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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. No. The rocks could not have formed afterwards.
  2. It doesn't, but it was enjoyable to watch!!!
  3. Lol, that has nothing to do with the concept of absolute non existence!!!
  4. That's not my point actually. In order to peer back at anything, it had to exist. I'm talking about total lack of existence. Absolute 0. Not even a state where physical laws exist. And I totally agree. Playing the ball where it lies is the best we can do, and all we have to work with.
  5. Now another question. Everything came from nothing. I mean total, absolute nothing. Where did the physical laws of existence come from?
  6. I fully agree. Belief is based on knowledge and experiences, and also what we have been brought up with. I personally can't just suddenly believe in something.
  7. Interesting concept of the dinosaurs coexisting with man. There is the possibility of dragons being based on fossils that were found by people in the past. Do you have any sources stating that "soft" bits were found. and dated?
  8. Yes. And our spinal cords also store memory. https://www.nytimes.com/1999/09/21/health/no-dullard-spinal-cord-proves-it-can-learn.html
  9. In any case, this thread is meant for a complex topic, not for interpersonal issues.
  10. Takes one to know one!!! Smirking as I stick my tongue out at you!!! Oops, that last part should have been in private.
  11. We subconsciously comprehend things before we can consciously asses them. The person across the room is an example of that. It's based on our past experiences. I'm not discounting your propositions of telepathy or psychic phenomena. The possibility is not 0. But, I am skeptical.
  12. I must have a psychic connection with you lol!!!
  13. This is why my inworld friends are so disgusted by the forums.
  14. Then simply don't reply. No waste of your time then.
  15. Not necessarily. Quantum entanglement is known. All I can ever know, is that I exist. Cogito, ergo sum.
  16. That isn't telepathic. It relates to the nature vs. nurture debate.
  17. I don't discount that. But I am highly skeptical of "pure" telepathy in the sense of being able to read someones thoughts. And hypothetically, if someone could, they would likely never admit it.
  18. An interesting article I found : https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/machines-that-read-your-brain-waves/
  19. Go places that interest you, and say hi. Not everyone will respond, and some can be somewhat "unfriendly". But many people will respond in a friendly way, so just talk to them!!!!
  20. Thanks!!! It was a quick "as it happens" shot of a friend's eye. Otherwise I could have adjusted her eye position with Lumipro. It's also raw.
  21. It wasn't meant to be, but I see what you mean.
  22. I must admit, I liked your old look better. But nice though.
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