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Everything posted by TrishAce

  1. A shame that the hostility between people in the comments is taking away from the topic. Items being potentially rendered unusable either via controlled means or servers going offline is something I feel isn't considered or talked about often enough. The former, what OP experienced, shouldn't even exist in my opinion (unless you are refunded). As for servers going offline, it would at least be nice to require some transparency from creators. Some are obvious and more transparent about it (such as anything with a web portal, you would expect the product to be worthless if the shop goes out of business), but some other items might not appear to require a server at first sight.
  2. Like Frionil above said, it does sound like you are still wearing the unpacker HUD on you. If it prompts to unpack on attach, that would be why logging in causes it to "unpack" again. Check your attached item and remove it . Depending on how the item is sent, the dialog might be saying something like "Object X has given you this Y thing' which might point you towards what the unpacker name is.
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