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Everything posted by RedHillDrained

  1. For the record, my concern is with members of a white supremacist group. I'm surprised that LL even allows such groups to exist, and a quick search shows that there are many within SL. And of course there are groups of all kinds that choose to not appear in search, so there may be more white supremacist ones too. I had no idea when joining SL that it welcomed such people; that is a terrifying blemish on SL and is why I'll be leaving shortly. I have no wish to spend time with white supremacists or to support any platform that welcomes them. Arielle, that's a good question. I hope that there is a solution though for the people I've spoken with. I'm not at all the only one to raise this question... Akane, yes it is possible to mute group chat - I've done that with some store groups that tend to be chatty or have loads of ads. In this case though it is not group chat that's the problem, but the behaviors of people in that group. Stephanie, thanks 🙂 Alwin, I think you probably mean well, but I'm not an idiot. Of course I could leave a group if I were in it, or leave a place if that place was the problem. Pheeby, I haven't seen the weirdness you describe, but agree that someone else's behaviors meant to be fun can be bothersome or even offensive to the people they prank. I suspect that LL's desire to make this a social space means that they deliberately avoid making it possible to block entire groups. Many groups hide their membership lists too, so even if a group block were possible it might work only on people wearing a group tag rather than all members. There are some great people in SL, and I sincerely hope for them that SL doesn't slide downward into an Twitter-like "free speech" sinkhole.
  2. I understand that LL / SL is first and foremost a business, and that investment back in the business is necessary to avoid stagnation and remain at least relatively current. But in my opinion the new fees seem punitive, and serve as a disincentive to both residents and makers - especially when taken together with other recent changes. Change is the only constant of course, so we can roll with the changes or move our socializing, creativity, and business somewhere else. That's my choice. My plan at this point is to 1) stop spending money in SL immediately, and 2) to get out of SL before it's as lifeless as other old spaces like MySpace. So long friends and fellow artists.
  3. Back when I was on Twitter I used a service called "Megablock" to easily block multiple *(&^%^! people at once. After doing so, my feed felt squeaky clean and it was a pleasure to use Twitter again - at least until several months ago 🙂 I'm wondering if a similar service exists for or within SL. I run into griefer / troll members of a couple of groups pretty regularly, and the interactions are always annoying. I can easily block individuals, but when I do so others from these same groups pick up the ball and run with it. This might sound anti-social, but I'm curious to know if it is possible to block all the members of a group (without having to pull up every individual profile). I understand that doing so could lead to my blocking of friends, family, and other people that I might later want to speak with. In those cases I'll simply unblock. I'd rather unblock a handful of nice people than have to individually block dozens of disagreeable ones. Thanks for your thoughts.
  4. I've wondered about the same thing. In Firestorm it seems possible to delete everyone in your block list, but I don't see a way to copy or export the block list as a whole.
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