My name is Phloc. Although I’m a noob I was actually born in 2007 and enjoyed SL for three or four years. After wandering in the RL wilderness for 10 years, the Lindens have kindly allowed me to rejoin with all the old stuff I accumulated. Why did I return? - Loneliness? Unfinished business? Boredom? Curiosity? Higher purpose? Learning? - Really a combination of all these and more.
It’s always been fascinating to me how we come to be who we are, not genetically but environmentally: What was the chain of events that led to me being THE me that I am and not someone completely different. I’ve devoted many years in RL to research driving a taxi on the night-shift. Granted taxi-driving isn’t the only occupation that interacts one-on-one, face-to-face with 5 thousand humans each year but it does allow a unique perspective on society in a couple of respects: First: most other “people” occupations only deal with small sectors of society - nurses with the sick; cops with criminals; bar staff with drunk party people - but the cohort of taxi passengers is a random cross-section of the whole society. Second: in the time BSP (Before Smart Phone) people travelling in a taxi generally had nothing much to do for the duration of the trip and a driver adept at striking up conversation could delve deeply into the interests and history of just about everyone. That was especially true at night as the taxi was a warm, dark, intimate, anonymous space - the sort that that encourages candour in anyone inclined to chat - rich or poor, young or old, married, single, female, male, company director, builders labourer, scientist - it didn’t matter.
Empirical observation informs me that I and every one of you are the product of all the choices we’ve made over the course of our lives and, importantly, that we make 90 percent of them before we’re old enough to know we’ve made them. Childhood choices I made left me a “Loner” for much of my life. I’m also curious; I’m caring; I need to matter; I need to help; I’m confident; I’m competent but above all I’m lonely. Coming back to Second Life I’m hoping to find others I can talk to who’ve noticed things about the human family they find it difficult or controversial to explain to “normal” people; others who feel a need to share and debate their knowledge, understandings and conclusions in a non-judgmental friendly, safe space.
I’m also certain that choices made when we were very young were made to please those we depended on for survival and are the reason (as Theroux put it) "Most of us live lives of quiet desperation”. As children we couldn’t make the positive, self-affirming, supportive choices needed to create the framework for achieving all we wish in life but we can do so now, at any age, with a little help and guidance. So I’m hopeful that people who’d like to achieve better outcomes or simply to chat about the difficulties re-doing those early choices will say hello and talk with me over a cup of coffee, on the dance floor or by a fire and maybe accept my help to leave any residual toxic shame behind and move on. I started a group many years ago called “The Phloccers” and those who wish to stay in touch are welcome to join.