of his words didn't translate well, or why I had trouble understanding some of it at first.

  9. I've answered a lot of the points already, I think.

    To reiterate: The customer's job, duty, obligation, whatever, is not to alert the merchant to faults with the product. They have paid for the privilege of enjoying something without further work. Their work ends once you receive their money. (I mean the general 'you.')

    The customer cannot read the merchant's mind or know what they were thinking or why the end result was a faulty or flawed product or one not as advertised or expected. Therefore they have no way to know anything will be resolved by going to the merchant.

    Also, as I said, some merchants are very difficult, and the customer also has no way to predict which those will be.

    The marketplace reviews option exists for a reason. That is where the customer is supposed to leave a review of the product.

    It's very simple, in my opinion.

  10. And by the way it has nothing to do with spitting. :) 

    He probably used Babelfish because when I fed his French forum post into Babelfish (and when did it get so chintzy btw - it will only do a few lines at a go), his word 'cracheur' translated to 'spitter' - but in the context of his post in French, he clearly meant crashing his club. Not spitting on things.

    I forgot to say that he also said the harasser is changing avatars. (The usual.)

    He got one reply, which told him to ban the guy and remove any objects owned by the guy.

    I can't post there - my French isn't good enough, but, if someone can also tell him to make sure to turn off Build except for group members, use Object return (and how to do that, and remind him to first check all items' ownership), don't allow scripts use, and no Object entry. Those things might help...might.

  11. Ah OK so the OP took your advice. He posted in the French forum and got some help there. (I haven't read the replies there, yet.)

    He is writing in French with some slang and some misspellings or net speak or abbreviations, not sure which. But between Babelfish for a few words I didn't know and reading the rest myself here is the general story.

    The OP is being harassed by a guy who uses an IP proxy. Linden Lab told him to go to the police (in RL I assume) and work with them. But, since the guy does use a proxy, they can't help him. It is untraceable.

    The OP runs an escort club and the guy harassing him came to the club with a group of friends and they crashed his club in every way possible. 

    The OP said since he got no help so far he is asking the community for advice.

    Not a literal translation but that's about it, I think. (In case anyone else was curious, as I was.)

  12. Sounds fun. Do vehicles handle better now than they used to? It used to be difficult to find a vehicle that handled well. Sim crossings, etc.

    If so, does anyone also know of a decent-looking, not too expensive (the cheaper the better, without sacrificing quality), fast motorcycle which does not use mesh?

    That last part is the kicker.


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