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bbrasta Boa

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Everything posted by bbrasta Boa

  1. hello. I'm searching for a script to do two animations to play at same time, where can I find it? Thanks in advance.
  2. Well, what I want to upload is a dance, if I export hands and body together, it exceeds the weight limit. I'm stuck in this step, and I don't know if I have to upload the file separately, or is there any way to mix them before uploading, or once uploaded, they are mixed in some way, other than the hud.
  3. Thanks again OptimoMaximo, the point I don't understand well is when you talk about that the script will calls the two animations, how can I do that? Is the script a hud? Do I have to create it?
  4. Thank you OptimoMaximo, but how can I export hands separately? And then how to mix them again?
  5. Hello. I'm trying to upload an animation, I did a mocap animation, aplied to the Bento Female, also Bake to control rig, but now when I try to export as a .anim, the animation plays forever in maya, and never end. How long it takes to export? maybe it's a glitch?, I'm doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello. I'm using Bvhacker to fix loops to .bvh files, but, how to do it for bento animations? There is another program or another way to retargeting and fix loops for my animations? Thanks in advance.
  7. I managed to fix that problem, but I can't see the whole animation in the preview, I only can see the movement of hip, is there a list of the "friendly names" that Second Life needs for bones?
  8. Hello. I'm trying to upload a animation, is a .bvh file, when I upload it, appears a message saying: incorrect root joint name, use "hip", I exported to .bvh from MotionBuilder, selecting the Hips, so, I really don't know what is wrong. Any help please?
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