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Everything posted by Subscribedd

  1. https://prnt.sc/HEh1tNKA5ipm https://prnt.sc/29MoTb_YMz5Z https://prnt.sc/D_DQrxyW-lrj https://prnt.sc/PboK_oaF21sU https://prnt.sc/4j1P1I1l3WDv https://prnt.sc/aoRvzWwmqEIS https://prnt.sc/jwaSPENlRlfT https://prnt.sc/0r48Hs2tR4o6 I'm trying to look for mature type hair haha
  2. Been looking for the teleport/landmark and to no avail, but they have things.... i want haha
  3. Hey guys, i'm still pretty new here so forgive me for a series of insane post. But the Equal10 event is now live and its separated by two platforms. one is basically what i call the ''waiting area'' or ''lobby'' and the other is the main sim that hosts all the stores. There is a sign that says: https://prnt.sc/FLffUfugipp4 Basically don't try to fly over as it will cause issues. But if you walk from the Lobby to the main sim you fall from to the ocean. I see no clear way to get to the main sim? Is this a group only type of event? I'm Aimlessly watching people walk and just fall off and fly back up
  4. i can return these to my inventory correct :0
  5. oh no so i want the full set. im just afraid to buy things that are full set gacha as i might need to replace them. im not sure how something would ''break''? or get ''lost''
  6. Thank you! BAMSE has a particular desk and gaming set he made for gacha. found 2 people who have the full sets but he doesnt seem to have a store, just put them in arcade for gacha purposes
  7. So I found a really nice full-set desk from a gacha. i buy it and basically, get everything from it. At the very bottom, there are of course some warnings stating '' cant redeliver, if broken cant fix, cant refund''. The original creator only sells gachas... so i take it if something breaks I'd have to find someone selling just that particular part. I'm also not familiar with GACHA's or if they have rules or frown upon, I'm not sure. This desk is just simply amazing.
  8. I appreciate you ladies so much!
  9. may i ask how you got to this part? in settings?
  10. I truly appreciate your help thank you. I was under the impression since i was ''Subscribedd Resident'' and it only showed my first name, if changed it to a different last name and proper spelling of my first name it wouldnt show the last name
  11. so my username being Subscribedd Resident, but it only showing Subscribedd above my character, if i change it to Subscribed Suki the Suki will also appear above my head?
  12. So as of now, I am ''Subscribedd Resident''. Subscribed is the first name, and Resident is the last name. ''Subscribed Resident'' is obviously not available, But if i changed it to ''Subscribed Suki'' or ''Subscribed [any last name] and it accepts it, will people just see ''Subscribed'' or will it also display the last name?
  13. Sorry to chime in on this topic, So you can no longer buy what they made ''together''? The reason i ask is i did find both places, Aloe and Oracle. However they made a pair of maze stockings, and a really nice belly button ring I'd wanted. not sold in either store. i take it you can no longer get them?
  14. Yes! so my head is adorable. i love it so much because i used sliders to make it look that way so she looks like her own shape/preset. When i use the tongue on leltuka hud it clips through. if i adjust the sliders to make it not clip, she will morph into an entirely different beast ._.
  15. I appreciate you sooooo much for the information. I'm not entirely new to sl, but im also not knowledgable. I was under the impression i legit had a issue with my character and there was no way around it. but turns out people are just using the tool. i appreciate this so much!
  16. So I've read these aren't the most popular heads, even though they cost an arm and a leg. I've seen people take a lot of cute photos with these. Unfortunately, you cannot resize the tongue or head or even edit to move it inside the jaw. https://prnt.sc/d4HCVL6H05by I use Leltuka Axis hud https://prnt.sc/RcTQnrO0l8_a Unfortunately, since you cannot adjust size or resize anything, when i close my mouth it clips. https://prnt.sc/lN_r6iS2hzWj  I've had someone tell me to just make my character's mouth bigger and wider via shape sliders. Sadly with the sliders I have currently, my character actually looks like a preset that I love and adore. ( https://prnt.sc/X1HsJJIfMR1e ) If i mess with her sliders to accommodate the tongue, it will completely ruin her face. I was hoping there was a way to find a tongue i could just throw into her mouth with its own hud and use it. i ended up buying : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/VAW-Mouth-Tongue/5951356? hoping this would help and for the most part it does, except its a bit outdated and there is no option for my to close her mouth with the tongue out. She only opens her mouth wide with tongue. does anyone have any suggestions?
  17. unfortunately thats just the bom. like the skin of that, not the actual pasty
  18. should i type the body and then cover crotch cover in market plce?
  19. It is indeed a crotch pasty but its called C string. but i cannot find the actual name of this shape and material of the crotch and breast pasty
  20. Hey thank you. its so hard to find it. i did find one with the ''shape'' but not the actual one
  21. https://prnt.sc/rXlbROc35zuX i really really need this for a avatar but i spent about 4hrs in market looking. might be a inworld item but i cant find it
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