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Everything posted by TalentBoy

  1. Yes i did that the first time. later i saw the tree again but the leafs was made invisible. The problem was same for me. It doesn't matter if he made them invisible. Second time i talk to his landlord and they gone now. Obvious the neighbor on my parcels long side is his friend so she put up ban lines now for me (roll eyes). But that is easy to fix with set show ban lines off. Do not know why some try to use others land for them self. Small encroach will always be as the trees is build on square pics, but when a half palm tree hang over it is to much. The other neighbors is okay ☺️
  2. The neighbor log in a few hours after landlord had sent him a note. and he moved it from my parcel. Next time i do as many here suggested, hit the return button . 😎
  3. Okay, update.. Get in contact with landlord that come and look. We agree to wait to weekend, if he not fix it we use tools
  4. Thanks for answer! Yes maby the best to contact his landlord again and send all back if it happends again. I have take pics of it to have my back free.
  5. Yes that is a good point. I tryed to include a pic but link was not valid. Three times is 2 to much but at the same time i like my parcel and want to stay (bought parcel, he rent his). His house is all in one , trees is child-prims to a prim in house and i will probably send half house back if i try. At the same time i do not want to be a pain and sent all back
  6. A bit irritated on my neighbor on mainland. Asked him before to remove the tree's hanging over my parcel. He did for a while. Then he restored them back. So i contacted his landlord and he fixed it so i was happy. Now suddenly he have move all back! I'm not sure if he do that to get an reaction from me or what it is. Anyhow, i do not want to be rude and just sent all back as 30% is linked with house. Any advise what to do? Send back? Go to landlord again? They are phantom but makes problem for me when i want to grab my things and hit his.
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