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Shiera Kealoha

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Everything posted by Shiera Kealoha

  1. i don't have you blocked, from what i can tell :-)
  2. Thank you, I appreciate your response. Unfortunately I cannot find his post regardless of your explanation. I have looked back through people's posts, and regarding this topic, his is not there.
  3. Thank you Rowan. I might not agree with you on some things and I may get feisty, but we are human beings at the end of the day. A loss of a life is tragic.
  4. I was looking for the post from TD of Amanda, but I guess it was deleted. Would it be inappropriate to post pictures of her today, since she was missed? I think that should be a thing, to pay respects to those who have passed on. I don't know her, but I think all of her lovely pictures should be posted, to show everyone how beautiful she was. Maybe even quotes of conversations that they felt inspired by from her.
  5. That is unfortunate and hurts my heart. I hope that she is resting easy.
  6. I just want to understand this correctly. Is she gone because she unfortunately passed away? Or of her own choosing? I am new to the forums, as of March.
  7. Been hearing those recently too. I don't know if this is still available for free, but you might want to check out the genus strong face. You can make the lips pretty thin too. It's a real nice head. :-) https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Genus Project Mainstore/101/128/34 here is also the animation fix for the eyes, since they have an eye-rolling issue. Just $5L incase you do get the head. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Eye-Roll-Stuck-Animation-Fix-for-GENUS-Heads/21060074
  8. Do you mind sharing where you got your outfit from? I absolutely love it!!
  9. IMO, while both are pretty, the Lelutka one is better. She appears to have more expression with Lelutka. :-)
  10. Ending tonight with some harsh guitar blues.
  11. I'm gonna end up in the LOONY bin, I'm sure. ;-)
  12. To others, risking their jobs, their relationships, and prosecution is worth freedom. Freedom is priceless. Without freedom, over here, you're worth $5million. Life has a price tag.
  13. So, what if there is a law that infringes upon your freedom in some way? Are you the type that is going to sit by and abide by it?
  14. I am speaking generally about unfair/unjust laws that are passed without citizens ever knowing, because of thousands of pages of "legal jargon," as Sammy put it. I am not speaking about a specific law. Otherwise, a specific law would have been stated.
  15. I don't really know how to give you sources on this. It is something I learned over looking at various content provided on the internet and reading books, and it took years. I don't look at anything mainstream. And I don't use mainstream search browsers. If you decide to look into it, 90% of mainstream media is owned by 6 corporations. People often like to dismiss "conspiracy theorists." But they also don't know the definition of conspiracy. To question is never to conspire.
  16. Maybe I should call it that from now on, but it is still manipulative language at the end of the day. And yes, health practitioners/scientists can also be bought off just as easily as politicians.
  17. Most people don't know that unjust laws are being passed. There are thousands of pages of manipulative language in legal documents, with crucial tidbits that are often overlooked. Those tidbits can have huge ramifications. I am from the U.S., and I have looked through many legal documents that hide things that the unsuspecting public would be against. If corruption becomes legal, it is still corruption, and it is not something that should be followed. Unfortunately, many will not realize nor understand that. And once a law is passed (over here, at least) it is difficult to change/get rid of it.
  18. Those who govern us pass unjust laws. "If corruption becomes legal, is it still corruption?"
  19. This is precisely the problem with propaganda. Many people do not realize that they are brainwashed, and they think that their fellow man is. It is why true history is so important. And true history is not something we are taught in high school or college, it is something we have to extensively research ourselves.
  20. I appreciate both of your responses. Thanking you both :-)
  21. I don't understand why people can't have these types of discussions on here. Is SL just for funsies and nothing else?
  22. If it hasn't already been started, you really should post a topic on this. Because it is extremely important, and I think the vast majority of people do not realize just how important it is. Abortion comes second to the vaccine mandates, IMO.
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