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Everything posted by Ealdian

  1. Any chance anyone has a studded trunk from this set that they don't want/need? I'd love to have one, it was one of my favorite things and it got lost, I can't seem to find one anywhere, thanks!
  2. I was commenting on a whole different facet of this discussion, namely, that someone felt the creator should have left her content in world for free since she was leaving. You've extrapolated and jumped from that specific issue to others that are your own, you might want to go back and reread my original comment and the quote I included when I made it.
  3. Maybe she didn't want to. It is her creation to do with as she pleases. Nobody is entitled to the work of someone else just because they want it.
  4. Thanks for your answers everyone, I'm back after years away and still trying to figure out how to make mesh and non mesh items like this work together, I'll try all these suggestions.
  5. I know and I buy the ones I like, but there are lots of things out there for me that are open front that I'd love to be able to wear with a shirt underneath, a BOM layer would solve that problem.
  6. I see several jackets and sweaters I'd like, buy wouldn't want to wear without a shirt underneath, does anyone make any BOM layers that would work?
  7. I've been away for years and just came back a couple of weeks ago with an all new av (I cancelled the old account when I left), glad to be here again.
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