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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. LOL, of course. What's your Flickr address?
  2. I always worry about that. For me, definitely not. I love this pic!!!
  3. You will. You will develop your own style. I takes time and effort, but if you want to strongly enough, you will.
  4. I agree with Scyll. I will also say you've succeeded!!! I always look forward to seeing your newest pic. I still remember the frying pan one. It looked great and made me laugh!!! Happy Holidays!!!
  5. I'm not arguing your point. I'm just stating which look I personally like better. Others might prefer this new look.
  6. A very mood setting pic, that makes me wonder what's happening there. I love it!!!
  7. I see where you're going with this, but I liked the original look better.
  8. You like guns, don't you? Great professional sniper look!!!
  9. I totally agree with you. Anything can look good with the right accessories, and right angle and lighting. I'm not crazy about this look for you with the bangs. But you look great with the glasses, and a different angle. Looking good inworld is very different than looking good in a forum or Flickr pic, as you, and everyone else knows.
  10. Thanks. The pic needs some work, but I don't know if I should change my hair... or nor not... to anything else. I'm experimenting, but it seems to work for this look!
  11. On you, that hair looks spectacular!!! On me, just sort of OK. These are just quick unrefined snaps so my look is viewable with each hair. The third I just added with the demo. I personally prefer my old one. The second pic. What does everyone else think?
  12. I couldn't find the Jessie hair, but I found something similar in the store. The Vicky hair demo. It looks way better on your AV than mine. At Least I think so.
  13. What hair do you have? I'm curious what it would look like with my "Toy" AV.
  14. Yes, but do remember the scene in "Raiders of the Lost Ark", where Indiana Jones faces the guy twirling the sword? To risk sounding like the late Stan Lee, "Nuff said".
  15. I like sex and portrayed violence. The look of a dangerous woman holding a gun. In the same way most people who go and see a movie do. I don't like or dislike them. They are simply tools in my opinion. In cinema and photography guns provide a psychological impact. I had no Idea what H&k referred to until I looked it up.
  16. I took these pics a short while ago. I found them interesting because it looks like an interaction between a couple, and combined with the second one, some form of resolution to something. Perhaps an argument. That wasn't actually the case. We were spending some time with Permaruthed at the Winter Art Exhibit, and enjoying ourselves. Interesting how deceiving some pics can be. Both SL and RL.
  17. With my friend Xandra, who was kind enough to gift me this Bizon. She is definitely not someone to fool with!!!
  18. Incredible as usual. I'm jealous. But that just means I have to try harder, and learn more!!!
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