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Runa Wicken

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Everything posted by Runa Wicken

  1. Hi floofyy! I'm Runa and I'm also in EU SLT+8. Most of my time is spent with my little friend. We go exploring together, shopping, sometimes watch movies, make new outfits for avatars and go to storytime. I belong to a RP sim which I like to keep up with too. We're both pretty relaxed and you'd be very welcome to hang out with us if you wanted to. Feel free to IM me inworld.
  2. I made up a new look for flying with my Sky Pirate friends. I'm going for cute but badass!
  3. Hi Melancholy! I'm not a professional shape maker but I'd be willing to give you some help if I can. All I'd need is a couple of pictures and I'll give it a go! If you're interested give me a shout inworld.
  4. That is one fine moustache, sir! Hercule Poirot would be jealous!
  5. A confirmed alt sighting! 👽🧐 Your post has made me realise that I'm also an alt. This isn't my first SL account, that was made years ago, so technically makes me an alt... I think... I'm bad at guessing who's an alt myself but when I made this account my best friend spotted me instantly. Unless someone declares "I'm so-and-so's alt!" I wouldn't have a clue. What a great question! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading the replies you got. I really relate to this. Not feeling at home in an alt. My avatar is so much an extension, a representation of the real me that trying to be an alt feels awkward for me. My main concern is how can anyone manage more than one inventory!? 💀
  6. You make a very good point, Tasha! I don't think there's anything wrong with having one or more alts. They seem to get a bad name because they're often used for avoiding people on friends lists or stalking an ex-partner. Bad, very bad! Some alts have less troublesome purposes like being a model for a main's fashion brand or holding cash for a main's sim. An alt might even exist because the user wants to have a separate account for a different gender or species. Another common reason to have an alt is for roleplay. So... no, I don't think there's anything wrong with alts. They have a lot of great uses! Just ignore the folks that have a problem with alts. It's their problem!
  7. Thank you both for replying! I don't know if I'm just overlooking something obvious (it is quite possible!) but I'm only able to see the button "Insert image from URL".
  8. Excuse my newb-ness but how can I insert an image to show off my avatar? 🤔
  9. I've never thought to use my Calling Card in this way! I don't like to add people as friends until I've bumped into them a few times but now I'll remember to drop them my Calling Card so I don't just disappear into the ether.
  10. Updated! I'm now selling this parcel for L$500
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