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Everything posted by shesdelicate

  1. I haven’t actually! I feel like I’m just a rambler when writing but I appreciate your comment.
  2. Haha, because I've had no life the past 3 days. It was the weekend so I spent all of my time on SL. I got my avatar and head from freebie groups people took me too, and I just took a screenshot of that for my profile pic once she looked nice. I cleared out most of my wishlist from a sale today, all of the items were from the same shop. I guess getting sucked in took me no time at all but also all of my time!
  3. Thank you so much everyone for the good advice and kind words. And an extra thank you to those that messaged me in game. Day 3 has been fun so far, I spent way too much money on furniture and have chatted with lots of new people!
  4. Hi friends My name is Millie and I am new to SL, so I thought I’d make a post to share my experiences so far and see if I can make some new friends along the way. Sorry if this is TLDR worthy. How I was introduced to Second Life: Simple, I was randomly recommended a YouTube video of a Gamer trying out Second Life! So I thought I’d give it a shot and here I am. Day one thoughts: ⁃ Why does my avatar look like one half of the high profile celebrity defamation case going on right now? (IYKYK) ⁃ Clearly MS Paint sponsors this game, evident by the low-res bulletin boards littering the place. ⁃ Free stuff is just a trap of confusing files and boxes. ⁃ Thank goodness for YouTube! Sorta. At this point I had bumped into every surface I came across, downloaded 30 of the same free top and almost called it quits. But thankfully, the greeter in the room reached out and made me feel okay with being such a “n00b”. Greeters/helpers - you all rock! I followed the signs and arrows and finally did my first teleport! I joined a social room with lots of people… and dogs. Of course I was immediately drawn to the virtual animals in game. Cute wagging tails and pixelated floofs? I’m HOOKED. p.s. I’m sorry to anyone wearing an animal avatar that I may have tried to pet that day! After listening to some people on voice chat complain about other avatar looks, troll each other, and lots of spicy language later I almost gave up. But then I got my first private message! Of course I know how the internet works so my first instinct was to be skeptical of anyone and everyone, but spoiler alert - this guy just turned out to be super friendly and helpful. (Without giving away their username, it was slang for “hr0ny man”, so don’t judge my skepticism.) This person took me on a tour of where to find the best free avatars, heads, and skins! Then they invited me back to their apartment to get dressed. Which I finally did thanks to them having the patience of a saint and not laughing at me for freaking out at the accidental nudity that apparently comes along with dressing oneself. Cue lots of frustration and laughing at myself for about what felt like an hour and I was finally dressed. Then I was invited to stay and watch a movie. No, for real! They had a working “TV” with YouTube and other streaming things just hanging out on their virtual boathouse. Was this about to be a Netflix and chill situation? Nope! We just watched a slightly awkward, low-budget drama with a couple of awkward love scenes. Which of course made me hide my newly installed eyes and laugh like my parents were in the room with me or something just as embarrassing. Then I got to meet my first “creep” for lack of a better term. He mentioned his “roommate” has a dog, so obviously I said yes when he suggested he summon said roommate and dog. All was well and only slightly suspicious and catfishy at first. Then I got my first request to “voice chat” for pay. I’ll leave the juicy language used to your imagination. I declined, as that’s not what I’m here for. But no offense to anyone that is. Get that Linden coin! I went exploring a bit more and completely wrecked my avatar once I was left to my own devices. Thankfully stranger number 3 was just as helpful as stranger number 1 and got me semi back on track. But at this point it was like 3 am and I only had one nap that day so I had to GO. Dreams of flying into trees and missing eyeballs later, I decided to give it another go. Day two thoughts: ⁃ Is $12 worth it to not have to get accidentally naked in public trying to change clothes? Yes. ⁃ Where are all of the dogs and why have they suspiciously disappeared? ⁃ Why is this guy with his pickle out standing so close to me? After shelling out the big bucks for a premium membership (yes, they sunk their hooks into me almost immediately and bled me dry) I spent all afternoon trying to repair the damage from the mistakes I made the night before. When my avatar was half decent and only missing her shoes, I went out exploring once more! I met lots of friendly people and a couple not so friendly people. For anyone curious it was an immediate private message asking to be my boyfriend and “crying” when I said no, because that’s literally not how relationships work. Then spammed with compliments of my avatar, invites back to their luxurious beach, and told repeatedly he was a millionaire in real life and wanted to buy me everything I could ever dream of. And then immediately called a gold digger when I replied with my wishlist taking them up on their offer of buying me things instead of their offer of “romance”. Hey, maybe it’s tacky but I knew this persons game. (If you’re feeling extra nice, here is said wishlist lol - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/wishlists/shesdelicate) Thankfully the friendly people outwieighed the negative and I had a lot of fun dancing, shopping, and chatting! I’m still trying to find my confidence when it comes to initiating or jumping into the conversation. I appreciate when others take the first step and message me, then it’s practically impossible to get me to shut up lol. I still don’t know how to decorate my house (a few random boxes are stuck in the floors/walls) and shoes are still next level, but I’m sure YouTube can help me figure something out. All in all - I really enjoy SL and hope to make many friends while I’m here! Just a quick get to know me: I have a family cat and two dogs, I’m going to school for programming (I’m not very good at it yet), I love all things Disney, most shades of pink, Hello Kitty, Studio Ghibli, chocolate snacks, my favorite game is Animal Crossing, I enjoy crafting/making, reading, going on adventures, and taking naps. If you want to be friends feel free to message me in game! Username: shesdelicate TLDR: Saw a YouTuber play SL, signed up and ran into a bunch of people and things but eventually met some helpful strangers along the way. Now I’m hooked and want more friends!
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