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Asdrea Evergarden

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    Motorsport Personality

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  1. No. Solamente LL puede saber si varias cuentas pertenecen a la misma persona.
  2. If you know the name, you can go to the store and search the name following these instructions: Then zoom it to know where it is. On the other hand, if you use Firestorm, go to World > Area Search and type the name there.
  3. I doubt it. It's impossible to track how many items against the ToS the whole community can have in their inventories. How do these items actually look? What are their names? You may be able to track the most popular ones by brand for example, but you'll leave a lot of other clothing, mods etc. from other smaller creators out of the purge.
  4. Correct, because it's not us the ones to judge. Until it's confirmed as a breach, we can't say if a certain activity is a breach or not. How many times we have reported stuff we are convinced it's a breach but ends up with such account or product not being banned because it's not affected for what LL considers a breach? You can give my words the meaning you prefer to get into a pointless dialectic loop, but we all know not all reports end up in a punishment, and that's because not all reported activities are a breach and in consequence, they are no more than a potential breach from reporters eyes.
  5. I like how everyone is ignoring this part here from the guidelines: "Residents in these spaces should therefore expect to see a variety of themes and content. Stores that sell a range of content that includes some "sexy" clothing or objects can generally reside in Moderate rather than Adult regions. Dance clubs that feature "burlesque" acts can also generally reside in Moderate regions as long as they don't promote sexual conduct, for instance through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces)." This should explain why Moderate sims are +18.
  6. The ones to decide if something is a breach are LL support. We just report situations we believe they're a breach.
  7. Where are you going with the Big Brother idea hahaha, please. Monitoring private conversations is useless. First, because people don't need to have an explicit conversation to perform adult activities, and second, because such explicit conversations don't need to include any reference to childs. If you see a potential adult situation, just report it, simple as that. There's not really much more that can be done besides what LL has done with the child avatar policy update, which is restricting (and presumibly punishing) any reported situation where a child is close to anything adult-related.
  8. I've been reading this discussion about anime avatars since I joined Second Life. Some people are really paranoid. I've used anime avatar for years, as well as several friends of mine. We have visited dozens or hundreds of Adult sims in this time, many of them with explicit content, and shared space with many normies who may have reasons to report us if they have the mentality of "anime = child = report". Nothing happened to any of us in all this time, and the reason is simple: being anime doesn't make you a child. You can make an anime avatar that doesn't look like a child (which is, in fact, the vast majority of cases), as well as you can make an anime avatar that looks like a child. One thing is not linked to the other. The same way, being cute/kawaii doesn't make you a child avatar either, and I can give the same example of sharing space with cute/kawaii avatars for years and nothing happened to them because they, simply, are not child avatars. A child avatar is clearly a child avatar. Just search "child" in the marketplace, there you will see how a child avatar looks like. And get rid of that paranoid that pursues you for years.
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