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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Posts posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. 1 minute ago, Gobilly said:

    I enjoy my "For a Little Less" series on my blog. Though I respect that most of what we see in SL is made by the people for the people and for that system to work, cash needs to keep flowing. Nevertheless, It's nice to create a look for a little less than L$ 5000 and still look polished.


    For a little less 006.jpg

       It's completely cool to create outfits and looks for a little less. Indeed, it's what many residents may need to do.

    • Like 3
  2.    Before I left work this afternoon, a co-worker and I were chatting. She had been listening to hearings on NPR and was expressing to me how she appreciated the way well spoken people can make themselves clearly understood using short sentences, words everyone can understand, and without a lot of 'ummms' and 'ahhhs'. Then we shared words that we each liked.

       "Eloquence." she said.

       "Apperception." I said.

       "Epiphany." she said.

       "Dichotomy." I said.

       "Serendipitous." she said.

       "Perspicuity." I said.

       "Oooohh, I like that one." she said "What does it mean?"

       I thought for a bit, drawing a blank. Laughing, I said "I can't remember the definition."

       Later, when I had parked at the grocery store, I looked that one up. Upon relearning the definition, I realized the irony of the moment.


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    • Haha 1
  3.    I've always liked being in the woods. When I was little, my family went camping a few times every summer. We didn't need reservations. We didn't need to check with anyone. We just packed the Blazer with everything we needed, and drove into the mountains. When we found a spot we liked, usually near a river or stream, we set up and stayed there the whole weekend.

       These days I still like camping, either using tents or our vanagon. We go way more often to coastal locations than anywhere else. I like camp cooking and evening camp fires. But I also like having access to real bathrooms and showers.

    • Like 7
  4.    I was awakened by my husband's snoring this morning, because the fan had turned off, because there was a power outage. I turned over and dragged the blankets over my head and, using old tricks, managed to start dropping off again. Then my alarm went off.

       I got dressed and headed downstairs, thinking about what my cold breakfast options were. It's very dark in the house at 05:00 during a power outage. I got a few candles put up around the living room and kitchen, lighting them as I went. Then I started considering cold cereal and no coffee. The future looked bleak. 

       Then the power had come back on, with nineteen minutes to spare now before I have to drive to work. I wonder if traffic lights will be working properly.

    • Like 3
  5. 3 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    On another topic, I'm a huge fan of newspaper typos. My local paper recently reported on two girls in our county that got perfect SAT scores...

    "The parents of 'name redacted' were so happy they held a party to spread their excrement."

       Autocorrupt: Making the world a more interesting place since the nineties.

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    • Haha 2
  6. 36 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    I tried using place names for my latest alt, and it did not take much searching to find that CheyenneSvalbard was allowable.  But I like MistyMeaner even better!  Wonder if MajorFelony is available?  Or CrymeOdieCentury?

       If the return of last names dream ever comes true. I wonder if we'll be able to change the first name at the same time.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Elora Lunasea said:

    G and I were in Home Depot yesterday - wow they REALLY kicked up their game with the yard decor.

    I can't even begin to describe the crazy HUGE items they had best of which was a pirate ship, complete with drunken skeletons, animated of course. We have a second floor front balcony to our home, and really thought it would fit on it - though I had my reservations, let alone the price was $350 /gulps so we did NOT buy it.

    There were a lot of other great stuff, a witch sitting in a rocking chair that cackled at passer--bys, skeleton cats and dogs, a group of witches stirring a cauldron, etc. All animated and lit up. Fantastic. I have a feeling we may be going back and getting something. We have a couple of smaller things (a frightening medusa head we always leave near the front door) and somewhere there are some headstones.

    Our house just cries for being done up right - it's a stucco Craftsman that's nearly 100 ears old and a bit forbidding in appearance . On the other hand - we are a tad lazy so we'll see 😋

       There's a lot of neat stuff out there. Every year worry about that line which, if crossed, begins to frighten the little ones a bit too much. There were Halloweens past where I sometimes felt a little disappointed when my kids were too scared to approach a particular house. But I did my best to avoid feelings of reproach. Everybody has their own way of celebrating the holiday, and I still enjoy it.

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, Ghosty Kips said:

    As Rhonda said, the new kitten is eating all the time I'd be using to prepare. Hell, I haven't even logged on for more than messages lately. I am working on a set, so maybe something for next week. And what are we doing for Halloween?

       A terribly frightening party of course.

    • Like 1
  9.    I have a mesh house by a well known builder. All of its parts, doors and windows are a single linked object. The doors use the method of llTargetOmega() to make them appear to smoothly rotate, then setting the open or closed rotation after an appropriate delay. Because a door mesh was only actually rotated to the open position when that process completed, I was unable to walk through that doorway until it had.

       I wanted better realism. While the house is modifiable, the scripts in the doors (and windows) are not. I replaced them with a version using the aforementioned method, adding to the beginning and end of the door state change processes, respectively, llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_TYPE, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_NONE]) and llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_TYPE, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_PRIM]). This allows a much more realistic simulation, letting me gracefully make a grand entrance into my writing room, where my typewriter, sitting on a desk, balefully inquires of me "And where have you been?"

  10. 6 hours ago, Matty Luminos said:

    I am the opposite, I tend to under-use punctuation and often don't even use it even where I should. I'm the same with capitalisation, I usually don't bother in chat. Typing with one hand is far quicker when you ignore the shift key.

    Of course I was careful to use proper punctuation in this post because I just know someone will be checking.

       You did great. But I wasn't checking.

    • Haha 1
  11.    I’m a jurist for a monthly photo competition. I like how it’s run. The owner/organizer sends me a notecard once a month listing participants and things like theme, guidelines and rules for that month. 

       I only know the organizer. I don’t know any of the entrants, any of the other jurists, and the entrants don’t know who any of the jurists are.

       Sometimes the number of entrants is high enough to make judging difficult. 

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