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Everything posted by julyaleal

  1. Still looking for more and more friend lol
  2. Hi Belinda! Nice to meet you I'm also looking for friend to hang out inworld
  3. Nice to meet you, i already send PM inworld ❤️
  4. I added you inworld. Nice to meet you
  5. Thank you so much, nice to meet you ❤️
  6. Yes i already added you 😄 Of course ❤️
  7. OMG YESSSSS! I will add you on Second Life is that okay?
  8. OMG Yessss!! I already send you a friend request inworld ❤️ Nice to meet you
  9. Thank you so much, i hope we can be friend 😄 Well I'm still looking for more friend now, but you can create a forum post just like me and trust me, you can meet many awesome people 😄
  10. Ofc, may i add you inword? 😄 Yes ofc, more friend more fun, nice to meet you <3
  11. Yes ofc ❤️ nice to meet you 😄
  12. Hello ❤️ nice to meet you c:
  13. Thank you so much, can i add you ingame please 😄 Nice to meet you, i just add you ingame 😄 Thank you so much for understand lol 😄 Can i add you ingame? Thank you so much, nice to meet you ❤️
  14. Hello, nice to meet you. I'm looking for new friend on SL too ❤️
  15. Hi, I'm happy to make new friends. Hope we can meet each other in the game and have fun together ❤️
  16. Thank you to everyone who has been interested in this issue, it is true, I have been acquainted with the Internet since I was relatively young, my family opened a net shop in Vietnam since i'm in elementary school, so for a child to use the Internet for the first time, there must be many curious things. And during the time when I was 12 and 13 years old, I really won't hide it from everyone, that is, I know two relatively similar games that are Second Life and IMVU. But since, at that time, I was still relatively young, I was still quite strictly controlled by my family, only allowed to play offline games and not more than 30 minutes a day (My parents are also owners of that internet shop, so they can afford to know what games their kids are playing, and manage how their kids play to be safe). That's why this account of mine was created in 2011 but it took me a long time to use it, also after playing IMVU for a while and getting bored, I decided to switch to Second Life again, and use the account that was originally created but never used. And one of the reasons I write in my post is that I've been playing SL for many years, specifically I've been back since I was a freshman in college, and at that time I thought I was have enough conditions including age, and computer power to participate in Second Life. Thank you and i hope that i we could be friend, because i love to make new friend. Have a great day! ❤️ P.S: Please excuse my English vocabulary, because sometimes I will make you not understand because my English is not very good, because my native language is Vietnamese
  17. Thank you so much for telling, i'm on my way to complete my profile, nice to meet you Yay, nice to meet you. I'll add you ingame is that okay?
  18. I've been playing Second Life for many years, I can design my own character, buy a house,...but there's one thing that I want to have, even want a lot - I want to have more friends, that's why I made this post to want to meet and get to know more people. I am 23 years old and very friendly, I like to go out, shopping, chatting so you can rest assured that I am extremely open to new friends. I wish I could get to know you more, hang out in the game and we can become good friends. Thank you so much, and have a great day
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