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faith Numbanumba

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  1. Hello! I've already went to every forum and done all that I possibly could to fix my avatar and nothing is working for me? I've uninstalled and reinstalled second life viewer and firestorm viewer. Went to a default avatar. ctrl+shift+r. refreshed my attachments. tried on new or different items. cleared my cache. changed my graphics. made sure the programs i was using were completely updated. went to new sims. took off the entire outfit and items i was wearing and reattached them. Nothing has worked. I tried going on a different computer and still had the same issue. not just my avatar, but all the other avatars around me were not rendering. Even some random textures were not rendering either. Music, voice and everything else works great. I even run around 200fps not a problem. I've even given my whole computer a complete reboot and wiped everything out and tried everything again and nothing worked. I've also been using second life for over 10 years now and this has never happened to me. If you have any ideas on what could be the problem or what could fix this please let me know!!! Thank you https://prnt.sc/26n6mw7 (my avatar) https://prnt.sc/26n6oq8 (my avatar and others) https://prnt.sc/26n6oxr (my fps) https://prnt.sc/26n6pcp (at other sim and more textures not rendering)
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