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Everything posted by sunnyrio

  1. I assume those are the minority. And they are "running the game" for those who are doing it for pleasure. If I own a real life casino, people come in and play card games. It's a business to me, but that doesn't change the fact that what's happening in that building is the playing of card games. But you're not making choices. You have a pre-defined goal to make a certain garment. It's not like monopoly where you can go in different directions. In SL you don't have to do things one way, nor in chess. It's not up to Lindenlab. If I made a car and called it a spaceship, it wouldn't be a spaceship. No, I come in to educate you lot. And yes half my day is taken up playing Fallout 4, because the graphics are 10 times better, you actually interact with things - you can injure yourself, you get hungry, you get tired, the character in Second Life is just a drawing, a cardboard cutout that can fall 50 miles without damage, never sleeps, and never gets hungry. And the other characters in Fallout 4 actually interact with you, they're not random people you've never met just going about their business and not wanting to even talk.
  2. It's not designed for those who want some input to their senses. I could play games like SL in the 80s. I want immersive plots and immersive graphics. For those who are happy watching paint dry, SL is for you. The graphics on SL are no match for anything else made this century. You may be happy walking in SL, but you'd be happier walking with more to it. I didn't buy a computer to make it as fun as a book. I might aswell buy a book. It's fine if you're stoned or drunk to use a wolf, but I prefer things to be realistic. Of course graphics are everything. Why do you think people buy modern fast PCs? Why would you want to live in the past? There's no reason they can't upgrade the engine and keep the content as is. Just improve the textures, the number of render points etc. The data on what objects are where can stay the same. I never said Fallout 4 was multiplayer. And your points A to D make no sense. I've seen nothing but praise for Fallout 4 in their forums. It's a huge world just like SL, with far better graphics, and many interactions and an actual plot. Things you do alter the rest of the game! It doesn't focus on anything. I can do what I like in it. Some days I'll concentrate on designing and building my settlements. Some days I'll go exploring. Some days I'll go pick a fight. Fallout 4 is worth it, but get all the expansion packs so you can play in a much larger space. It's not ADHD, it's wanting interaction, which is part of being human. I'd have to become a robot to enjoy SL. And you'd better watch for net nannies in here. Using the acronym ADHD will get your post deleted. I got one removed for saying OCD. Interaction with who? Complete strangers who can't be bothered even talking? Would you walk into a pub and try to start a conversation? You won't get anything more than the football results out of anyone. SL is like that. I've never heard such utter nonsense. Anything that's better quality can be enjoyed more. I like music, but I hate hearing a nice classical piece played through a cheap stereo, it ruins it completely. It should sound realistic, as though you're actually in the concert hall.
  3. I shall redefine what I meant by machine. I was thinking of a mechanical device like a knitting machine, or a weaving loom. To play a game such a chess requires a computer, which has a lot more intelligence than a mechanical device. The point is whether thought is required. If it is, and it's enjoyable, it's a game. And stop disagreeing with me when you also think SL is a game!
  4. Oh my god, this is very simple, let me explain it once again. A game is an activity which you do for fun, and also involves interaction with choices. Watching TV, listening to the radio, reading a book: not a game, no interaction, the data is one way from the TV/radio/book to you. Knitting: there's interaction, but it's mindless, you're not thinking hard, you're just following a pattern. A machine can do it. Playing tennis/football/chess/scrabble/darts/solitaire/monopoly/etc: a game, it's fun and you have to make decisions to choose how it continues. Driving a car: there's interaction, but the sole purpose is to get you from A to B. So not a game, as it's main purpose is not fun, unless it's a race. Second Life is enjoyable, and interactive, with constant decisions to make. You don't just sit there and watch. So it's a game.
  5. I've never heard of anyone who doesn't call a jigsaw puzzle a game. Reading and watching a film don't qualify as games because they're not interactive. One of those murder mystery books they (used to) make for kids where you choose an option and go to a different page to end up in a different plot, that would be a game. I use the Linden viewer. I tried Firestorm and didn't like the control interface. It's possible a camera setting I changed for another reason is causing he problem. How do I record a video in Linden viewer? I can only see a button for a still photo. And in contradiction to Mollymews's experience. And also annoying when you're trying to navigate through a narrow hallway and can't see your own avatar. annoyance [random-number+1-here]: going to any place and not hearing constant phallic/sex jokes, references, and more.
  6. Political correctness is a stupid idea anyway. A good company listens to its customers. They should be reading the forums. Even the title of each thread shows if it's something they should be taking notice of. One? I've been given 50 suggestions and liked about 5 of them. I'd say I got what I wanted. Well if you're happy to play on a kids toy (get a real computer) and are satisfied with low quality graphics and poor interaction, all that says is you're easily pleased.
  7. You just reminded me of an image I saw on the internet with a naked man and a Range Rover. But this forum is too prudish to allow me to link to that.
  8. Then why not something more appropriate like a parrot? Unlike a wolf they can talk and fly, just like your avatar. I expect more from SL than a book. SL could be great, but the basics like the graphics engine are a decade or two out of date. Make it look as good as Fallout 4 (which is a brilliant adventure by the way, where you can also build stuff, collect stuff, talk to people, etc), then it will be a success. Tell me one place that's truly interactive. And I don't just mean the crap where you sit on a sofa and sort of kiss each other in an unconvincing manner. Now that sounds more interesting. Where is the golf range? For the same reason I don't throw things away at home that I rarely use. I moan about things that matter, not petty stuff like "Mr Smith said a rude word to me and I'm scarred for life!" The graphics are the whole basis of the game, or would you rather go back to chatrooms in text? I believe Fallout 4 can be multiplayer.... I asked a question of what there is to do, and have received about 4 useful answers, which I will try out someday. It's you lot that are pathetic and get upset if I don't like every single suggestion. It's not whining, it's providing insight into what the programmers should be doing to improve it. Has it actually been updated apart from a few bugfixes in the last 10 years? Real life has 100 times more things you can do, with 100 times the interactability.
  9. I do it because I want to and SL needs freedom. I think dressing up like a wolf is stupid, but I don't go moaning at anyone who does it.
  10. I do. But SL has a few advantages, like not actually dying, and not needing to go to work. If they could make SL better, it would be closer to RL. I don't understand why the graphics are about 10-15 years behind any other computer game. And why doesn't it connect to things like VR headsets? Obviously not as full as mine as I don't have the time to read these forums often. I usually wait until there's been 20 replies then do them all at once. It was on Olde English. Like Shakespeare, and I don't speak that. I couldn't tell you what thee or thou means. Is it the? It? You? Your? The ToS are over the top. Who cares if someone is naked or says a rude word? I even don't care about that in real life, and in here it doesn't affect you at all. All those things you listed sound like the "local community" crap I get in leaflets through my door, pointless clubs to join. I can find plenty to amuse myself with in real life, in fact there's too much to fit in. But almost all of that cannot be done in SL.
  11. Agreed. The thing is RL has a lot more in it. And each thing is more immersive. Go sailing in RL and you don't just view it on a screen, you feel it. SL needs more, it needs much better graphics (it's way behind any other game), and it needs a VR headset or preferably a suit. I need direct interaction with the surroundings.
  12. No, I have a fuller life than you and don't spend all my time in here. Maybe that's why you like SL, because your RL sux? And I'm not translating the text in that picture into English, in fact even Google Translate couldn't work it out. And just what did a 2 second clip of someone speaking add to that reply?
  13. The stargate area doesn't really have much to do, you just look at stuff. Nothing is interactive. If I wanted to create things in my own mind I could stare at a blank screen. So you mean the bots are just people mucking about and they don't all serve a real purpose? I've only seen ones that appear to serve a purpose - a bot dog which presumably is to make the game more realistic, and a bot prostitute which was there to earn the owner money. Oh, you dress up as the opposite sex. I see. No I haven't read them, at least you admit nobody does. You need OCD to read that rubbish. Being naked should never offend upset or get anyone banned. It's how we're born. And if you shout abuse at someone, that's only words. We need a new T&C entry. You get banned from SL for moaning about petty things. Like that would work, we all know it's easy to set up a new account. I saw a ten pin bowling alley once, but there was nobody there except the owner, who kept going away from keyboard. There just aren't enough people for the size of this thing. Not sure what you mean, but those who do read them certainly make a pest of themselves by reporting everything left right and centre. How about a ban for making more than one report a month? Sounds about as interesting as watching paint dry. I'm off to play a real game - fallout 4. Yeah, if you consider two cartoons making slightly naughty motions as anything remotely erotic. The only way it would be anything like erotic is if you were wearing VR kit and could actually move your avatar realistically, instead of following a few preset actions.
  14. Selecting the third standard camera (behind), walk into a wall, then rotate the camera. The camera goes the other side of the wall. Custom isn't the problem. I have the the same opinion as the Oxford English dictionary. You're not arguing about Second Life with me, you're trying to argue against an entire language.
  15. Hmmm, a previous poster said a game must have a goal. Knitting has a goal - completing the garment. So we can discount goal as a game requirement. Anyway catch is obviously a game, ask any child. Clearly one could be better than the other and be declared a winner.
  16. Depends what view you have. I like the position the camera a little way behind the avatar, imagine you're following the Avatar about 5 metres behind. There doesn't have to be an objective. There are plenty games, computer and not, which do not have scores or an objective. It's just fun. Consider the game of catch. You don't have to keep score. You could say catching the ball makes you feel good, but so does creating a house in SL, or interacting with things. Game is a word in the English dictionary, I'm going by that. It's not an opinion, but a fact.
  17. Doesn't help with 12. How did you get the camera to behave like that? Mine does not move forwards of its own accord.
  18. Why is it when someone can't handle an opinion other than their own, they shout troll? [Insert cliche about toys and prams and projectiles]
  19. I don't. I stopped playing it awaiting suggestions in here. I will then try those out and see if I find them fun.
  20. It's not a matter of opinion, it's a word in the English language: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/game "an entertaining activity or sport, especially one played by children, or the equipment needed for such an activity" SL certainly fits that bill.
  21. Which is a subset of "game". It's loaded into my PC's memory for my amusement, and I interact with it, which means it's a game. If I didn't interact it would be media, like watching a TV program.
  22. I can't remember what's missing, I tried firestorm to adjust little things like texture quality and to remove that annoying dot above my head, but it was replaced by another couple of annoyances. Camera control or something was less easy to use. The fix for the camera would be for the viewer to not render (or even better make 50% transparent) any object between the camera and your avatar. If you can't see what you're avatar is seeing, the camera is pointless. I never even knew there was such a thing as a profile until I hovered over someone and it said "no sex please"! Why wasn't I asked to fill this in during installation? Not sure why people say things like "dodgy website". You can't get a virus by visiting a site, you have to download something, by your own choice of clicking on something on that page. Lots of games don't have an objective. What you're quoting is just embellished advertising. Absolute twaddle. A game is a program run on a computer for fun. It can be solitaire, chess, a car racing game, a fighting game, anything. But it's for amusement so it's a game. A word processor is not a game, it's used for productive purposes. Which will continue until people stop believing this is something special. I'm guessing all these believers are also religious. It takes that kinda mindset. Gimme a link to that location. It's a technical issue when you can't see what you're doing! You've sorted the camera so a wall between the camera and your avatar isn't in the way? I'd love to know how. You like solitude but you run a company!? 11. I'll try that. So it'll keep my midday choice forever? 12. How did you get the camera to behave like that? Mine does not move forwards of its own accord. What an absurd attitude. Why not be helpful like others and make suggestions. Where do you draw the line? Chess - game, solitaire game, F1 racing - game. We can all agree there. But what about The Sims? Do you have some weird set rule that you use?
  23. Of course it's a game. There's no other word for it.
  24. What is the bot phenomenon? I'd say they interact less than the Sims. Most people have their own agenda and ignore nearby folk. With the Sims AI you get fights and stuff. Can you fight in SL? That would be fun. What are avs? If they made the graphics better I think I'd enjoy it more.
  25. It's hardly the end of the world if they get upset. Might try that actually, get naked and transport about.
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