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Nagumi Yazimoto

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Everything posted by Nagumi Yazimoto

  1. The fact is, many of these posts where meant to offend TC. This goes along with the "I am an A-hole or the B word" ETC nonsense that is trendy among people online. It just involves them going out the way to offend insult someone because they are "brutality honest" (only online, of course). There where posters that that stated the issue with celebrity avis in world without pretending to be someone they are not however, and it's their statements that should matter.
  2. Some people are very quick to judge and gain great enjoyment ruining other people's ideas of fun, and to feel "intellectually superior" to them. Because this topic had nothing to do with making sarcastic remarks and pretending to be smarter than everyone else, you where attacked TC. And that is a shame, please enjoy your time in SL.
  3. I need new frends to go to "key sims" and speak and interact with the residents there on my behalf. After having learned my ways and ideas regarding dealing with these sims in the residents/visitors in them, I feel it will be a great learning event for both new and old users. And thank you Nancy, I will contact you as soon as soon I am able. As I've said, I am hoping to help new and old players, and make new friends, nothing regarding harming other users. Thank you for your repys all.
  4. Oh yes, please add me in world; ShiShi The Wicked.
  5. Hello. I am often wrongfully banned from many sims, I am hoping to meet new friends willing to become frinds with me and follow Instructions in regards to those sims, and of course "hang out", at times.
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