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Everything posted by LavenaKydd

  1. I apologize that you feel that way. I was in no way trying to be snarky & rude. And if you had read the previous comments you’d see why I responded the way I did. And if you had read further you’d see everyone having a conversation and the situation being understood and cleared up. I wasn’t talking down to ANYBODY. I simple stated “instead of asking questions, they responded rather immaturely and I wanted people to know they could have simply either ignored the post or offer advice.” And don’t you think you’re being snarky and rude yourself? You tell me to apologize but than went ahead and said something like “Your someone I wouldn’t want to have an honest conversation with?” I think you also owe me an apology yourself for assuming, judging, and trying in some shape or form belittle me. I do sincerely apologize to those I may have offended with my response however that was long cleared up. I would like an apology for you assuming something that never took place in my mind, for you judging me when you don’t even know me, and for you trying to belittle me to make yourself seem right or righteous. Please and thank you. And next time, before you respond: Don’t contradict yourself. It takes away from the sincerity that you were trying to portray for the people but in the end made it about yourself. And don’t worry, I wouldn’t want to seat and have a conversation with you either. Guess we both dodged a bullet.🤷🏽‍♀️
  2. Basic stuff like walking, chatting and what you go through when you are getting the basics down for your avatar in SL. Yes, I should have led with a different work instead of the "grid." I'm not assuming people are here to date. They can simply just say they don't date and explain. The question itself is not exclusive to fact that you have to be dating on SL to answer the question. It can be as simple as a no with a why or as simple as yes with a why.
  3. I'm not sure if you were offering advice here or just being sarcastic. If you could elaborate your thought process when responding, that would be lovely. Thank you.🙂
  4. Thank you Love & animats for helping better understand the situation. It's just sometimes, I see a lot of people reply back in the forums with some negative filler just because they can. I genuinely wanted to really understand what new people to SL experience when they come to Second Life and write about it because I know everyone view Second Life differently.
  5. Okay, I noticed some of the many here has taken this the wrong way. I even noticed that some of you went out of your way to be immature about it, instead of just ask the question "Hey, can you go into more details about this?" but I get it. You're still operating on a child-like mentality. So, I won't concern myself with the likes of people that simply can't have a conversation nor communicate properly. Thank you for putting in the effort to be so negative just to make yourselves feel so special or smart. I hope it made your day better and made the burden of your life feel weightless. Sorry to those who may have seen this as aggressive. That really wasn't my intention. And also thank you to those that has advised me that I won't get what I'm looking for here. I really appreciate it. I have taken in the fact that newbies that really know about the forums really. So, thank you again 🙂
  6. Hello! Welcome to Second Life! My name is Lavender Mocha-Aiko and I'm a writer for a new & upcoming magazine on SL. I'm writing on article that's solely based on the new residents that has entered SL as of 2023. I would like to seat and chat with some new SL residents to get your ideas on when you entered the metaverse. Here are some guideline questions for you, so when you reach out. There will be a better understanding of what we will be talking about. Please message me on here first. I'll be checking daily hour by hour to make sure I'm getting responses. Here are the questions: 1. When joining, what were your expectations? 2. Were your expectations met? Why or Why not? 3. What was the first thing you did when you went pass the basic stuff; your real true adventure? 4. What do you think of the overall SL community? 5. What have you experienced mainly on the grid? 6. What are you are your most memorable encounters and your worst? Why they were memorable and why they were your worst? 7. What is the SL dating scene like for you? Explain 8. What are your views on the sims you've visited around SL? (Pick your top 3 and explain what stood out to you: both good or bad or both) 9. What would you say is lacking in the community when you entered it as a new resident? 10. What are your hopes, dreams, and goals for your Second Life? Business Inquires: kyddlavender@gmail.com [Business affiliation redacted by moderator] Any questions, please feel free to message me here or email me.
  7. I have filled out the application. Hope to hear from you soon about the interview. :3 My headshot is included as well :3 If you have any questions at all. You can reach me via email: kyddlavender@gmail.com. Thank you and Happy New Year!
  8. Hey! I’m so happy that you would love to be a part of the Acting Agency. For me, no skill is small. Anything you can bring to the table is helpful in all ways. Please friend me in-world @LavenaKydd Resident. I would love talk more with you and all things Agency. I also have someone that is good with marketing and is able to keep us realistic in terms of this project. I would love to hear back.❤️❤️
  9. I first want to start off saying *NO ONE WILL GET PAID* Reason why I'm stressing that is because I've been in work with people where they say they will pay but DON'T. And I'm not going to act like I have money to pay anyone when I don't. However, I'm not saying I won't be working towards a goal for that. But first, let me tell you more about the idea. Now, I call it an idea because obviously it's not even in the works yet because I noticed I'll need people to make it work. Like, obviously sponsors-- but I'll get into that later. So far, the idea is surrounded by "Acting." Will I branch out to something more if it takes off? If possible, then yes. I noticed that in second life where there is everything, there isn't an acting agency--at least to what I haven't seen. And in RL, I'm a major for that exact entertainment. I want to write script and put on a show. But how can I do that, when there isn't a stage or a place to do that. HENCE, the Acting Agency. I don't mind a co-owner considering it takes more than one person to run a ship. But this is to be a fun experience, hoping to make it more. What I'm hoping to look for are... Writers - Who are passionate about their writing. I'm not to judge anyone's writing, I'll hear, I'll suggest, and we'll work to make it come to life. Making it have a place to stand. Videographers' - People to record scenes, suggest, and make it a motion picture. Photographer's - To take photo's, lead, suggest, and do what's best for the photoshoot. Actor's - To star or be part of filming Actress - To star or be part of filming. Director's - To help lead the film. With shooting, what shots are needed, acting choices, and so on. Things are mainly sometimes too subject to change on set. Ofc, more things may be needed but like every agency. We start off small. I want this to be a fun experience, but everyone will be treated as professionals. Actors and Actresses are expected to memorize their scene or script for said-so shoot day. If anyone is interested you can email at kyddlavender@gmail.com, IM me in-world at LavenaKydd, reach me over Facebook at Lavender Mocha-Aiko. All of this, this are working methods to reach me. I always check my emails mainly. But I'll be checking here as well.
  10. Hello, I'd like to express my interest. Is there a time we can meet in-world to discuss more in detail what you are specifically looking for in terms of talent. I'm on the same time as Second Life. :3 Let me know when your available. :3
  11. Hello, my name is Lavender. I'm from LUXE LA, current resident. We are hosting an event for tomorrow and we are in need of DJ's ASAP who is willing to stay for the duration of time needed. There is a application attached to this forum so you can sign up if you are interested. Event will be held on: October 20, 2020 at 10am PDT/SLT, if any of you are in EST, that'd be at 1pm EST. If you have any questions please contact me or Elle through any of these social media outlets below or IM us on SL. Please feel free to check out our web page @https://luxesl.com/ You can reach me in my IM's on SecondLife: @LavenaKydd & @lethalmircowaves By email: @ kyddlavender@gmail.com Discord: @ LavenderKydd#4217 or Aervias#3498 My instagram: @lavenderkydd.vu or @lavender_uni My Blog: @ https://panchoosabrina.wixsite.com/lavenderpanchoo Or just fill out this application to make things quick and easy:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-sNbG5AogvQJLRoTYaKnd1_Ai5nhEOmQGWWbfF9Fq1M/edit
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