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Everything posted by Aenberyl

  1. I hope it wasn't malicious. My gut tells me it wasn't only because it's not like that particular store is some off-the-radar hole in the ground. This creator has a Flickr with many followers and a group with thousands of members. I didn't leave the sim for some time after the botched purchase so I can only assume it was a bug.
  2. Oddly enough, according to the seller's profile, they claimed they had an in-world re-delivery system via their mainstore. I searched everywhere for it before I made this thread--and asked dozens of people who shop there. One person said it use to be there but it seemingly vanished, so I don't know what that's all about on the sellers end. Even if they did remove it for some reason, they should have updated their profile with that information.
  3. I'm not sure where to even begin with this. So basically I spent a total of 5600 Lindens in-world for a particular item. The lindens were taken yet no item was received. There was no menu confirming if I wanted to pay, nothing. I have proof in my transaction history that my money was taken. I've done my research and this "glitch" has been occurring for seemingly as long as 2011-2015. Perhaps longer. Isn't that about eight or nine years? Users of Second Life have brought up this issue time and time again. How has it NOT been fixed after all this time? We are talking about literal currency that is being tossed around. I get it. No system is perfect and mistakes happen. But this is actual money Linden Labs is playing with here. I mean I hate to point fingers, but if it's your client--code--or what have you--then yes you have some sort of obligation. You can't just let an issue with your system go rouge and expect people with my problem to "take it up with the seller". You made the system. This brings me to my next point. Yes, I've contacted the seller and haven't heard anything back yet. I've seen some people here say (It's up to the seller if they either want to re-deliver your item or give you a refund. Or not. If they don't respond to you, you're out of luck.) No no no, a-thousand-times no. That isn't how it should be. That is an unprofessional and rocky system -if- that's how it actually goes. Every single seller is different and we as buyers shouldn't have to cross our fingers each time we need assistance with a purchase. From what I gather, there is no serious obligation for a seller to "make things right" on Second Life and that worries me. Are we seriously playing Russian roulette with cash each time we make an in-world purchase? Too long didn't read: For the last 8 or 9 years and maybe more, there has been a problem where in-world transactions fail. Money is taken from the user and no item is received. This can't be allowed to happen as often as it does. Is it THAT frequent? Who knows, but this is real money we're talking about so it happens more than enough.
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