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Everything posted by AmberJoyBliss

  1. Update: Campaign HQ has just been rezzed, and will be completed in the coming days. The website is up and running with more content coming asap. Chief Of Staff is already hired. Opening party soon with your's truly as DJ. Last set I did in SL recently was 10 hours and 30 minutes. This time I am going for 12 hours minimum. Someone asked here why elect me? I get things done.
  2. I would actually love to debate this notecard that just came from CasperTech few minutes ago, and especially this part right here: "You have the right to object to your data being transferred to Linden Research, Inc, by requesting the deletion of your data prior to this transfer instead, if you wish. You can view information on the data that we hold on your behalf, and request deletion, using our GDPR tool: https://gdpr.casperdns.com. If you have difficulty with this tool for any reason, please email gdpr-legal@caspertech.co.uk with your request. In order to take effect before the transfer, deletion requests must be activated by 5pm UK time on Monday, 19th of September. Otherwise your data will be transferred to Linden Research, Inc, although you can still request that your data is deleted by them afterwards." Five days from now and I am receiving this right before midnight on a Wednesday. That Linden Research is involved and notifies us with such a short notice, makes me wonder if I should not rather run for CEO and clean house at the RL SL HQ.
  3. Still love that first reply. ❤️ Here is how I imagine you must feel at this point... All I can say is to everyone who is tired of bs politics everywhere is this:
  4. Thank you for this and the other replies. There is a lot to research over the coming days. As for a RP scenario, I really do hope more sign up so we can have some presidential debates. This is after all Second Life, anyone can create anything here within the TOS and RL law.
  5. I have to watch this movie again soon 😂 - "We're mass communicating." - And now, straight to Spotify and listen to the soundtrack.
  6. Yeah, could be no more than 200 people who actually saw this and 100 who read the original post. [18:01] Amber Joy Bliss (amberjoybliss) Smiles like a devil "It is time to be much much bolder..."
  7. Of course I can. This is SL, we can do pretty much what we want in here, and this is what I want so I am doing it.
  8. #1 - It is not my job to understand how to solve these problems, but to find people who do and bring them to a meeting with LL folks in the same fields. Once they meet and start talking about all this tech stuff, I have a feeling things will start moving forward for SL in whole. THAT is the main reason I am doing this. I connect people who love working together and haven't met yet. #2 - These are not my complaints. These are from other people. My complaints are not on this list because it is corruption. #3 - It is true, I have no technical skills whatsoever, besides basic level stuff like using Python in Blender to automate stuff. And no, I am not saying you should make smoothies from snakes, these are software things we are talking about here.
  9. Yes, that exact part where Sid says that most residents will never know about this. He does make a great point though. Approximately 200k people log in every day on average. This first post got 1.8k views in the first 24 hours, or less than 1%, given that every view is from one account only. The challenge now is to get at least 200k every day for long enough until the word is out there.
  10. I am looking forward to proof you wrong. Thank you for the motivation!
  11. Okay, so this went well….time to reflect on this entire thread in silence. # # # “It is with sincere excitement that I so lovingly look forward to once again relive all the embarrassment & ass-wh...*clears her throat and smiles like a true politician*..to once again relive these beautiful moments of a truly heart warming & inspiring dialogue with you, the great people of Second Life.” *Turns off the microphone, goes backstage and screams into a pillow.* # # # Coming back asap with more involuntary & self-inflicted public humiliation after some deep reflection. Thank you all for this overwhelming response!
  12. I need a manager for this to get it right. Would be interesting to somehow make it all public. Are we talking every detail, like someone offers to do photos for free, or just stuff that is actual money?
  13. We must also campaign for the well being of the SL Neko Party. As much as I want to win, we cannot lose the SL Neko Party. They must be saved! ❤️
  14. It is coming very soon. Seeing that people now want a real election with more choices, I am considering that board to be a support board instead. Only in SL can you get this idea on a Saturday and the community then evolves it into true democracy in a single day from posting this here. All the more reason to fight hard to help SL thrive as the greatest meta verse to date. Thank you for that nudge Love, time to get this done even faster now.
  15. No! It was you who initiated the debate on this becoming real elections. You must now regain your posture and get back into the fight Rat Luv! Don't worry, I will keep them occupied. That other job will keep the media in a constant cycle of shocking scandals.
  16. I may be in the wrong here, but "Democrat," implies that you are from the US. If so, how can there only be two parties in the "parliament" over there? We have 13 over here currently, from almost Communist to pretty much Capitalist Libertarian and the entire range in-between. They do not agree on much, but every 8 years or so, we nudge the majority slightly over the centre between left and right. This is the winning formula for an incredibly well country over here.
  17. That is a deal then Will have to reach into my own pockets to avoid the auditory committee for exposing ties to dictators 😛
  18. That is unacceptable Maryanne, surely I can embarrass myself to a much higher degree. It is the least I can do for you.
  19. Can I still visit unofficially and bring enough coffee and cookies for everyone?
  20. Of course it is! And you must join with the BLONNDE party to make this fun. Politics are so boring, we need you in this Scylla! ❤️
  21. This is clearly very important to you, given how well you shredded through my entire post so effortlessly, and bringing up many legit points. For this, I feel you you deserve a proper reply. It will take some time as I respect what you have done here and intend to deliver you a worthy reply. Thank you so kindly for taking the time Nalates. Wish you all the best until then!
  22. I agree. And, for the sake of transparency, let's keep this dialogue in public. What are we talking about here exactly? What do you mean by accounts?
  23. I started this by simply stating it and the initial idea was to use a voting board to show backing from the citizens. My plan is the same, to get groups of experts to work out solutions to problems many complain about, and then go to a meeting with LL and provide these solutions well laid out. It would then be me, one from each of the teams and LL folks. In this meeting, the actual talk would be between the team members and LL, as I do not know tech and such. However, after seeing the SL Neko Party signing up 💪, be that a joke or not, and The President for Life claiming eternal victory 😎 - Why not just call for all parties to sign up. It is of course a title without any real meaning, but, could be an interesting thing for SL. I am still doing this plan, so win or lose, I totally agree with you, election without other candidates is pure tyranny. 😇
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