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  1. Thanks. Just realised i need to modify the oc_api script to set the sensor event. also need to do it inside a timer since it needs to scan periodically.. now got other problems.. the timer function is already in use there and the listener is set to 15 seconds so messing with it is troublesome.. Instead i guess ill just do it with a titler different than the one the collar has.
  2. Hi all. Im trying to customize open collar titler to turn off when there is an avatar in range. Im getting a syntax error when i add a no_sensor() condition to the "if" clause. Not sure if im missing something but the code is fine when just leave the original if clause instead of mine. Titler(){ // llSetTimerEvent(2.5); // Show the title if applicable after 5 seconds //Why should this be done with a delay??? Moving it here. //Show titler if no avatars in 3 meters range //Brujita 8.3 llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT_BY_LEGACY_NAME, 3.0, PI); //Brujita 8.3 //if(g_iShow){ //Brujita 8.3 if(g_iShow && no_sensor()){ //Brujita 8.3 string offsets = ""; integer i=0; for(i=0;i<g_iOffset;i++){ offsets+=" \n"; } llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(g_iTextPrim, [PRIM_TEXT, g_sTitle+offsets, g_vColor, 1]); }else llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(g_iTextPrim, [PRIM_TEXT, "", ZERO_VECTOR, 0]); }
  3. Can anyone post the link for INM on the marketplace? I honestly cant find it and its set to adult..
  4. Hi! I'm new to AFK sex. I just leave my avie and go.. Then when i get back, some people gave a tip of 50L, but the tip jar ejected them anyways. I wonder if they need to tip a minimum ammount? And yeah just 50L is abit too low so im glad it did so, but im still curious. Thanks! Here is the log image: https://ibb.co/cFr3gW2
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