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Everything posted by ValentineAerros

  1. UPDATE: I don't know how to delete this forum but the issue is fixed now, thank you to those who helped and informed me of the maintenance. I had no idea. I logged in today and decided to go shopping only to find I was unable to visit the sim (Lelutka Mainstore). I went to try on demos once before and had no issues. I figured this was a simple issue that would be soon resolved, but quickly found I couldn't message in any of my groups, teleport to any sims, anything. I kept getting the following error messages: "Unable to send your message in (Insert group name). Error making request, please try again later.", and: "Teleport failed. Sorry you do not have access to that destination.". I assume my account has been limited or restricted in some regard, but I'm unsure as to why? I've only made an account, made an avatar, and haven't even spoken to more than 2 people yet. I went to make a support ticket but don't see my issue or anything related to my issue. If it's any help: I use both Firestorm (regular play) and BlackDragon (for photo taking) Viewers. I've tried both viewers, I've relogged several times, reinstalled both, etc for hours with no progress. Any help would be much appreciated.
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