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Posts posted by JordonBanks

  1. 9 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    It looks like a vendor photo.  Where did you see it?  

    At Sunny's Photo Studio... but  the pose there is linked to a not very related background, and so impossoble to find out who the creatorr is of the actual pose.  So I would rather buy my own copy of it, so I can build my own backdrop. 

  2. On 10/27/2022 at 4:41 PM, Nalates Urriah said:

    Pose Balls are just a prim sphere with a script. Something you can make as it is very basic SL building. (Ctrl-B and select sphere.) I know that if you have not dug into SL building this can seem very complicated. But there is no primitive building component that is a 'pose ball.' Just a primitive sphere which any SL user can turn into a pose ball. While there is a lot of building options and features for all primitives in SL the basics are straight forward. Once learned you can use the knowledge whenever you want to do something that appears impossible.

    All the tech data and 'how to' is in the SL Wiki.

    Katherine said if there were a way...  well there is. But, it is complex.

    You'll find that some toys in SL do line up avatars. Most are sex toys that want to fit genitals together, which is the simpler of the fit problems. Avatar positioning starts at the pelvis. SO all they have to do is position the two pelvis. Attempting to make a kiss animation fit one has to position the pelvis and an offset which we start calculating from the pelvis and figure out settings for torso, neck, and head to get lips to line up. Most animators and pose makers skip the calcs and make an educated guess from avatar height. (There are lots of variables in the calcs. Like where are the lips on the head? Since lip position on the head is adjustable.) Plus they give you a way to adjust the avatar position while in the pose. WAY simpler.

    There are ways to edit avatar position.

    Black Dragon is the most flexible and you can use arrow keys with the Poser controls to make very small adjustments to the avatar's overall position and in the pose adjustments. It makes AnyPose look like a child's toy. You definitely need to check it out. AnyPose has some advantages over BD. If we could combine them... sigh.

    Strawberry Singh/Linden has an old post about editing avatars for position. Moving Avatars - 2 videos. (See the 2nd video for a no prim how to.) She uses an old version of the Firestorm viewer no longer usable on the grid. Some of the controls she describes no longer work as said. So, you'll have some figuring out to do. But the basic idea of putting an avatar on a prim to move and position it is still very doable. It is a technique used to get an avatar out of a wall or other object we did not intend to tp inside of... or to circumvent locked doors.

    Strawberry has 34 tips on Pinterest. mostly unrelated to your question.

    Thanks for this very thorough response.. really useful :)


    • Thanks 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

    For the OP ... this is what also makes hugging so stupidly difficult in SL. Each of you and the huggie trying to lines themselves up. You just about have it perfect then gently tap an arrow key and find yourself rotated 30° off hugging the side of someone's arm. Also heights ... because you can both be at different hover heights that also adds to the visual mess. Ugh.

    I swear if I could build a perfect hug action that lines two avatars up facing each other perfectly I'd do it in a second.

    Ha.. yes I've had more than my fair share of 'awkward' hugs in SL... so know exactly what you mean.

    (Sends you a virtual hug) :)


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  4. 10 hours ago, Atomic Infinity said:

    If you rez a box next to you and then gently move it towards your avatar, at the point they collide in SL physics your avatar will be pushed away a tiny bit, as your box and your avatar 'bounding box' will repel to avoid occupying the same space.

    To have the most control you can rez a poseball and sit on it, then to adjust yourself you just edit the poseball to wherever you want to be.  The poseball can play your animation, or just be a 'sit' point, then play your anim directly from the file in your inventory. You can make the poseball transparent so it does not show in your pics.

    However both of these need object rez allowed at the place you are taking pics.

    Thank you for these tips.. :)

  5. So here's my situation.  I get my chacater in the perfect pose (either using a purchased pose or anypose).  And then I need to phyically position my avatar somehere else just a tiny bit.

    But when I move left or right or forwards backwards the distance my avi moves is quite big,

    Is there a way to just nudge my posed character left, right, front, back just a tiny tiny bit?  Anyone know?

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  6. I have searched all of Market place, and I can only really find older costumes for Dracula or Vampire and nothing specificially for legacy.

    Anyone have any suggestions for stores in world that may do something.  I am preferably looking to create the classic 'gothic vampire' but open to any 'Dracula' stule costume, as long as its high quality.

    If you have any ideas.. please let me know :)

  7. On 7/15/2022 at 6:20 AM, diamond Marchant said:

    I have a 2021 Lenovo Legion 5 15IMH05 Laptop

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz (2591.99 MHz)
    Memory: 32676 MB
    Concurrency: 12
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19044.1826)
    Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
    Graphics Card Memory: 4096 MB

    This laptop is light, runs cool, no fan noise...  I normally operate at High + graphics but go to Ultra for photography, 40+ fps typical. Also, looks like a business laptop, no gratuitous gamer styling.


    I was looking at this. 

    • AMD Ryzen 7 5800H Processor
    • RAM: 8 GB / Storage: 512 GB SSD
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 6 GB
    • 221 FPS when playing Fortnite at 1080p
    • Full HD screen / 120 Hz

    Any good.  Any issues.. What will my SL ecperience be like with this?

    The main reason i am looking to get a new laptopo - curretly use a 32gb 2016 Macbook.  (intel based chip not M1)  So still reasonably high spec, and the last model before the M1 chips came out.  But using SL on it can be a very HOT and NOISY experience, and depending here I am in SL, drame rates can drop to as low as 4 or 5, and be very slow.  I also like photpgraphy is SL, and so do use ultra settings fior photpgraphy.  Size of screen not so bothered about.  My cyrret Mac is 16" and found that ok.

  8. On 7/15/2022 at 2:29 AM, Lindal Kidd said:

    PC Gamer has this one in their "best gaming laptops of 2022"roundup. The model with 32GB of RAM is right at around $2,000.

    Lenovo Legion 5i Pro Gen 6 (16") with RTX™ 3070

    But if it was me, I would not buy ANY laptop for SL. They tend to run hot, and their displays are tiny. If all I had was a laptop, I would also want a great big 4K TV to hook up to it.

    Thanks.  I'll take a look.  has to be a laptop, as will be using it for work too, and so need portability

  9. On 5/20/2022 at 4:53 PM, TaraSimone Sixpence said:

    @Lindal KiddAhh a voice of sanity in the wilderness. And I let Miro know in the FS group on line. Gave him the link. Up to FS to deal with it now. And to @Silent Mistwalkerpeople have incredibly short memories.

    To repeat what it says in the first post. This is only information I wanted to share with the Mac Firestorm community, to help someone else avoid the two hours of frustration I had. I honestly do not care if you are on the LL viewer or some other, nor what OS you use. It is none of my business nor is it of any importance to me. This was an information post about a problem and how to fix it. Next time, I may just keep the solution and problem to myself to avoid the rude answers.

    I for one, am glad you took the time to share the information.  Thank you

  10. On 6/27/2022 at 7:03 PM, Anicha Heartsong said:

    Jordon, try checking to see if a process called 'kernel task' is running and taking control of the most of the CPU availability. It's a MacOS function, designed to 'capture' all the processing power when the machine is getting overloaded or too hot, as a way of protecting the hardware from excessive use.

    It's legit, but really, really annoying.

    It might be that which is also interfering with your wifi. That might seem illogical, but kernel task manages to interfere with just about everything.

    It would be interesting to know if that's the case - but if it is, then there's not a whole lot to be done about it. You could try installing apps such as MacFans or TG Pro which allow you to increase the fan speed. I find this helps a little in keeping kernel task under control.

    Doing exactly this now - to see what happens.  Not 100% sure I'll know if the figures in the activity monitor are higher than they should be. but will paste sopme results here showing before the speed dropped, and what they were when the speed dropped.

  11. On 6/21/2022 at 8:09 PM, ClNDARELLA said:

    This issue just started last night.  After about 30 minutes of being logged into world, I froze.  I thought it was a SL issue, but when the screen went gray, I realized it was my WiFi connection.  Took me a bit to figure out how to reconnect, but finally I did and logged back in to world.  In less than 10 minutes, the same thing happened. Kicked off my WiFi. It was late, so I fixed it and shut down for the night.  Today, I logged into world and after 15 minutes, lost my WiFi connection.  It's definitely an In World only problem for me as I have no issues elsewhere.  Is this a unique issue for me or has anyone else out there having the same trouble?

    I am running Windows 11 on an Asus Tuf Gaming AMD Ryzen 5. 

    Something similar began happening to me around the same date (a week ago).  After about 10 minutes of logging in, my internet speed drops from around 70mbps to around 5mbps, making SL effectively unusuable.  Once I logo out after about 5 mins speed returns to 70mbps.

    I have re-booted my router.  I have deleted and re-installed my wi-fi connection from scratch.  i have even tried using a VPN, as I was suspicious that my internet provider may be throttling my speed when using SL.  But same things still happens.

    Let me know if you resolve the issue, and what you did to resolve it.

    • Like 1
  12. Anyone any ideas what could be happening here?  Over the last week or, some weird internet speed issue has begun to affect my MAcbook Pro, after using SL.

    My speed over Wi-Fi is usually around the 50-70Mbps mark.  However over last week, whenever I open SL after a few minutes my speed drops to around 4 or 5Mbps.  But remains like that even after termimating the SL OR Firestorm app.  The only way to get it back up to speed again, is usually by rebooting my machine.

    BUT the werdest part is this.  This is only affecting the machine I am using with SL.  So even though the speed drops on my Macbook to around 5Mbps, it remains at the usual 50-70Mbps on all other devices - inluding other apple devices.

    Speed only drops on my Macbook, and only ever after launching Firestorm or SL Viewer.  Anyone any ideas whats happening?

    Below are some screen shots showing thre speeds of three devices, the lower one being my Macbook, after I launched and terminated the SL app.  9These examples are afyter using Firestorm.  But also checked if same happens using SL Viewer and it does)

    Macbook - After starting and then ending Firestorm once the speed dropped


    iMac - tested at the same time



    iPhone - tested at the same time


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  13. I'd like to take some short smooth 'zooming in and rotating' live video style photos of my Avatar.  But if I try to do this manually I often will speed up or jerk my camera movements as i rotate and zoom my camera

    Anyone know if there a way to do this smoothly or automatically?  Or a 'pose turntable' or turn and zoom tool that I can purchase to srt up a desired short 'rotate and zoom'


  14. On 1/30/2022 at 12:21 AM, Whirly Fizzle said:

    You don't say which viewer you are using but if you happen to be using Firestorm, we have better DoF support since my old post  :)

    In Firestorm & later...

    • Added free-aim mouse and focus lock in Depth Of Field
      This feature makes setting focus point for Depth of Field (DoF) snapshots so much easier if you do not have a Spacenavigator mouse
      Preferences → Graphics → Depth of Field → Depth of Field focus follows pointer
      Phototools → DoF/Glow → Depth of Field focus follows pointer
      When this setting is enabled, Depth of Field (DoF) focus will follow your mouse pointer.
      This behaviour matches that seen when using flycam with a Spacenavigator mouse or similar.
      Use this option in conjunction with DoF focus lock: World → Photo and Video → Depth of Field focus lock ( Shortcut ALT+SHIFT+X )
      See this feature in action HERE

    Thank you - yes Firestorm - but on a Mac.  I find to get depth of field to be visible in my shots outside of SL, I have to really ramp up the DOF in SL - to the point it looks super blurry in SL, but is fine when I then open the shot in Photoshop.  Not sure if this is normal behaviour, or specific to my Mac version of Firestorm.

  15. On 12/30/2017 at 1:05 AM, Whirly Fizzle said:

    Alt+left click on the object you want to be in focus.
    If you happen to have a space navigator mouse, the focus will always be under the mouse cursor.

    LIFE SAVER.  Just could not work out how to focus on my face once I had set my depth of field how I wanted it.  THIS SOLVED MY ISSUE.  PERFECTLY!!!   (and also I'd like to take this opportunity to also prove my point to some of the moderators of this forum that the OLD POSTS ARE STILL VALUABLE.  As prevoulsy they have kind of suggested to me I shouldn't really be adding stuff to older posts as they may be out of date or no longer accurate.  I get that.  But this proves how older posts can equally be invaluable.  Thank you Whirly Fizzle for this - albeit it from 5 years ago!!).

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