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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Actually, no. I am who I am. There is the ignore.....
  2. Don't worry about it. It happens. these are the forums. I've learned that, and I'm new. It's sometimes hard for me to retain my composure, but I manage. And so can you!!!
  3. I talk endlessly...And bring up subjects like I have here.
  4. Jordan. try and relax a bit. You can't let yourself get this worked up.
  5. I'm very annoying both in RL and SL. People accept it better. But I have a very good heart, and some people can see it. .
  6. I'm simply annoying. That's my personality.
  7. I'm human. I can contradict myself sometimes, as do we all. So even a child would know? Well I didn't , so I asked. You probably read how that has been to my advantage through my education. There are no questions that we shouldn't ask if we don't know the actual answer. I'm not here to please or displease anyone. I'm simply myself. I have no enemies, but have made some very dear friends!!! I mean on the forums. Obviously not inworld. You know what I mean. And even though you are quite vehement at opposing me, I actually like you, as i said before.
  8. I don't think you would dislike any of my close friends. You already don't here in the forums. One person inworld perhaps....but I still have to make some judgements on that..... BTW, I was was channel surfing a bit and saw Xena come on. Your AV very much reminds me of Lucy Lawless!!! All I could see was you on the TV lol!! I mean that in a positive way!!!
  9. This is why you are one of my best friends.. I likely will never figure out how to stop annoying people though. That's just me.
  10. I ask questions when I don't know the answers. SL IS different than RL, so I ask questions to understand.
  11. I didn't know the answer to my question. And it's fair if you have come to dislike me. To explain better, I was the girl in college who pestered the professor, and everyone laughed at my questions. Somehow afterward it turned out that I was the one who got a 90%, and everyone else got a 60%.
  12. You are very correct that I outed my friends. It wasn't my intention, and it was my error. A very poor error actually. Fortunately, they are very capable of taking care of themselves. And very intelligent as well. And I will be right there supporting them if they falter.
  13. A combination of my personality and that. Most likely my personality. This thread really was about how much I care for my friends!!! Let me be the one judged. Not any one of you!!!
  14. I have to laugh a bit now. I was being protective of my friends, and I incited a hurricane...with absolutely no desire to have done so. All I did was show I care about my friends. And good. Let me be the target, not them!!! !!! Our friendships here are real, even if nothing else is!!! And make no mistake anyone....I care about my friends very much!!! They support me....and I support them!!!
  15. Where does that show I brought adult issues into this thread??? I will of course reply to adult issues as adult issues, so that's when it becomes...adult. Please reread my starting question.
  16. Oh I am...Just not malicious or angry.,,, My friends can tell you that.
  17. This topic was purely about friendship. Others brought the adult into it. And my Flickr thread was about that.
  18. Your entitled to your opinion. Notice I've never made any posts castigating anyone like you just did lol??? As RowanMinx so wisely pointed out to me, we reveal our inner selves through intellectual discussion.
  19. I can't disagree with you. It does. It is different though than living our fantasies. That's why inworld is so powerful, because it's both.
  20. Lol, I can't ask that question, because I already know the answer. I did appreciate your thoughtful reply btw. Thank you.
  21. That's exactly what I've been trying to do.
  22. I've been paid simply for showing someone my outfits, and not asking for money. They just paid because they wanted to, Yes the words are interchangeable. I was simply being a little more graphic with the term to illustrate my point. Of course we could all be pornstars. I'm going to do that as well. I'm exploring things in SL I would never do in RL. It's different here in the forms, because we aren't exposing our inner selves. This is more intellectual discussion, although that happens inworld too many times.
  23. I was being more forward to get my point across more poignantly.
  24. I still believe though that people are indeed judged by the company they keep. Even if it is subconsciously. I don't want my friends looked down upon because they "hang out" with someone who is an SL prostitute.
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