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bbrasta Boa

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Everything posted by bbrasta Boa

  1. Hello everyone. I've been trying to do some facial animations, but when I've finished one, and I've gone to try it in Second Life with my head, I see weird animation, as if this particular head, is not weighted with all the bones of the bento head, or at least, not in the same way as the original Second Life head. Are all Second Life mesh heads like this? to make facial animations work properly, will I have to be forced to make my own head? Autodesk Maya 2019.1: untitled* --- file2 (gyazo.com) Firestorm-Releasex64 - bbrasta Boa (gyazo.com) Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello and thanks for reply This is what I have now, having removed the "av" from the requestDance from the end of the script. If I don't delete it, it gives me the "Function call mismatches type or number of arguments" error.
  3. Hello again I am following a Dance Balls tutorial, step by step, in which more options are added in each version, I am in a step in which when you click on the ball, it starts to dance, and when you click again on the ball, the avatar stops dancing, but for some reason, this part of the code doesn't work. In fact, if the tutorial script is copied, it gives an error. This is the part that gives an error: The requestDance(av); give me an error, I tryes to remove the "av" in that part, so now I can save the compilation, but when the avatar is dancing, and I click again in the Ball, the avatar doesn't stop dancing, any advice? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello everybody. I found a Synced pose balls script But for some reason, when the first animation starts, the avatar only plays it from the waist up, because it remains seated, how can I avoid this? Thanks in advance.
  5. Thank you very much , although in principle it did not work for me, it has been a very good base to work on, I have been on it all day, and it works almost well, except that when I click on the hud, the animation takes time to start 38.5 seconds later. I have not been able to use touch_end, if I click on the hud it changes from off to on, and then it changes to off, without playing the animation. This is what I have now:
  6. We make all our animation from scratch, anyways thum up for you becase is good idea remember to everybody that is not safe buy full perms animations, cause surely they are stolen, and we are tired of send DMCA... Thank you so much for that tip, I started from begining the script, and this is what I have right now, I just learning script so I'm newbie and I'm a lil stuck, can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? there are not many examples of the timer event on the wiki, thanks in advance.
  7. Hello I am trying to make a hud, to activate an animation of more than three minutes, the animation would be divided into four pieces (currently I have only put two, because I'm still testing it), the animations go without a loop, but I can't make them flow between them, I have tried to play with the ease in ease out values , from 0.0 to 0.1, without success, and also I don't know how to make them stop when clicking on the hud again, any help? Thanks in advance.
  8. Ok thanks for the reply I just saw this post is now on Wanted so I will wait for someone who wants to do this paid job for me as I bought some Scripts and posed stands in the market, and none of these works as I need.
  9. Hello everyone I'm searching for a pose stand for some animations, no vendor, and no hover text, I just need the animations to pass from one to the other with a Next and Back button for example. is there something like that done? Thanks in advance.
  10. Ok I will do that, thank you.
  11. Hello. I'm selling couple dance balls, and a customer told me that she can't add them to her intan, there is a way to make them compatible with it? Thanks in advance.
  12. Hello, I hope you are all well. It's legal? or is better idea to create a few accounts and sit them all in the sim for gain trafic? Thanks in advance.
  13. hello everyone I'm trying to do couple dances, and my question is this, should I upload the animations, from their place of origin? Or should I place the Animation_Skeleton so that it is in X and Y in zero value? Thanks in advance.
  14. Hola a todos. Tengo algunas dudas con referencia a la tienda de Marketplace, ¿Como de largo puede ser el hombre del producto? ¿Debe el nombre añadir toda la descripción posible? Si es bento o no, el tipo de baile, la duración de este? ¿de cuánto es el máximo de pixeles que puede o debe ser la imagen del producto? ¿La que pongo en la página de producto es la misma que se verá en la vista general o son imágenes diferentes? Si fueran dos diferentes, ¿está segunda imagen tiene tambien unas dimensiones determinadas? Mi tienda será de bailes, ¿Donde puedo comprar una base de esas que se usan para poder probar los bailes? ¿O la tengo que hacer yo? ¿Donde puedo comprar el trozo de tierra que te dan gratis por ser residente? Gracias de antemano.
  15. Thank you again OptimoMaximo, It worked
  16. Hello again, and sorry for so many post, but I'm allways trying as many ways to do the things as I can, until I can't anymore hehe 😢 I am trying to do a retargeting in Mayastar of a .bvh file. I open a new scene, Up Axis Z. Mayastar Female Bento, and create character definition with MyAniMATE LT, I select .anim. I import the bvh file, put everything in zero rotation and create character definition. Retargeting and Bake to skeleton. I export to .anim file, and this is what I have, the avatar rotated in 90 degrees, how can I solve this? Thanks in advance.
  17. Hello everyone. I am trying to make motion transfer of some motion capture files to the avatar of second life in Avastar, but I have some problems like this one, when I reset all the skeletal bone rotations, the arms point up, and not there is a way, not even putting them in pose T, or leaving them pointing up, if I make an animation layer, and try to rotate the arms in the second life avatar, there is still a problem of rotation that I can't fix, someone would have a solution for this? Thanks in advance.
  18. Hello😊 Can I use the extra mspine bones to do a transfer motion in avastar? Or it only work with torso and chest? If it can be possible, do I have to unfold them? Can I repositioned either way or in a determined way? Thanks in advance.
  19. Thanks again OptimoMaximo Finally, what would be a low but acceptable amount of fps regarding quality in a dance? between 15 and 20?
  20. hello again. This is how it looks, I don't know why doesn't work..
  21. Hello. Do the names of the two animations go after llStartAnimation and in quotes?
  22. Hello. Yes, this is the first script I tried, and the one I'm still playing with, because it doesn't work for me, I have a fingerless body animation in one file, and the finger animation in another file, I put them inside a prim, I created a new script from content, copied that code and pasted it in the script and saved it, but when you touch it it does nothing, even if I put the prim in the avatar, any suggestions?
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