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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. This is a great technique for controlled circumstances!!!I can't do this with most of mine, because I can't just stop the action when it's happening. So use a number of different approaches, depending on the background complexity. One pic, I made 3 background copies. I shifted underlying layer to the left, and started erasing from top layer. Once it looked decent, I merged the two top layers. Then I shifted the underlying layer to the right and repeated the process. Then merged those, and fine tuned with clone stamp and blur. This was because clone and healing brush didn't look good. In most cases clone stamp is my "go to", and works great!!!
  2. I don't know anything about stylized but I can certainly say that photorealistic is very time consuming and can be expensive. It took me many hours of demos just to pick one particular hair!!!
  3. What's the main reason you go to music clubs?. I mean for meeting people, getting hooked up, chatting, other reason?
  4. Thank you so much!!!! I actually don't like Bagnu. I picked a random word to signup, and didn't realize it would be used for anything other than to login. Scylla has a promo for hers in her bottom bar. I have an art gallery on the island, and had an exhibit for the winter diabetes charity, which was still up this weekend, oddly enough. IM me inworld so I can send you LM's!!!!
  5. This is at Scylla's exhibit with one of my friends. We found it very beautiful and thought provoking, and discussed her exhibit at length.
  6. Thanks!!! It was in the "people" dropdown under "Comm". Sending an IM still unblocks people, but I don't interact with this person. It's purely a seller buyer relationship. But now I understand how this works.
  7. I accidentally muted a creator sending me updates. I want updates, and I have no idea how to unmute them. Could someone please help with this?
  8. What a beautiful pic!!! it has a Norman Rockwell feel to it. A slice of everyday life.
  9. Thanks!!! I didn't like the store pic, because I thought it looked "cartoony". I tried so many demos that didn't work for the look I was trying for, that I was getting frustrated. I just clicked on it out of frustration. I was so surprised when I saw how it looked!!! I have both materials turned on
  10. Thanks!!! It's blurry because I had to crop the shot a lot. I was focused on spending time with Katie, so i didn't take many pics. I wasn't concentrating on zoom or framing . I looked at the pics later, and thought a couple would be fun to work up!!! Lol, please call me Sandor.
  11. I simply thought Orwar had made a public post that I had missed regarding photoshop. I was curious to read what his perspective was on the subject.
  12. Does anyone know what Orwar said? In any case it would be a shame if Laika stopped posting. She's a very talented artist. Accomplishing what she does without any post is extremely impressive in my opinion.
  13. I went dancing with my old friend Katie. It looks like I was looking for a spot, but it was her that was looking. I just followed.
  14. LOL, I wanted to show you inworld today!!! I thought you were busy, so I didn't ask. It took me many hours to find.!!!
  15. Thanks!!! It's DOUX - Nashaly hairstyle [BLOGGER PACK].
  16. Lol, that wouldn't be appropriate for the forums. Thank you!!! I want to know what others think too!!!
  17. This pic is raw. I just cropped it slightly. I had to get new hair for this AV, because the alpha textures were causing conflicts. The skin was poking through the dress where the alphas were causing issues. I'm curious what everyone thinks of this new hair. Please comment!!!
  18. This is such a fun pic!!! I love the duplication effect.
  19. Photoshop is a tool, just like a paintbrush. It's the artist that makes the pic. The tools make the expression possible. I say Hooray to Matt, to you, and everyone else here for creating and sharing their wonderful imagery!!!
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